Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / Прочитайте вопросы в колонке А, выберите и прочитайте правильные ответы в колонке B

1 How old is Mary? A No, she is not.
2 Where is she from? B Mary’s hobby is photography.
3 Is Mary from Moscow? C Mary is seventeen.
4 What is her hobby? D She is from Russia.

Text 2

My name is John. I was born in New York in 1999. My dream is to become a doctor. Since I was 15, I started preparing for Medical College. It was really hard to enter the college, but I succeeded and was very happy.

It is great to get to know new things about the medical industry, but it is sometimes difficult to learn everything. I try my best to get all A-marks and be a good student. In two years I will graduate from the college and will enter Medical University. I want to become a qualified doctor in future. My fondest dream is to become a surgeon.

My younger brother also wants to become a doctor; his dream is to be a dentist. I believe that he will succeed in it, because he is a very smart and hardworking person. My parents work in medical industry, too. My mother is a nurse, and my father is a director of a pharmacy.

Say it in English / Скажите это по-английски:

1. Я родился в... году

2. Учиться в...

3. Моя мама работает медсестрой, а папа – директор аптеки

4. Было сложно поступить в...

5. Мой младший брат хочет стать стоматологом.


In pairs, discuss the following questions / В парах обсудите следующие вопросы:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where and when were you born?

4. What was your hobby when you were a child?

5. Where do your mother and father work?

6. What made you interested in medicine? Why did you want to enter the medical college?

Put the verb “to be” in the right form / Впишите глагол to be в его правильной форме:

1. I (to be) a student. 2. They (to be) tired today. 3. He (to be) with Lena yesterday. 4. We (to be) ready tomorrow. 5. It (to be) rainy today. 6. This cat (to be) eating now. 7. She (to be) a doctor, and her sister (to be) a nurse. 8. I (to be) interested in medicine. 9. My father (to be) in Moscow in 1980. 10. This therapy (to be) old-fashioned.


We speak / Мы говорим

Прочитайте диалоги разыграйте их:

1. Pablo: Ben, this is Mike.

            Mike, this is Ben.

Mike:  Hello, Ben.

Ben:    Hello, Mike.

2. Judy:  Hello. My name’s Judy Koblenz.

Robert: Hello. I’m Robert Smith.

           Nice to meet you.

Judy:   And you.

3. Pablo: Hi, Ben. How are you?

 Ben: Fine, thanks, Pablo. And you?

 Pablo: I’m OK, thanks.

4. Ben:   Hello, Mike. How are you?

Mike: Very well, thank you. How are you?

Ben:   Fine.

5. Rita: Hello, I’m Rita. What’s your name?

Bruno: My name’s Bruno.

R:        Hello, Bruno. Where are you from?

B:        I’m from Russia. Where are you from?

R:        Oh, I’m from Russia, too. I’m from Moscow.
B:        Really? I’m from Moscow, too!

R:       Oh, nice to meet you, Bruno.

Match the questions and answers / Подберите ответ к каждому вопросу

1)       Where are you from? 2)       What’s her name? 3)       What’s his name? 4)       Where’s he from? 5)       What’s this in English? 6)       How are you? 7)       Where’s Montreal? a)  His name’s Bruno. b)  He’s from Sao Paulo. c)  It’s in Canada. d)  I’m from Brazil. e)  Fine, thanks. f)  Her name’s Tatiana. g)  It’s a computer.



Level B

Read and learn the following information:


[i:] — долгий звук И: tree [triː], free [friː]

[i] — краткий звук И: big [bɪg], lip [lɪp]

[ʊ] — краткий звук У: book [buk], look [lʊk]

[u:] — долгий звук У: root [ruːt], boot [buːt]

[e] — звук Э. Произносится так же, как в русском языке: hen [hen], pen [pen]

[ə] — нейтральный звук Э. Звучит, когда гласная находится не под ударением или в конце слова: mother ['mʌðə], computer [kəm'pjuːtə]

[ɜː] — звук, похожий на звук Ё в слове мЁд: bird [bɜːd], turn [tɜːn]

[ɔː] — долгий звук О: door [dɔː], more [mɔː]

[æ] — звук Э. Произносится широко: cat [kæt], lamp [læmp]

[ʌ] — краткий звук А: cup [kʌp], but [bʌt]

[a:] — долгий звук А: car [kɑː], mark [mɑːk]

