MS Word. A student designed the congratulatory poster and use the WordArt. How is the insertion of the object?

- Insert / Pictures

- View / Show or hide

- Insert / Text

- Insert / Symbol

- Home / Styles



Which database data type corresponds to combinations of text and numbers, as well as numbers that don't require calculations, such as phone numbers?

- Currency

- Yes/No

- Hyperlink

- Text

- Number



Which database data type corresponds to large portion of text or combinations of text and numbers?

- Memo

- AutoNumber

- Number

- Text

- Yes/No



Which database data type corresponds to numeric data used in mathematical calculations?

- Hyperlink

- Currency

- Memo

- Number

- AutoNumber



Which database data type corresponds to date and time values?

- Date/Time

- Number

- OLE Object

- Text

- Currency



Which database data type corresponds to values containing the information dealing with money?

- Yes/No

- Memo

- AutoNumber

- OLE Object

- Currency



Which database data type corresponds to a unique sequential number or random number assigned by database management system?

- Hyperlink

- AutoNumber

- Number

- Currency

- Date/Time



Which database data type corresponds to data that contain only one of two values?

- Number

- OLE Object

- Yes/No

- Hyperlink

- Currency



Which database data type corresponds to an object (such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a Microsoft Word document, graphics, sounds, or other binary data) linked to or embedded in a table?

- Memo

- Hyperlink

- OLE Object

- Currency

- Yes/No



Which database data type corresponds to text or combinations of text and numbers stored as text and used as an address to access the Web page on the Internet?

- Yes/No

- AutoNumber

- Number

- Hyperlink

- Date/Time



What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?








What are the rows in a Microsoft Access table called?








Which of the following are objects in an Access database?

-Database, Datasheet, and Form views

-Folders and Tools

-Sorting and Filters

-Tables, forms, queries, reports, macros, and modules

-OLE and graphics objects



In Access, which data type creates a field that enters a value that is incremented automatically with each new record added to a table?




-OLE Object




What extension do files of Microsoft Access have?

- mdb;

- xls;

- sta;

- doc;

- txt.



What is the purpose of Microsoft Access?

- Creation of databases;

- Text editing;s

- Creation of spreadsheets;

- Operation with files;

- Navigating the file system.



What data type for fields does not exist in Microsoft Access:

- Text;

- Percentage;

- Number;

- Memo;

- Currency.



In MS Access what is used to store the unique natural numbers with automatic counter:

- AutoNumber;

- Field Name;

- Data type;

- Field size;

- Description.



In MS Access the column headings in the table are defined by:

- Field name;

- Data type;

- Description;

- Field size;

- Field format.



Which of the following database objects asks a question of information in a database and then displays the results?








Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft Access database object?








Which of the following is NOT a data type in Access table?








What is the Memo data type field in Access table used for?

-For short text entries of no more than 255 characters

-To add an electronic reminder to any record

-For long text entries of one or more sentences

-To store objects created in other programs such as a graphic or Microsoft Word document

-To store phone numbers



What data type should you choose for a telephone-number field in a table?





-OLE field



In Access a table is divided in rows and columns, which are called _____________, respectively

-records and fields

-files and programs

-forms and reports

-primary and secondary keys

-fields and records



In Access, a Form generally displays _______________

-data in the row and column layout

-one record at a time

-one field at a time

-one table at a time

-a table form



In Access table, what includes related information about one object, person, event or transaction?








Which view do you use to modify an existing form in Access?

-Form view

-Datasheet view

-Design View

-Modify view

-Form Layout view



In Access, all fields for one customer or employee are considered to be

-a file

-a record

-a table

-a database

-the information



Maintaining a database table can include

-adding a field

-adding records

-deleting a field

-renaming a field

-changing records



The _______ defines the kind of information that you enter into a database field

-Information type

-Data kind

-Data type

-Field type

-Database type



Every field in an Access table has which of the following?

- A field name and a data type

-A field name and a field number

-A field number and a data type

-A field name, a field number, and a data type

-Primary key



What is the easiest way to create a form in Microsoft Access database:

- Form wizard;

- Design View;

- MS Excel;

- MS Word;




In database Tables are used:

- to create Web-pages from a database 

- to store database information

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to filter data so that you retrieve selected records or fields from the database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time



In database Forms are used:

- to create Web-pages from a database 

- to store database information

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to filter data so that you retrieve selected records or fields from the database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time



In database Reports are used:

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time

- to create Web-pages from a database

- to deliver a professional presentation or written report of the information stored in database

- to automate a group of related procedures in Access



In database Queries are used:

- to create Web-pages from a database 

- to store database information

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to filter data so that you retrieve selected records or fields from the database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time



