II. Виберіть вірний варіант

1. Ukraine has rich mineral....

(A) deposits     (C) in deposit

(B) the deposits    (D) deposit

2. Black coal is... than brown.

(A) more expensive (C) expensiver

(B) most expensive (D) the more expensive

3.... were going to the office.

(A) two mans             C) two man

(B) man     (D) two men

4. He... from the institute in five years.

(A) will graduates (C) will graduate

(B) will graduated (D) will graduating

5. The train... at 5.30.

(A) to leave (C) leaves

(B) leave    (D) leaving

6. The secretary forgot... the letter.

(A)sends (C)send

(B) sending (D) sent

7. The plan is worth....

(A) to discuss           (C) discuss

(B) to be discuss   (D) discussing

8. He said that he... tomorrow.

(A) will return       (C) would return

(B) would returns (D) would be returned

9. If the weather is fine tomorrow we... to the country.

(A) shall go (C) go

(B) would go (D) went

10.1 wish I... a programmer.                                      

(A) am       (C) wouldn't

(B) were    (D) am not

III. Match the terms with appropriate explanation


A. Floppy disk

B. port





G. Arrow keys


1. Small device used to store information. Same as 'diskette'.

2. Any socket or channel in a computer system into which an input/output device may be connected.

3. Disk that holds music

A thousand kilobytes

5. erases files and programs from your disk

6. It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in  tabulations and data fields).

7. They are used to move the cursor, as an alternative to the mouse -


IV.Змініть наступні речення, вживая герундиальні комплекси.

1. I want Kate to recite this poem.

2. The teacher wanted the students to do this exercise.

3. I don’t want him to be elected chairman.

4. If you pass your examination well, I’ll be proud of it.

5. If you make noise, I dislike it.

V.Розкрийте дужки, вживая герундій в активній чи пассивній формі.

1. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me?

2. He had a strange habit of (to interfere) in other people’s business.

3. David was tired of (to scold) all the time.

4. The watch requires (to repair).

5. In (to make) this experiment they came across some very interesting phenomena.


X варіант


І. Fill in the right word:

A. software

B.  system software

C. system utilities

D. language translators

E. applications software 

F. operating system  

G. set of programs

Information provided by programs and data is known as 1)____.

Programs are sets of instructions that make the computer execute operations and tasks. There are two main types of software:

The 2)____ refers to all the programs which control the basic

functions of a computer. They include operating systems,3)____

(e.g. an anti-virus program, a back-up utility) and 4)____

(e.g. a compiler - the software that translates instructions into machine code).

The 5)_____ refers to all those applications -such as word

processors and spreadsheets - which are used for specific purposes. Applications are usually stored on disks loaded into the RAM memory when activated by the user.

The 6)____ is the most important type of system software. It is

usually supplied by the manufacturers and comprises a 7)_____ and files that control the hardware and software resources of a computer system.


IІ. Виберіть вірний варіант.

1. There... not many mines in this region.

(A) are                   (C) will

(B) was      (D) is

2. Their son is... than the daughter.

(A) the older (C) older

(B) oldest  (D) an older

3.... solution is the best.

(A) Peter and Helen's       (C) Peter's and Helen's

(B) Peter and Helen         (D) Peter and Helens'

4. I... the delegation yesterday.

(A) didn't meet     (C) don't meet

(B) didn't met       (D) haven't met

5. When I came he... an educational program.

(A) is watching     (C) was watching

(B) watch              (D) were watching

6. His director let him... there.

(A) go   ,                 (C) going

(B) to go                (D) goes

7. She asked me where the museum....

(A) was                 (C) been

(B) is                      (D) has been

8. The chief sat at the table....

(A) is thinking      (C) think

(B) thought           (D) thinking

9. If he... I shall tell him about the results of investigation.

(A) phone (C) will phone

(B) phones (D) would phone

10. If I had got this information yesterday I... the work myself.

(A) do              (C) should have done

(B) have done                   (D) did

IІІ. Match the terms with appropriate explanation

A. hyperlink

B.  hypermedia

C.  transformation

D.  silicon chip

E.  hypertext

F.  hyphenation

G.  graphics package

1. Text, image or button that connects to other destinations on the Web. It is like an embedded Web address that you can click.

2. A combination of hypertext and multimedia. A hypermedia document integrates different formats (text, graphics, sound, and video) and contains links that take you to other resources

3. The manipulation of an object by moving, rotating or scaling it.

4. A device made up of a non-metallic semiconducting material (silicon), which contains a set of integrated circuits, with high-speed performance

5. Text that contains links to other documents.

6. The division of words into syllables by a short dash or hyphen.

7. Software that allows the user to create and run graphics programs

IV. Розкрийте дужки, вживая герундій в активній чи пассивній формі.

1. She tried to avoid (to speak) to.

2. He was very glad of (to help) in his difficulty.

3. The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish).

4. The problem is not worth (to discuss).

5. He showed no sign of (to recognize) me.

V.Вставте предлоги  with, by, on, at, in, to, of де необхідно.

1. He was scolded ___ his mother.

2. He wrote his letter ___ a pencil.

3. The young scientist was trying to prove ___ the professor the necessity ___ the experiment.

4.  ___ Wednesday I usually have a lot ____ homework..

5. I saw many people ____ the platform waiting for the train.

6. The students were writing these words ____ their exercise books.



XI варіант

І.  Fill in the right word:

A. Computers

B. software

C. hardware

D. Central processing unit

E. The main memory

F. The peripherals

G. Storage devices

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