Tell about mobile technologies

Mobile technology is the technology used for cellular communication. Mobile code division multiple access (CDMA) technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-way pager to being a mobile phone, GPS navigation device, an embedded web browser and instant messaging client, and a handheld game console. Many experts believe that the future of computer technology rests in mobile computing with wireless networking. Mobile computing by way of tablet computers are becoming more popular. Tablets are available on the 3G and 4G networks.

Mobile phones, particularly the smartphones that have become our inseparable companions today, are relatively new.

However, the history of mobile phones goes back to 1908 when a US Patent was issued in Kentucky for a wireless telephone.

Mobile phones were invented as early as the 1940s when engineers working at AT&T developed cells for mobile phone base stations.

The very first mobile phones were not really mobile phones at all. They were two-way radios that allowed people like taxi drivers and the emergency services to communicate.

Instead of relying on base stations with separate cells (and the signal being passed from one cell to another), the first mobile phone networks involved one very powerful base station covering a much wider area.

Motorola, on 3 April 1973 were first company to mass produce the the first handheld mobile phone.

These early mobile phones are often referred to as 0G mobile phones, or Zero Generation mobile phones. Most phones today rely on 3G or 4G mobile technology.

The technology that drives mobile devices has improved a lot since those days, and especially in the last ten years. Mobile gadgets have gotten smaller, more powerful, and very useful. They are everywhere and play increasingly greater roles in the lives of most everyone. Availability of mobile devices is rapidly spreading throughout the world and making significant improvements in many lives.

1973: Dr Martin Cooper general manager at Motorola communications system division made the first public mobile phone call on a device that weighed 1.1Kg.

1999: Emojis were invented by Shigetaka Kurita in Japan. Unlike their all-text predecessors emoticons, emojis are pictures.

2003: The 3G standard started to be adopted worldwide, kicking off the age of mobile internet and paving the way for the rise of smartphones.

Mobile technology is enriching our lives. It is giving a voice to those without, either due to circumstance or medical conditions. It is making communication possible for those who live in a void. It is keeping distant loved ones close, and building friendships no matter the location of those involved. It is saving lives, and making healthcare possible for those otherwise without. It is bringing the world closer together — a truly amazing situation.


33. Multimedia Concept & Topics

• Multi: more than one • Medium (singular): middle, intermediary, mean • Media (plural): means for conveying information

- Media in the press, newspaper, radio and TV context

mass media

- Media in communications: cables, satellite, network –

transmission media - Media in computer storage: floppy, CD, DVD, HD, USB – storage media - Media in HCI context: text, image, audio, video, CG – interaction media

• Multimedia: refers to various information forms text, image, audio, video, graphics, and animation in a variety of application environments

Multimedia: product, application, technology, platform, board, device, network computer, system, classroom, school, … Word “multimedia” is widely used to mean many different things

What is Multimedia in terms of Computing

Computing: Computer-based technologies and applications What computers?  Various forms of computers/devices! In terms of computing, four fundamental multimedia attributes: Digitized: All media including audio/video are represented in digital format Distributed: The information conveyed is remote, either pre-produced and stored or produced in realtime, distributed over networks Interactive: It is possible to affect the information received, and send own information, in a non-trivial way beyond start, stop, fast forward Integrated: The media are treated in a uniform way, presented in an orchestrated way, but are possible to manipulate independently Definition of Multimedia: Computer-based techniques of text, images, audio, video, graphics, animation, and any other medium where every type of information can be represented, processed, stored, transmitted, produced and presented digitally. This course focus  Audio and Video

Benefits of Multimedia

That is, multiple, media, and interactive should be a good thing

A Classification of Multimedia

• Text - ASCII/Unicode, HTML, Postscript, PDF • Audio – Sound, music, speech, structured audio (e.g. MIDI) • Still Image - Facsimile, photo, scanned image • Video (Moving Images) – Movie, a sequence of pictures • Graphics – Computer produced image • Animation – A sequence of graphics images

• Discrete Media (DM, Static): text, image, graphics • Continuous Media (CM, Dynamic): audio, video, animation

• Captured vs Synthesized media • Standalone vs Networked media

System Implications of Multimedia Multimedia imposes new requirements on all parts of the system architecture: • Representation - digitization and coding (compressing) • Storage - database, larger volumes and new access patterns • Processing - OS, scheduling, indexing, searching • Understanding - speech/object recognition, content analysis • Production - more complex authoring and user interface software • Presentation - user perception, user friendly in HCI (Human Computer Interface) • Protection – media encryption, copyright, privacy • Distribution - media delivery and broadcast • Communication - media transmission over network/internet, session control

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