In database Pages are used:

- to create Web-pages from a database

- to deliver a professional presentation or written report of the information stored in database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to automate a group of related procedures in Access



In database Macros are used:

- to store database information

- to create Web-pages from a database

- to automate a group of related procedures in Access

- to automate tasks that you perform on a regular basis in a database

- to filter data so that you retrieve selected records or fields from the database



In database Modules are used:

- to deliver a professional presentation or written report of the information stored in database

- to enter or edit the information in your tables and let you view one record at a time

- to automate a group of related procedures in Access

- to create Web-pages from a database

- to store database information



If you double click on the table in Database Window it will be opened in:

- Design View

- Datasheet View

- Table Wizard

- Microsoft Excel

- a new Database Window



In Access, what is the best relationship between Customers and Orders tables?





-Three-to one



A(n) _________ query in Access displays a dialog box and accepts input from the user before proceeding








In defining relationships in your database, if the primary table’s primary key is an AutoNumber data type, the related foreign key must be which data type?





-Any type



What relationship in Access means that each record in the first table can be related to more than one record in the second table?








What relationship in Access means one record from a table is related to one record in another table








What does a single line with “1” on one end and “¥” on the other represent in the relationship diagram in Access?

-One-to-one relationship

-One-to-many relationship

-Many-to-many relationship

-An access path

-It depends from what side you look at that line



What does a single line with “1” on both of the ends represent in the relationship diagram in Access?

- One-to-one relationship

-One-to-many relationship

-Many-to-many relationship

-An access path

-It depends from what side you look at that line



The ____________ is a unique identifier for each record in Access table

-Primary key

-Sort key

-Foreign key

-Common field

-ID number



Linking more than one table together is a feature of a __________ database








In Access, which of the following encloses a parameter in criteria?

-< >


-[ ]

-" "




Look at the following Access diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Movies and Characters?

-Each movie may have two or more characters.

-Each movie must have one or more characters.

-Many movies may have many characters.

-One movie can have only one character

-Only some movies may have many characters



Look at the following Access diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Actors and Characters?

- One-to-many







Look at the following Access diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Actors and Movies?








Look at the following diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Customers and Orders?








Look at the following diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Orders and Book Inventory?








Look at the following diagram. What kind of relationship exists between Customers and Book Inventory?








Look at the following diagram. What kind of relationship exists between the tables?





-There is no relationship



Look at the following diagram. Which field is a primary key field in the tables?

- Cust ID

- Company

- Address

- City

- Zip



Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for Customer Id field in Customers table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo




Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for Customer Id field in Orders table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo



Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for Book Id field in Book Inventory table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo



Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for Book Id field in Orders table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo



Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for Price field in Book Inventory table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo



Look at the following diagram. What is the most probable data type for State field in Customers table?

- Number

- AutoNumber

- Text

- Currency

- Memo



MS Access. What is the  command called?

- form

- report

- macros

- query

- summary



MS Access. What is the command called?

- form

- report

- photo

- query

- summary



MS Access. What is the command called?

- apply filter

- change the filter

- advanced filter

- draw a filter

- move a filter



MS Access 2010. What is the name of the area on the left side of the window in which the database objects are displayed?

- Document tabs

- Construction area

- Data schema

- Table tabs

- Navigation area



What queries are used to retrieve data from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet?

- Action queries

- SQL queries

- Crosstab queries

- Select queries

- Parameter queries



What queries are used to display their own dialog box prompting you for information, such as criteria for retrieving records?

- SQL queries

- Parameter queries

- Select queries

- Crosstab queries

- Action queries



What queries are used to calculate a sum, average, count, or other type of total for data that is grouped by two types of information - one down the left side of the datasheet and another across the top?

- Select queries

- Crosstab queries

- SQL queries

- Action queries

- Parameter queries



What queries are used to make changes in the database, allowing to update, delete, append and make the tables?

- Crosstab queries

- Select queries

- Action queries

- Parameter queries

- SQL queries



What queries are used to perform all possible database operations using special Structured Query Language?

- Select queries

- Parameter queries

- Crosstab queries

- SQL queries

- Action queries



Query can look up the information in:

- one or several tables and queries

- tables only

- other queries only

- one table only

- no more than two tables



The easiest way to create a query in MS Access is:

- using Query Design View

- using Query Wizard

- using SQL

- import a query from other database

- there is no easy way to do things in MS Access



What happens when you add the asterisk (*) from any Field List to a query?

-The query will include every field from the table

-The query uses the records from the table without displaying them

-The query sorts the table's records in the order you specify

-The table will not include any fields from the table

-The query will include only the primary key field



In Access, you want to create a field that lets you add a customer's name by picking it from a drop-down list. Which of the following fields would let you do this?

