Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог, где это возможно. Переведите



Раскройте скобки, переведите предложения

1. You are right, (absolutely) 2.1 got to bed at twelve, (always) 3. Do you go to parties? (ever) 4. You can be sure of anything, (never) But you can trust me. (certainly) 5. They meet every weekend, (usually) 6. My friends invite me to the theatre, (occasionally). 7.1 have had such a shock! (never) 8. They met again, (never) 9.1 remember meeting those people, (definitely).

Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог, где это возможно. Переведите

1. They offered me the vacancy. 2. The boss has given us all the instructions. 3. We showed the girls our buys. 4. Father promised Ted a new skateboard. 5. Somebody told him the truth. 6. The manager sent them the fax last night. 7. Ben offered the fellow a beer. 8. The expert recommended the client several solutions to the problem. 9. Grandmother gave me a wonderful cookery book. 10. Our partners promised us support and understanding. 11. The policemen showed us the way to the Tower. 12. They paid him a pretty sum of money. 13. They filled the glasses and made another toast. 14. They took these examples from literature.

3. Переведите предложения с модальным глаголом to be (to)

1. We are to decide it right now. 2. It was the first and the last ceremony I was to see. 3. Who is to do the talking today? 4. What am I to tell my parents? 5. The Government was to have reduced inflation. 6. When he found what his fate was to be, he got very enraged, he wouldn't submit to it. 7.1 thought she was my love forever but it was never to be. 8. She couldn't make up her mind whether the letter was to be answered or not. 9. There was a fair in our little town and we put on red silk robes and painted our faces red. I was to tell people's fortunes.

4. Правильно переведите предложения в Past Progressive

1. When Arm turned on the television, the weatherman was giving the weekend forecast for Europe. 2. Diana and I were sitting in the library on Sunday morning, reading the newspapers. Or rather, she was reading, I was merely glancing through them. 3. To make conversation I asked him what he was doing at Oxford. 4. The noise was caused by a dog, which was chasing a cat through the garden. 5. Summer was slipping away, day by day. 6. The crisis over, Jake was finally feeling better in spirits. 7. Maxim's jaw dropped, he was unable to absorb the things he was hearing..

5. Переведите предложения

1.1 must say that nobody seems to really listen anymore. Except you. You're the best listener I've ever known. But if you are the one doing all the talking then you don't learn anything. 2. One of the things that had given him the most satisfaction in the past nine months since the shooting was the healing of the rift between his daughter and himself. 3. Alison began singing. While

the singing was under way, Teddy sat in a chair near the fire. 4. Waiting was all she could do now. But there were times, like this morning, when she could hardly bear the waiting. 5. Anybody watching the comings and goings at the house would have thought it was a hotel!

The detective observed the suspicious comings and goings of the men with interest. 6. Neither spoke for a moment, then he said, "Congratulations again on winning the Oscar for Best Actress. I did drop you a note in April, I hope you received it." "Yes, thank you," Camilla replied,

Smiling, and then she began telling him about the making of the movie for which she had won the Oscar.

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