Major Economic Problems Facing the United States

The United States is facing economic disaster on a scale few nations have ever experienced. Most people are unaware of the easily observable signs of this emerging 1______. While we persist in our superpower mentality, we have quietly become a second-class country in many respects.

We no longer produce what we need to sustain ourselves, we import much more than we export, and we are selling off our assets and taking on massive debts to sustain a standard of living we can no longer afford. Not only was this not the way we became a superpower but it is a sure way to lose this status.

Foreign countries are using the 2_____ earned through our trade deficits to buy many of our strategic companies. Over the past 10 years, foreign interests have purchased an unprecedented $8 Trillion worth of US 3________.

The game plan of our international competitors is to render us completely dependent on foreign 4________, innovation, and financing. In losing domestic self-sufficiency, national security and leverage in foreign affairs will suffer greatly.

We are failing even to acknowledge predatory foreign trade practices undermining US 5_____. Instead we encourage US manufacturers to design, engineer, and produce in third world markets like Mexico and China.

  A B C D
1. crisis economy markets services
2. funds institutions banks deposits
3. deposits markets funds assets
4. deficit production operation sufficiency
5. loans price industry purposes

ІX. Розташуйте частини листа-запиту у відповідності до вимог написання.

(0,6 бала):

a) Dear Sir,

b) We have received your brochure introducing your new products in the “Chairmex” range.

c) Some of the items presented could have applications in our manufacturing processes.

d) Yours faithfully.

e) John Dixon (Purchasing Manager).

f) We should be obliged if you would send us fuller details of the range together with your current price-list quoting terms for overseas.


Х: Заповніть пропуски в тексті листа-пропозиції словами, поданими в рамці, які підходять за змістом.

(0,9 бала):


interest, inquiry, glad, additional, to enclose, attention, about, thank, price


Dear Mr. Brown,

In reply to your … we are pleased … literature on the products which attracted your …. We will be … to supply any … information you may require … materials and … We … you for your … in our products and remain,


Yours faithfully,

Nancy Mann,

Sales Manager


1 sample


І. Напишіть транскрипцію та перекладіть на українську мову слова:

(0,5 бала)

1. wages

2. politicians

3. inflation

4. definition

5. suffice

6. choice

7. daily transactions

8. to produce

9. value

10. currency

ІІ. Прочитайте речення та визначте якою частиною мовою є підкреслене слово: (1 бал)

1. On Sunday mornings she goes for a walk in the country.

a) іменник      b) займенник c) числівник d) прикметник

2. She meets new friends in Internet chat rooms.

a) іменник      b) займенник c) числівник d) прикметник

3. Ryan has a bank account on the phone.

a) іменник      b) дієслово c) числівник d) прикметник

4. On Saturdays I go to the beach.

a) іменник      b) займенник c) числівник d) прийменник

5. She eats a sandwich at work.

a) іменник      b) займенник c) числівник d) прийменник

6. We will have two teas of lemon, please.

a) іменник      b) займенник c) числівник d) прийменник

7. She usually goes for a drink to the restaurant.

a) іменник      b) прислівник c) прикметник d) прийменник

8. She became an actress when she was 17.

a) іменник      b) дієслово c) числівник d) прийменник

9. Marge is happy because her sisters are staying.

a) іменник      b) дієслово c) займенник d) прийменник

10. I will not be working at this time tomorrow.

a) іменник      b) прислівник  c) числівник d) прикметник

ІІІ. Виберіть правильний варіант присудка для заповнення пропусків у реченнях: (1 бал)

1. ______ conveniences in their house. 2. ______ any information about them in the yesterday’s newspaper. 3. My birthday is next Sunday but I _____a birthday party. 4. You ______ students then. 5. They _______ at home tomorrow morning. 6. You ______all data for this. 7. They ______ any friends. 8. you / any relatives in Canada? – No, we haven’t. 9. your brother / married? 10. How many classes / you / yesterday?   a) am not b) is not c) are not d) was not e) were f) am not going to be g) is h) are not going to have i) will be j) have got k) do not have l) have … got m) do … have n) did … have o) will not have p) are not going to have q) is not going to have r) am not going to have s) there is not t) there is no u) there are v) there are no w) there was not x) there were not y) does … have z) there will not be

IV.Виберіть доречний англійський варіант до перекладу українського речення: (1 бал)

1. На кого ти чекаєш?

a) are … waiting

b) do … wait

c) are … being waited

d) have … been waiting


2. Вона вийшла заміж кілька місяців тому.