-A hyperlink field

-A memo field

-A lookup field

-An OLE field

-An AutoNumber field



A query prompts a user for a date and then displays only records that contain the specified date. Which type of query is this?

-An update query

-A crosstab query

- A parameter query

-An action query

-A select query



How would you delete a relationship between tables in Access in the Relationships window?

-Double click the join line

-Click the join line, then press the Delete key

-Select Undo in the Relationships pull-down menu

-Select Relationships/Remove

- Press the Delete key



Which of the following helps prevent orphan records in a one-to-many relationship in Access?

-Enforce orphan prevention

-Enforce referential prevention

-Enforce orphan integrity

-Enforce referential integrity

-Secure relationships



Assume you have two tables: one is containing the names of athletes in a sports league and another is containing the names of the teams in a sports league. Which type of relationship should you create to link the tables in Access?

- One-to-many



-Either one-to-many, or one-to-one

-Either one-to-many, or many-to-many



How is a relationship between tables indicated in a query window in Access?

-Related fields are blinking

-Related fields are connected by a line

-Related fields are in boldface

-Related fields have check marks next to them

-Related fields are highlighted



In Access, which of the following will display records that contain a date before January 1, 1995?




-Prior to "January 1, 1995"

-Before “January 1, 1995”



MS Access. What is the command called?

- sum

- totals

- infinity

- options

- result



MS Access. What is the command called?

- exclamations

- attention

- run

- selection

- execute


MS Access. What is the command called?

- table design

- design of two tables

- form design

- ruler of the table

- query design



What is 7-zip used for?

- to optimize the disk space

- to check the disk for physical and logical defects

- to scan the computer for viruses

- to compress and decompress the files

- to manage files and folders



Which program is used to optimize the disk space?

- Windows Explorer

- Anti-virus Scanner

- WinRAR

- Defrag

- Scandisk



Which program is used to check the disk for physical and logical defects?

- Defrag

- Scandisk

- Windows Explorer

- Anti-virus Scanner

- WinRAR



Which program is used to scan the computer for viruses?

- Scandisk

- Windows Explorer

- Defrag

- WinRAR

- Anti-virus Scanner



What is WinRAR used for?

- to compress and decompress the files

- to optimize the disk space

- to check the disk for physical and logical defects

- to scan the computer for viruses

- to manage files and folders



What is Defrag used for?

- to manage files and folders

- to check the disk for physical and logical defects

- to optimize the disk space

- to scan the computer for viruses

- to compress and decompress the files



What is Scandisk used for?

- to scan the computer for viruses

- to optimize the disk space

- to check the disk for physical and logical defects

- to manage files and folders

- to compress and decompress the files



What is Anti-virus Scanner used for?

- to optimize the disk space

- to manage files and folders

- to check the disk for physical and logical defects

- to scan the computer for viruses

- to compress and decompress the files



In WinRAR, in order to compress the files you need to

-Select one or several file and click the button "Add"

-Select one or several file and click the button "Extract"

-Select one or several file and click the button "Wizard"

-Select one or several file and click the button "Info"

-Select one or several file and click the button "View"



In WinRAR, in order to decompress the files you need to

-Select file and click the button "Add"

- Select file and click the button "Extract"

-Select file and click the button "Wizard"

-Select file and click the button "Info"

-Select file and click the button "View"



The archive created in WinRAR can have an extension








The archive created in WinRAR can have an extension








Which archive can be unpacked without using any other programs?








What is the function of the button in 7-zip?

- add files to an archive

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- extract files from an archive

- move files to another place



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- move files to another place

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- extract files from an archive

- delete files



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- add files to an archive

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- copy files to another place

- delete files



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- copy files to another place

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- extract files from an archive

- move files to another place



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- add files to an archive

- copy files to another place

- get the information about an archive

- move files to another place

- delete files



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- add files to an archive

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- extract files from an archive

- delete files



What is the function of the  button in 7-zip?

- add files to an archive

- test archived files for integrity

- get the information about an archive

- extract files from an archive

- delete files



Antivirus scanner does the following

-Detects and deletes the viruses of all types in the indicated folders, boot sectors and RAM

-Detects and deletes the fragmented files of all types in the indicated folders, boot sectors and RAM

-Detects and deletes the damaged sectors in the indicated folders, boot sectors and RAM

-Puts back the damaged data in files

-Creates new viruses



Computer viruses are

-the programs able to create their own copies, put them into different objects/resources of the computer systems and networks but only with the prior consent of the user

-the programs able to create their own copies, put them into different objects/resources of the computer systems and networks without the prior consent of the user

-the programs able to detect and delete the viruses

-the operating systems able to infect other computers

-files and folders with long names



The process of finding and putting in order the disrupted parts of files is called


-Disk scanning

-Virus search

-File compressing




ScanDisk allows to

-put the disrupted parts of files back together

-compress the files

-effectively scan the disk

-detect and delete the viruses

- check the hard drive for logical and physical defects



What is a macro virus?

