Deductive reasoning is reasoning in which

a. a premise follows from a hyper premise

b. a conclusion follows from a meta conclusion

c. a conclusion follows from a premise

d. a premise follows from a conclusion

e. inductive reasoning

Sir F. Galton abandoned his attempts to measure intelligence because

a. he was dismissed from the post

b. he lost interest in the subject

c. he was disheartened by the failure

d. he was forbidden to continue further research in this field

e. he was illing

The major precondition for creating the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale was

a. the desire of scientists to measure intelligence in an objective manner

b. lack of reliable knowledge in this area of psychology

c. need to help children with cognitive difficulties

d. friendly relationships between the two scientists

e. there is no direct correlation between the level of intelligence and living standards

The Stanford project made it obvious that

a. there is no direct correlation between the level of intelligence and living standards

b. only a longitudinal study can be used to measure intelligence

c. highly intelligent children are likely to be more successful in all aspects of life than those with average level of intelligence

d. children with normal intelligence tend to have better health comparing with highly intelligent children

e. children with normal intelligence haven’t better health

A longitudinal research

a. provides more accurate results

b. is performed over a period ofyears

c. requires using of a biometric method

d. is used primarily when measuring human intelligence

e. is used primarily when measuring human memory

10.  One of the following is not a primary characteristic of intelligence:

a. the ability to think clearly

b. convergent thinking

c. functioning effectively in the environment

d. eccentric thinking

e. problem solving

What method was employed by Binet and Simon to measure intelligence?

a. the perceptual-motor method

b. the biometric method

c. the performance method

d. the physiological method

e. the logical method

A test that measures what it is supposed to measure is said to be

a. consistent

b. reliable

c. valid

d. congruent

e. correct

13.   A test that gives stable, repeatable results is said to be

a. authentic

b. reliable

c. valid

d. systematic

e. correct

14.   According to Freud‘s usage, psychosexual energy is referred to as

a. erotic ambivalence

b. metabolism

c. genital potency

d. libido

e. ego

15.   The Oedipus complex is associated with what psychosexual stage?

a. the oral stage

b. the anal stage

c. the genital stage

d. the latency stage

e. the phallic stage

What psychosexual stage is associated with infancy?

a. the oralstage

b. the genitalstage

c. the analstage

d. the latencystage

e. the phallic stage

A toddler with a particular positive psychosocial trait will be interested in exploring the immediate world and display an interest in novel stimulation. What is this trait?

a. autonomy

b. identity

c. intimacy

d. generativity

e. isolation

An older person with a particular positive psychosocial trait can face approaching death with a certain amount of acceptance. What is this trait?

a. isolation

b. generatively

c. identity

d. integrity

e. intimacy

19.   What method did Piaget use to study the child‘s mind?

a. the experimental method

b. the phenomenological method

c. the correlation method

d. the survey method

e. the psychological method

What stage of cognitive development is associated with the ability to employ abstract reasoning?

a. the formal operations stage

b. the concrete operations stage

c. the sensori motor stage

d. the preoperational stage

e. the new operations stage

21. Which one of the following is not a personality type identified by Hippocrates?

a. mesomorph

b. sanguine

c. choleric

d. melancholic

e. phlegmatic

According to Jung, an extravert tends to favour which of the following behaviours?

a. Interactive

b. exploration

c. meditating

d. daydreaming

e. spending time alone

According to Freud, what part of the personality follows the pleasure principle?

a. The ego

b. The superego

c. The conscience

d. choleric

e. The id

24. What ego defense mechanism is characterized by the ego pushing down unpleasant features of one‘s psychological world to an unconscious level?

a. repression

b. projection

c. fantasy

d. identification

e. sublimation

25.   According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains

a. archetypes

b. personal repressed memories

c. the introjected superego

d. the introjected id

e. the transcendental ego

26.   According to Adler, if the will to power is frustrated, this sets up the conditions for

a. an Oedipus complex

b. a martyr complex

c. an inferiority complex

d. a perpetual youth complex

e. an Electra complex

27.   Defense mechanism used to convert a psychological minus into a sort of plus is called

a. projection

b. gratification

c. identification

d. repression

e. compensation

28.   Concepts of extroversion introversion were introduced into scientific use:

a. Z. Freud

b. D.N. Leontyev

c. L.S. Vygotsky

d. M.V. Bekhterev

e. K. Jung

29.   The first experimental psychology laboratory in history was created by:

a. W. Wundt

b. Z. Freud

c. L.S. Vygotsky

d. VM Bekhterev

e. E.Erikson

30.  The author of the book "accentuated personality" is:

a. BGAnaniev

b. VM Bekhterev

c. K.Leongard

d. D.N. Leontiev

e. W. Wundt


Test «Psychology»

Option 3

1 The individual is:

a. Biological view

B. An individual as a unique combination of his innate and acquired properties

c. Adult

d. Newborn

e. talented person

Which method is the main and most significant in modern psychological research

A. Experiment

b. Genetic

c. Testing

d. Conversation

e. Questionnaires

3 The main task of psychology is:

a. Correction of social norms of behaviour

b. Development of problems in the history of psychology

C. Studying the laws of mental activity

d. Improvement of research methods

e. Study of human behaviour

Who is the founder of Soviet psychology

a. RSNemov

b. S.L.Rubinshtein

c. IM Sechenov

D. L.S. Vygotsky

e. D.N. Leontiev

5 Human properties due to genetic factors are:

a. Deposits

b. Indifference

C. Authority

d. Nurturance

e. attentiveness

6 What branch of psychology studies the psychological patterns of education and upbringing?:

a. General psychology

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