a) marries

b) married

c) has married

d) had married



3. Всі мої друзі прийдуть на вечірку.

a) will come

b) will be coming

c) come

d) will have come


4. Мені здається, що я вже бачив цей фільм.

a) saw

b) had seen

c) have seen

d) see


5. Він подорожує вже кілька місяців.

a) travels

b) is traveling

c) was traveling

d) has been traveling


6. Учні слухали вчителя дуже уважно.

a) were listening

b) listened

c) have been listening

d) had been listening


7. Вона буде дивитися серіал в цей час.

a) will watch

b) will be watching

c) will have been watching

d) is going to watch


8. Він сказав, що зустрічав її раніше.

a) meet

b) met

c) has met

d) had met


9. Ми напишемо курсову роботу до кінця місяця.

a) will write

b) will be writing

c) write

d) will have written


10. Магазин завжди зачиняється о 9 вечора.

a) closes

b) is closed

c) was closed

d) was closing

V. Доберіть правильний варіант перекладу українського словосполучення:

(1 бал):

1. Applicants (повинні прислати) their CV before May 1.

a. have to sent;

b. must have sent;

c. should have sent;

d. must be sending;

e. are able to send.


2. You (можеш телефонувати) me any time.

a. are to call;

b. might be calling;

c. are able to call;

d. ought to call;

e. may call.


3. There were few people in the restaurant, so he (не довелося чекати) too long.

a. had not to wait;

b. has never had to wait;

c. needn’t have waited;

d. shouldn’t have waited;

e. didn’t have to wait.


4. She (не можна відвідувати) him until he is well again.

a. isn’t able to visit;

b. can’t visit;

c. couldn’t visit;

d. wasn’t allowed to visit;

e. hasn’t got to visit.


5. She (ніколи не доводилося працювати) late hours.

a. was never allowed to work;

b. never had to work;

c. must never work;

d. didn’t have to work;

e. has never had to work.


6.  (Не може бути, щоб він подорожував) now. I saw him yesterday at his office.

a. He wasn’t travelling;

b. He mustn’t travel;

c. He can’t have travelled;

d. He can’t be travelling;

e. He can’t travel.

7. They (напевно, вже замовили) the flight.

a. have had to book;

b. might book;

c. could be booking;

d. must have booked;

e. should have booked.

8. The train (повинен відійти) at half past nine.

a. is to leave;

b. needs to leave;

c. should leave;

d. is able to leave;

e. must have left.


9. I think you (слід приміряти) this dress.

a. must try on;

b. have to try on;

c. ought to try on;

d. should have tried on;

e. are to try.


10. He (не слід було чекати) for you.

a. must not have waited;

b. should not have waited;

c. must not wait;

d. shouldn’t have waited;

e. didn’t have to wait.

VІ. Виберіть правильний варіант перекладу підкресленої частини речення: (1 бал):

1. Бюлетені перераховували увесь день.

a. The ballots had been recounted…

b. The ballots were being recounted…

c. The ballots were recounted…

d. The ballots were recounting…


2. Цей замок був збудований у 13 столітті.

a. This castle was built …

b. This castle was being built …

c. This castle has been built …

d. This castle had been built …



3. Мені вже відремонтували машину.

a. I’ve been repaired my car.

b. I’ve repaired my car.

c. I’ve had my car repaired.

d. My car is repaired.


4. Вашу роботу перевірять завтра.

a. Your essay is going to be checked…

b. Your essay will be checking…

c. Your essay will check…

d. Your essay are going to be checked…


5. До вашого повернення кімнату вже приберуть.

a. … the room have been cleaned.

b. … the room will have cleaned.

c. … the room will have been cleaned.

d. … the room will have been cleaning.


6. На жаль, ваша стаття ще не друкується.

a. … your article isn’t printing yet.

b. … your article isn’t being printed yet.

c. … your article isn’t printed yet.

d. … your article hasn’t been printing yet.


7. Її вже проінформували про нові обставини.

a. She had been informed…

b. She has been informed…

c. She has been informing…

d. She is informed…


8. Лондонським метро щодня користується близько 10,000 пасажирів.

a. The London Underground are daily used…

b. The London Underground has daily been used…

c. The London Underground is daily used…

d. The London Underground is daily being used…


9. Це питання будуть обговорювати у пресі протягом тижня.

a. This question will be discussed…

b. This question will have been discussed…

c. This equipment will be being discussed…

d. This question will have been discussing…


10. Цю лінію метро вже побудували на той час..

a. This metro line had been building…

b. Two metro line had been built…

c. Two metro line built…

d. Two metro line was built…

VІІ. 1. Заповніть пропуски згідно з правилами англійської граматики:

(1 бал):


1. I’m afraid lest I … much money on this business trip.

a) should have spent;

b) should spend;

c) will spend;

d) would spend;

e) to spend;

f) spent.


