Знайдіть вірні визначення

1. astrology a. a belt of the heavens limited by lines about 8° from the ecliptic on each side, including all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and planets as known to ancient astronomers, and divided into twelve equal parts
2. astronomy b. the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as an influence on human affairs.
3. zodiac c. a forecast of a person's future based on a diagram showing the relative positions of the stars and planets at that person's birth.
4. horoscope d. the scientific study of celestial bodies.

7. Перекладіть назви знаків зодіаку, та напишіть до кожного з них відповідний місяць та стихію.

Constellation Planet Months Elements
Aquarius Saturn and Uranus    
Scorpion Pluto    
Taurus Venus    
Capricorn Saturn    
Fish Jupiter and Saturn    
Sagittarius Jupiter    
Gemini Mercury    
Cancer Moon    
Virgo Mercury    
Aries Mars    
Libra Venus    
Leo Sun    


Unit 4


Read and translate the text

Hippocrates*, the father of medicine, observed in the 4th century BC that “whoever wishes to pursue the science of medicine must first investigate the seasons of the year and occurs in them.”

People who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are depressed, predisposed to over-eat and need a great deal of sleep. The disorder is linked directly to the amount of light travelling through the optic nerve. The acronym first hit the headlines in the early 80s. Many SAD sufferers have been successfully treated using light therapy.

Countries in the higher altitudes (including Sweden, Finland, Alaska, Iceland) often suffer psychological and sociological problems through lack of sunlight, with high rates of suicide, depression, and alcoholism. The inhabitants of the world’s most northerly city – Tromso, Norway – have to endure two month in darkness. The result is bio-rhythmic confusion: many people can’t sleep, feel as they have jet lag, put on weight and so on.

Local winds such as le Mistral can have effect on mood. Le Mistral is a strong, dry, cold wind that blows through the Rhone Valley and the South of France to the Mediterranean. Symptoms include tiredness, headaches, insomnia, and bad temper.


* Hippocraticus f. Hippocrates, Gk physician of the 5th c. BC


Predisposed – схильний

insomnia – безсоння

bad temper – поганий настрій, характер

tiredness – втомленість

suicide –самогубство

optic nerve –оптичний нерв

confusion – суматоха

disorder – розлад

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the father of medicine?

2. What did Hippocrates discover?

3. What is SAD?

4. When did this acronym appear?

5. What are SAD symptoms?

6. Have you ever suffered from the SAD?

7. What are the ways of curing SAD?

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