Exercise 3. Form new words and translate them

a) the adjectives using the suffixes -ful: help, pain, use, rest, harm, beauty, care, wonder, skill,

b) the nouns using the suffixes -th: wide, grow, long, warm, deep, true, strong.


Exercise 4. Give the Plural of the following Nouns:

Process, library, foot, mouse, tooth, ray, policeman, child, radio, half, phenomenon, basis, leaf, fish, series, life, diagnosis, box, mouth, speech, family, boy, potato, blood, air, person, kidney.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Tooth decay, as far back as, tooth related disorders, premature tooth loss, reconstruction, an evidence of the belief, ancient chronicles, periodontal diseases, ancient civilization, to make a mistake, an association between medicine and dentistry, scientific point of view.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Dental diseases have remained remarkably similar throughout history. Decay, toothaches, periodontal disease and premature tooth loss were documented in ancient chronicles. The exact time that dental art made its appearance isn't known; however, there is a proof of its existence among the civilizations of Egypt, Etruscans of Central Italy, Assyrians, China, etc.

The Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan has evidence of dentistry being practiced as far back as 7000 BC. A Sumerian text from 5000 BC describes a "tooth worm" as the cause of dental caries. The legend of the worm is also found in the writings of Homer, and as late as the 1300s AD the surgeon Guy de Chauliac still promoted the belief that worms cause tooth decay.

The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re (3000 B.C.). He was the chief toothist to the Pharaohs. He was also a physician, indicating an association between medicine and dentistry. At about the same time there was also the first evidence of a surgical operation in Egypt.

One of the greatest Greek philosophers Aristotle made the earliest attempt to discuss the teeth from the purely scientific point of view. He had described human teeth and then compared them with teeth of several animals. But Aristotle made a mistake - he believed that men had 32 teeth and women only 28! This mistake was corrected only in the 16th century by Doctor Andreas Vesalius. He also classified the teeth as incisors, canines and molars.

Aristotle wrote about dentistry, advised cleaning of teeth, described extraction forceps, stated that consumption of sweets produce tooth decay.

The first use of dental appliances or bridges comes from the Etruscans from as early as 700 BC. Galen was the first to recognize that a toothache could be pulpitis.

At the onset of the Middle Ages, barbers became physicians and dentists. Their practice was limited to extracting teeth which relieved pain and chronic tooth infection.

In the 14th century, French surgeon Guy de Chauliac was first to coin the term dentator and dentists. The English term dentist came from his original terms. He also invented the dental pelican (resembling a pelican's beak) which was used up until the late 18th century.

Before restorative dental care was popular (or possible), the only treatment for dental pain was extraction of the teeth, resulting in partial or complete edentulism. Unfortunately in those times there were no materials or techniques for making good dentures. But in 1400 Giovanni de Arcoli was the first to fill teeth with gold.

In 17th century French physician Pierre Fauchard started dentistry science as we know it today, and he has been named "the father of modern dentistry".


Exercise 7. Find an appropriate translation of the phrases:

Tooth decay передні зуби, іклa (зуби), корінні зуби
Premature tooth loss призвести до беззубості
Extraction of teeth нагадувати дзьоб пелікана
Dental appliances  терапевтична стоматологія
Therapeutic dentistry       пломбувати зуби
Resemble pelican beak видалення зубів
incisors, canines and molars руйнування зубів
To lead to edentulism стоматологічний інструмент
to fill teeth відновлююча стоматологія
Restorative dentistry передчасна втрата зубів      


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Hesi-Re?

2. What is Greeks contribution into the dentistry?

3. What were the Etruscans famous for?

4. Who invented dental drill?

5. What were Galen’s discoveries?

6. Who coined the term “dentist”?

7. What did the treatment of teeth usually result in?

8. What was Giovanni de Arcoli’s invention?


Exercise 9. Approve or contradict the following:

1. Dental diseases have changed a lot since ancient times.

2. There is an evidence of dental practice dated back up to 1000 BC.

3. The earliest forms of dentistry included tooth filling, caries curing, and treatment of periodontal diseases and so on.

4. An Egyptian text from 5000 BC describes a "tooth worm" as the cause of dental caries.

5. The ancient form of dentistry showed that the methods used were reliable and effective.

6. In the 1300s BC Guy de Chauliac still promoted the belief that worms cause tooth decay.

7. Hippocrates invented the dental pelican.

8. French physician Pierre Fauchard is named "the father of modern dentistry".


Exercise 10. Express in one word:

Pulpitis the condition of being toothless
Drill a tooth having one point
Bridge any of the teeth at the back of the jaw used for crushing and chewing food
Cuspid rotating tool that in inserted into drill machine
Molar ancient dental instrument for removing teeth
edentulism inflammation of the pulp
dental pelican a dental plate containing one or more artificial teeth that are secured to the surrounding natural teeth

Exercise 11. Insert preposition where necessary:

1. It was about a "tooth worm" … the cause … dental caries in the text from 5000 BC.

2. Pictures … a drill are found … many tomb paintings of ancient Egypt.

3. The Papyrus Ebers, found … Egypt, contained eleven remedies that related directly … problems with the teeth.

4. The most amazing discoveries turned out to be similar … modern orthodontics and periodontics.

5. The molars were bound together … gold wire.

6. Sometimes skeletons, being in the ground … 2000 years, have teeth … very good condition.

7. In ancient times the only treatment ….. dental pain was tooth extraction.

8. The first dental appliances were used … the Etruscans.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct tense. Translate the sentences:

1. The X-ray examination (to reveal) the inflammation in the 3d left lower molar.

2. The duration of the surgery always (to depend) on the severity of the disease.

3. About 740 million people in the world (to suffer from) caries.

4. The Etruscans (to design) false teeth out of ivory and bone.

5. These false teeth (to insert) into the mouth by gold bridge.

6. Cocaine (to consider) to be the first local anesthetic used in dentistry 

7. Cocaine (to introduce) as an anesthetic by Carl Koller in 1884.

8. Alfred Einkorn (to research) safe local anesthesia to use on soldiers during wartime.

Exercise 13. Make up the questions to the underlined words:

1. Dental experts recommend people to visit dentist for an examination twice a year.

2. The patient fell asleep after taking the medicine.

3. To maintain a sterile environment, a dentist and his assistant wore gloves and masks.

4. The oral cavity includes the hard and soft palates, tongue, lips, and floor of the mouth.

5. Observations will be the basis of his medical practice.

6. All human beings have five fingers on each hand.

7. Avicenna offered a humoral explanation of bone as primarily made of earth.

 8. He invented the dental drill to open into pulp chamber.

Exercise 14. Translate sentences into English:

1. Греки використовували м'яту, яка є інгредієнтом зубної пасти для нас й сьогодні.

2. Дослідження мумій показало, що багато єгиптян страждали карієсом і поразками ясен.

3. Етруски, які приблизно в той же час населяли Центральну Італію, стали першими в зубному протезуванні.

4. Першим стоматологічним інструментом були щипці для екстракції зубів.

5. Стародавні римляни запозичили деякі вміння етруських дантистів, проте нічого особливого до них не додали.

6. Архиген винайшов свердло, котре він використовував для проникнення в зубну порожнину.

7. Відомий французький хірург 14 сторіччя Гі де Шоліак ввів термін "дантист”, удосконалив зуболікарські щипці та став пломбувати зуби золотом.

8. Як медична спеціальність, стоматологія зародилася в Європі на межі 17 і 18 сторіч.

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