2. We delayed … the product because of technical problems.

a) to launch;

b) launching;

c) to have launched;

d) to be launched;

e) being launched;

f) to be launching.


3. Our demand is that the terms of payment…

a) had been reconsidered;

b) would be reconsidered;

c) should be reconsidered;

d) should reconsider;

e) reconsider;

f) to have reconsidered.


4. It’s hard to find parts for this machine. The manufacturers stopped … this model 15 years ago.

a) producing;

b) to be producing;

c) to have produce;

d) having produced;

e) to have produced;

f) to be produced.


5. He wishes he … to take the train to work every day.

a) doesn’t have d) hadn’t had;  
b) didn’t have; e) haven’t had;  
c) wouldn’t have;   f) to haven’t had



VІІ. 2. Виберіть правильний варіант перекладу англійського речення:

(1 бал):


1. He looks as though he has received an order.

a) Він мав такий вигляд, ніби отримав замовлення.

b) Схоже, він отримав замовлення.

c) Він, здається, отримав замовлення.

d) Він має такий вигляд. ніби отримав замовлення.


2. It was too cold to bathe in the sea.

a) Море було надто холодним для купання.

b) Було надто холодно, щоб купатися в морі.

c) Купатися в морі було також холодно.

d) Море було також холодним для купання.


3. The manager used to control the delivery of equipment every month, but now he doesn’t.

a) Менеджер звик до контролю за щомісячною доставкою обладнання, але зараз такого контролю немає.

b) Менеджер раніше контролював доставку обладнання кожного місяця, але зараз він не робить цього.

c) Менеджер використовував контрольну доставку обладнання кожного місяця, але зараз він не робить цього.

d) Менеджер використовував обладнання для щомісячного контролю за доставкою, але зараз він не робить цього.


4. I wish that the bank would credit money for this business.

a) Я жалкую, що банк кредитує гроші для цього бізнесу.

b) Як би мені хотілось, щоб банк кредитував гроші для цього бізнесу.

c) Я жалкую, що банк не кредитував гроші на цей бізнес.

d) Я жалкую, що банк кредитував гроші на цей бізнес.


5. I heard Mr. Brown telling the partners about the plans of our enterprise.

a) Я чув, як містер Браун розповідав партнерам про плани нашого підприємства.

b) Я чув, як містер Браун розповів партнерам про плани нашого підприємства.

c) Я чую, як містер Браун розповідає партнерам про плани нашого підприємства.

d) Я чув містера Брауна, який розповідав партнерам про плани нашого підприємства.

VІІІ. Прочитайте текст. Виберіть потрібний варіант (A,B,C або D) та заповніть пропуски: (1 бал)


Inflation & the US dollar


In recent decades, consumers and TV pundits have bemoaned "the cost of living". We here about daily expenses for hard-working folks keep rising and that wages are not keeping up with inflation. It wasn't that long ago that the hand-wringing went on and on about how there are fewer and fewer "one-income" households. Politicians wax on pompously about how families need "two incomes now to afford what a single income used to provide". 1_______ is simply government printing too many dollars as they chase the same basket of goods and services. Yes, there is a more precise/formal definition but that should suffice.

The bottom line is that managing the currency (printing dollars) is the government's responsibility. The government has power over the currency and we as participants in the US economy have little 2_____ since we are forced to use this currency for most of our daily 3______. But it stands to reason that the more you produce of something, the less each unit is worth. "Inflating" the currency doesn't mean that the cost of goods and services go up; it's that the value of each dollar keeps shrinking because you 4_____ too many dollars. All things being equal, If I bought something last year for $1 and this year it costs me $2, it isn't because that item doubled in value; it's because the 5____ of my money went down.

The value of the US dollar since the creation of the Federal Reserve system (effectively America's central bank; a government entity) in 1913 has fallen by nearly 99%. Inflation is basically a hidden tax since you end up paying more without getting more. Who is causing this massive inflation? Who is debauching the value of our currency? Government.


  A B C D
1. basket markets politicians inflation
2. economy transactions choice deposits
3. transactions corporations funds investments
4. pay produce cause provide
5. value price demand reasons

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