Past Simple

Speak about the formation and possible uses of the Past Simple Tense, irregular verbs. Refer to the chart in the section Verb System of the course and your grammar course book.

EXERCISE 8. Translate into English using the Past Simple.

1. Мои родители в прошлом году переехали в другой район города.

2. Все выглядели расстроенными и не знали, что сказать.

3. Старик всегда носил странную (strange-looking) шляпу и курил сигары.

4. Когда мы учились в школе, Тед никогда не приходил вовремя, он всегда


5. Я постучала в дверь, но никто не ответил. Очевидно, дома никого не было.

6. Куда ушел Билл? Он оставил записку?

7. Хорошо мы вчера провели время (to have a good time), правда? - Да, это был

прекрасный вечер.

8. Вчера вы не ответили на мой вопрос. Вы готовы ответить сейчас?

9. Мои очки! Где ты их нашел? - Вы положили их на окно.

10. Где человек, который был здесь минуту назад? На нем была синяя куртка и

джинсы (to have on).

11. Майк ничего не брал с твоего стола. Он вошел, положил какие-то бумаги на

стол и вышел.

12. Роберт писал мне каждую неделю, но я не хотела отвечать на его письма.

13. Сейчас я сожалею об этом.

(English Tenses: Grammar Practice Activities N.Dementyeva N.Akimova)

COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2. Read the story about Red Riding Hood. How is it different from the one you know? Example: Little Red Riding Hood didn’t live with her uncle in a house on the beach. She lived …

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood lived with her uncle in a house on the beach. One day, Little Red Riding Hood's uncle asked her to take a bucket full of grapes to her grandfather. Her grandfather liked to make wine, and he couldn't pick the grapes himself because he had malaria. Little Red Riding Hood left home and began to walk along the sand to her grandfather's castle. She walked for a couple of hours and then stopped to eat a hamburger.

Here she saw the Big Bad Goat. She turned red in the face, because the Big Goat was so handsome. The Goat asked, "Where are you going little girl?" She said, "I'm going to my grandfather's. I'm bringing him grapes." The Goat took a taxi to her grandpa's and got there first.The Goat drank wine with the grandfather, dressed up in his best suit, and got in bed with him. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the Goat got out of bed and played the piano for her. But suddenly, the window of the house flew open and a trolleybus driver came into the house. The Goat didn't have any money, so he ran away. Thus, Little Red Riding Hood was saved.

The English Sentence. Word order 3

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