Text 4. How to Ensure Successful Planning and Implementation


A common failure in many kinds of planning is that the plan is never really implemented. Instead, all focus is on writing a plan document. Too often, the plan is put aside collecting dust on a shelf. Therefore, most of the following guidelines help to ensure, that planning process is carried out completely and is implemented completely.

1. Involve the right people in the planning process. It is critical that all parts of the system continue to exchange feedback in order to function effectively. Get Input from everyone who will be responsible to carry out parts of the plan, along with representative from groups who will be affected by the plan.

2. Write down the planning information and communicate it widely. Even if managers do communicate their intention verbally, chances are great that others won’t completely hear or understand what the manager wants to be done. Also, as plans change, it’s extremely difficult to remember who is supposed to be doing what and according to which version of the plan. Therefore, it’s critical to write plans down and communicate them widely.

3. Goals and Objectives should be SMARTER. A SMARTER goal or objective is:

Specific: For example, it is difficult to know what someone should be doing if they are to pursue the goal to “work harder”. It’s easier to recognize “Write a paper”.

Measurable. It’s difficult to know what the scope of “Writing a paper” really is. It’s easier to appreciate that effort if the goal is “Write a 30-page paper”.

Acceptable. If I’m to take responsibility for pursuit of a goal, the goal should be acceptable to me.

Realistic. Even if I do accept responsibility to pursue a goal that is specific and measurable, the goal won’t be useful to me if, for example, the goal is to “Write a 30-page paper in the next 10 minutes”.

Time frame. It will mean more to others if I specify that I will write one page a day for 30 days, rather than including the possibility that I’ll write all 30 pages in last days of the 30-day period..

Extending. The goal should stretch the performer’s capabilities. For example, I might be more interested in writing a 30-page paper if the topic of the paper will extend my capabilities.

Rewarding, I’m more inclined to write a paper if the paper will contribute to an effort in such way that I might be rewarded for my effort.

4. Regularly review who’s going what and by when? Plans should specify who is responsible for achieving each result, including goals and objectives. Dates should be set for completion of each result, as well. Responsible parties should regularly review status of the plan.

5. Note deviations from the plan and replan accordingly.  It’s OK to deviate from plan. The plan is not a set of rules. It’s overall guideline. So it’s important to notice any deviations and adjust them to the plan accordingly.

6. Evaluate planning process and the plan. During the planning process regularly collect feedback from participants. During regular reviews of implementation of the plan, assess if goals are being achieved or not. Finally, take 10 minutes to write down how the planning process could have been done better, file it away and read it next time you conduct the planning process.

7. Recurring planning process is at least as important as plan document.  Far too often, primary emphasis is placed on the plan document. This is extremely unfortunate because the real treasure of planning is the planning process itself. During planning, planners learn a great deal from ongoing analysis, reflection, discussion, debates and dialogues around issues and goals in the system.

8. Acknowledgement and celebration.  It’s easy for planners to become tired and even cynical about the planning process. One of the reasons for this problem is likely that far too often, emphasis is placed on achieving the results. The process can seem like having to solve one problem after another, with no real end in sight. Acknowledge that the process at this stage has really come to end and celebrate your accomplishment!!

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