

16. Different definitions of phoneme. Features of a phoneme, these features are revealed through phonological oppositions. Clear ‘l’ and dark ‘l’ – allophones, ‘b’ and ‘p’ – different phonemes. Allophones can’t be found in the same position. Status of the schwa-vowel. Activity – active (Moscow school). Prague school (circle) – it is an archiphoneme, capable of imitating all other phonemes. Affricates and diphthongs. 5 features. Types of phonological oppositions – Vasiliev’s book and Introduction to Linguistics (Phonetics).

17. Semi-vowels belong to the system of consonants - [w] and [r] (more voice than noise). A weak function of the obstructer mechanism. Contribution of each mechanism. The leading mechanism. (vowels – the resonator mechanism, it specifies voice; consonants – the obstructer mechanism, the place, the active organ, the type of obstruction) Length is not a distinctive feature.


  1. A text with the following task (one task): develop a fragment of a lesson, (skip presentation, phonetic drill) based on reading + speaking. Searching reading, comment, add, compare information, prompts: questions
  2. Three texts (3 letters to an editor of a newspaper, 3 entries of a diary). 1) think of a reading task that will cover all the three texts 2) offer at least 3 speaking tasks (be ready to give a sample of how you expect them to be done) 3) develop a few exercises to practice the vocabulary or structures that the student will need to discuss the target issue.
  3. A text 1) suggests at least 2 tasks in reading + speaking; 2) the text is grammatically focused on the use of …Suppose it is a class for 11th formers; develop a reader-oriented rule, explain how the structure or the form can be translated in different contexts and what helps to understand its contextual meaning
  4. A text 1) find 4-5 examples of challenging sentences and adapt them so that they can be understood by 8th formers of non-specialized schools, 2) suggest 2-3 issues that can be discussed by your learners in connection with the topic of the text; give a list of key-words and key-phrases concerning 1 of these issues
  5. Read the letter of 14-year old girl and select some important vocabulary items your learners may not understand; 1) develop a task to ease their comprehension; 2) give at least 2 speaking tasks based largely on the text
  6. Find in the text and explain the meaning of the vocabulary items that may not be familiar to the learners; provide 2-3 tasks that would enable the students to discuss the issue of the text more objectively than it treated in the text (provide scaffolding)
  7. Find some idiomatic phrases and provide a matching task (explanations in random order); ask several questions (4-6) related to the topic of the text but to the actual events of the story (on the level of general human experience, issues worth discussing). This will lead to a general discussion
  8. Read the 6 short texts and think of 6 topic sentences for a matching task; think of 2-3 other tasks that would make it easier for the learners to discuss the issue.
  9. A number of short texts, read them and think of a speaking task you will conclude the lesson with. Develop a few exercises to practice the vocabulary or structures.
  10. Read the text and develop a set of true/false statements to check comprehension of the main points, Single out the target structure and give a least 2 drilling tasks to practice it in a life-like communicative situation.
  11. Read the text about a certain person and think of the best task to check comprehension (multiple choice, right order of the events, giving a title to each part of the text, matching, ranging). Develop the task in detail. What new or recently introduced grammar phenomenon is it based on? Offer a couple of drills to practice it in a life-like communicative situation.
  12. Adapt the following high school text for the purpose of oral comprehension of the learners of middle-class. Formulate several argumentative statements with which your learners might agree or disagree.
  13. Read the following text which is a summary of the novel. Adapt it for aural comprehension. Help the students to formulate what the book is chiefly about. Supple a multiple choice of 4 options.
  14. Read the quiz and develop your own quiz to get your students to find out on of the following things about themselves. Develop a list of words and phrases that you would recommend as active vocabulary to enable your students to discuss the issue you have chosen.
  15. Give clear-cut directions before your students listen to the text. If the directions require the additional scaffolding, provide it.
  16. Think of 2-3 speaking tasks that will necessitate interaction – team work, pair or group work.

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