[ɒ] — краткий звук О: box [bɒks], dog [dɔg]

[ɪə] — ИЭ: here [hɪə], near [nɪə]

[eə] — Ээ: fair [feə], bear [beə]

[əʊ] — ЭУ (ОУ): go[gəʊ], no[nəʊ]

[aʊ] — АУ: how[haʊ], now [naʊ]

[ʊə] — УЭ: sure [ʃuə], tourist ['tuərɪst]

[eɪ] — ЭЙ: make [meɪk], day [deɪ]

[aɪ] — АЙ: my [maɪ], bike [baɪk]

[ɔɪ] — ОЙ:: boy [bɔɪ], toy [tɔɪ]



Глухие согласные звуки: Звонкие согласные звуки:
[ p ] — звук П: pen [pen], pet [pet] [ b ] — звук Б: big [bɪg], boot [buːt]
[ f ] — звук Ф: flag [flæg], fat [fæt] [ v ] — звук В: vet [vet], van [væn]
[ t ] — звук Т: tree [triː], toy [tɔɪ] [ d ] — звук Д: day [deɪ], dog [dɔg]
[ θ ] — межзубный звук, который часто путают с С, но при произношении кончик языка находится между нижними и верхними передними зубами: thick [θɪk], think [θɪŋk] [ ð ] — межзубный звук, который часто путают с З, но при произношении кончик языка находится между нижними и верхними передними зубами: this [ðɪs], that [ðæt]
[ tʃ ] — звук Ч: chin [ʧɪn], chat [ʧæt] [ dʒ ] — звук ДЖ: jam [ʤæm], page [peɪʤ]
[ s ] — звук С: sit [sɪt], sun [sʌn] [ z ] — звук З:
[ ʃ ] — звук Ш: shelf [ʃelf], brush [brʌʃ] [ ʒ ] — звук Ж: vision ['vɪʒ(ə)n], decision [dɪ'sɪʒn]
[ k ] — звук К: kite [kaɪt], cat [kæt] [ g ] — звук Г: get [get], go [gəu]
  [h] — звук X: hat [hæt], home [həum] [m] — звук M: make [meɪk], meet [miːt] [n] — английский звук Н: nose [nəuz], net [net] [ŋ] — звук, напоминающий Н, но произносится через нос: song [sɔŋ], long [lɔŋ [r] — звук, напоминающий Р: run [rʌn], rest [rest] [l] — английский звук Л: leg [leg], lip [lɪp] [w] — звук, напоминающий В, но произносится округлыми губами: [wɪn], west [west] [j] — звук Й: you [juː], music ['mjuːzɪk]  

Read the following words and check your pronunciation with the information in a dictionary:

weird, conscientious, bizarre, occurrence,ventriloquy, necessary, embarrass, maneuver, separate, definitely, circumstance, cemetery, emphasize, psychology.



to be in the family way / pregnant Быть беременной
to come of age Стать совершеннолетним
To be born Родиться
upbringing Воспитание
education Образование
freshman Первокурсник
sophomore Второкурсник
graduate Выпускник
To treat Лечить
challenging Трудный
anesthesiologist Анестезиолог
To monitor Следить за
Cancerous tumors Раковые опухоли
Pain Боль
Heart rate Частота ударов сердца
Body temperature Температура тела
Blood pressure артериальное давление



I have always wanted to be helpful to people who are ill, and to save lives. It is a very challenging, difficult and responsible job – being a doctor, - but I am lucky to be on the way of working in the medical sphere. My mother is a doctor, too. Maybe that is why I have been interested in treating people since I was a child. My sister is a nurse. She devotes herself to helping people in the local hospital.

I would be happy to work as a surgeon though it seems to me the most difficult medical profession. I would treat people who got in trouble, and help them to recover. I would operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates.

My father is an anesthesiologist, he administers drugs (anesthetics) that reduce or eliminate the sensation of pain during an operation or performs some othermedical procedures. During surgery, he is responsible for adjusting the amount of anesthetic as needed and monitoring the patient's heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and breathing. I am lucky to have such talented parents. 

Say it in English

1. Я бы лечил такие болезни, как раковая опухоль

2. Мой папа проверяет сердцебиение пациента и кровяное давление

3. Помогать пациентам восстановиться

4. Он ответственен за распределение верного количества анестезии

5. Призвание моей сестры – помогать людям в местной поликлинике.

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