- program which can send out copies of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book

- program that appear to be useful software, but instead compromising the security of a computer

- program attaching to executable files to make copies of itself

- program written to infect files you create with applications that support macros

- e-mail message about non-existent viruses



What is a worm?

- program written to infect files you create with applications that support macros

- program attaching to executable files to make copies of itself

- program that appear to be useful software, but instead compromising the security of a computer

- e-mail message about non-existent viruses

- program which can send out copies of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book



What is a trojan horse?

- program which can send out copies of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book

- e-mail message about non-existent viruses

- program written to infect files you create with applications that support macros

- program that appear to be useful software, but instead compromising the security of a computer

- program attaching to executable files to make copies of itself



What is a virus hoax?

- program attaching to executable files to make copies of itself

- e-mail message about non-existent viruses

- program written to infect files you create with applications that support macros

- program which can send out copies of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book

- program that appear to be useful software, but instead compromising the security of a computer



How are all the tracks of the same number from all the metal disks that make up the hard diskcalled?

- track sector

- cylinder

- disk sector

- cluster

- track



How is a circular ring on one side of the diskcalled?

- track sector

- cluster

- cylinder

- disk sector

- track



How is a wedge-shape piece of the diskcalled?

- cylinder

- cluster

- track sector

- disk sector

- track



How is an area of intersection of a track and a sectorcalled?

- track

- cylinder

- disk sector

- track sector

- cluster



How is a set of track sectorscalled?

- disk sector

- cluster

- track sector

- track

- cylinder



How many files can one cluster belong to?

- 1

- 2

- 3

- 4

- as many as possible


Choose one or more answers



How can the sheet of Excel be renamed?

- Context menu;

- Home tab, rename

- Tools;

- Rename;

- Double click on it



What types of data can a cell contain in an Excel spreadsheet?

- icons

- number

- text

- symbols

- formula



MS Excel. The student must enter the formula 2x+8:C2 and x4-4∙A1 for counting values. Specify its correct form

- =2х+8/С2

- = x^4-4*A1

- 2х+8/С2

- =2*х+8/С2

- =x^4-4A1



________ is an example of a mixed cell reference in Excel.








________ is an example of an absolute cell reference in Excel.








________ is an example of a relative cell reference in Excel.



- C5


- B5



What is the default file extension for all Word documents?








To insert a page break in Word, choose:

-Layout, Breaks

-Home, Page Break

-Insert, Page Break

-Page, Page Breaks

-View, Insert Page Break



How would you select a word?

-Single click on it

-Double click on it

-Shift + arrows

-Double click in the Selection Bar

-Right click and choose ‘Select Word’.



How to quit Microsoft Word:

- “x” button in a title bar;

- File tab, Exit;

- Esc key;

- Keyboard shortcut Alt+F4;

- It quits automatically after completion of a page.



MS Word. Specify the command name:

- changing the font of all capital letters

- changing the font of all small capital letters

- increase the font size

- writing superscript

- decrease the font size



What is the name (function) for the button  in Tables and Borders toolbar in Microsoft Word?

- Sort Descending

- Line Color

- Merge Cells

- Sort Ascending

- Draw Table



MS Word. What kinds of text wrap exist?

- Square

- Tight

- Behind text

- In the object

- In front of text



What types of relation exist?

- one to one

- one to two,

- one to many

- one to all

- many to many



Which of the following are ways that you can create a query?

-In Datasheet view

-Using the Query Wizard

-Using Design View

-Using Multiple Items

-Using Split Query



Which of the following are ways that you can create a form?

-In Datasheet view

-Using the Form Wizard

-Using Design View

-Using Multiple Items

-Using Split Form



Which of the following is a good example of a primary key in Access?

-Social Security Number

-Last Name

-Student ID number

-Automobile part numbers

-Ticket number



Which of the following is true about primary keys in Access?

-They are automatically included in an index of primary keys

-They don’t have to be included in a table

-They are used to create relationships between tables

-They don’t use to create relationships between tables

-They are used to uniquely identify each record in a table



What can be displayed in MS Access form?

- The data not from tables

- The data from several tables

- The data from the Internet.

- The data only from one table

- The data either from one



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