Meet My Fellow-Students

It’s Tuesday at 8 a. m. I’m sitting in the lobby of the University. Jan is sitting next to me. He is one of my fellow-students. Jan is Polish. He is not only very clever, but he is also a very hard worker and likes to do everything well. He has dark brown hair and good grey eyes. He is not very tall, but he is strong, swims well and is a good footballer. He is generally early for classes. He doesn’t like to be a minute late. Neither do I. We often sit here and wait for the others to come. There they are! They are coming out of the elevator. Let me introduce them to you.

The first one to come out is Lucille. Lucille is American. She is beautiful and rich. She is tall and slim, with big dark eyes and black straight hair which she wears loose. She cares about her appearance very much. No wonder, with girls, it’s instrumental, or №1, as I put it. This is what they themselves say. Lucille goes out to a dinner or a club or a movie almost every evening, and doesn’t get to bed until very late at night – or rather, early in the morning. She doesn’t do very much work.

And this is Olaf. He is a big fellow – six feet three tall. He can walk all day and he never feels tired. He is as strong as a horse. He is strong both in body and in character. His eyes are blue and his hair is yellow. He doesn’t talk much but he thinks a lot. Olaf comes from England.

Here is Pedro. He is very handsome, tall and dark and well-dressed. He is rich and clever too. He is Spanish, but he speaks English and can talk about almost everything – music, pictures, other countries, literature, politics and life.

The next one to come out is Frieda. She has blond curly hair and big grey eyes. She doesn’t talk much; she is rather quiet, kind and nice. We all like her. I think that she is pretty and so do all the other students, except Jan. He thinks that she is beautiful.

And here is the last one. This is Hob. He is generally the last one to come for classes and the first to go away. He is neither handsome nor clever. But he thinks that he is all these. He doesn’t like swimming or football. He thinks they are too much like hard work. He doesn’t like studying. He says it makes him tired. He isn’t polite and he isn’t well-dressed. He doesn’t always listen to lectures in class (he sometimes goes to sleep there). He is a good eater and a good sleeper. But he is good-hearted and loves a joke. He knows a lot of funny stories and always wants to tell them to you.


7.2 Fill in the following table with the information from the text.

  Where (s)he is from Appearance Character Likes and dislikes

7.3 Describe one of Tom’s fellow-students.

8. WRITING. In writing, give true answers to the following questions. Use as many words and word combinations from this Unit.

1. What is your full (first, family) name?

2. How old are you?

3. What do you do?

4. What are your ambitions?

5. What is your appearance?

6. What is your character?

7. Is there anything special about you?

8. What are your likes (dislikes)?


9. PRESENTATION. Speak on the topic ‘About Myself’



1. WARMING UP. Work in pairs. Ask and a nswer the questions about your families.

1. How many are you in the family?

2. What are their names?

3. How old are they?

4. What are their jobs?

5. What are their hobbies?


2.1 Complete the following table using the words from the list below.

Family Relations

male female
boy (guy)  
Father (Dad, Daddy, Pa)  
  mother - in - law

girl (gal); aunt; niece; sister-in-law; son; widow; cousin; Mother (Mom, Mummy, Ma); father-in-law; spouse; grandfather; wife; daughter-in-law; brother; granddaughter;

2.2 Match the definitions to the words.

1 smb’s husband or wife a) brother-in-law
2 the mother of smb’s spouse b) son-in-law
3 the brother of your mother or father c) cousin
4 the sister of your mother or father d) niece
5 children born at the same time and to the same mother e) spouse
6 the child of your aunt or uncle f) mother-in-law
7 the husband of smb’s daughter g) uncle
8 the wife of smb’s son h) twins
9 the brother of smb’s spouse i) nephew
10 the daughter of smb’s sister or brother j) daughter-in-law
11 the wife of smb’s brother k) sister-in-law
12 the son of smb’s brother or sister l) aunt


3. FIRST READING. Read the text to find out what it is about in general.

My Family

When Americans speak about families, many of them mean a “traditional family”. A traditional American family is one in which both parents are living together with their children. The father goes out and works and the mother stays home and brings up the children. There are two children in a traditional American family.

However, most American families today do not fit this image. The biggest change is that in many families both parents work outside the home. Besides, families in the USA are getting smaller. In the mid-1970s there were six people in an average household. Today an average household contains only 2 or 3 people. Most American families include members of just two generations: parents and their children. So does my family.

I’m an only child in the family. I have neither brothers nor sisters. But I have two cousins: Katherine and Emily. They are Aunt Mary’s daughters. Aunt Mary and her husband are divorced. Kate is the youngest in the family and Emily is two years older than me. Emily is my favorite cousin. She is a medical student in her third year. We are good companions and see a lot of each other.

My Dad George Bailey is a very educated person and he practices law. He knows two foreign languages – French and German – and he speaks and reads and writes these languages very well. He speaks quietly and pleasantly, but there is strength under his quietness, and all his clients know this. He is 45 and he is always very well-dressed, but quietly, in good taste. Still, I think he is a little bit old-fashioned, unaware of the latest fads and fashions which preoccupy me. He, certainly, does his best to support the family and to give me a better education, a better background, a better chance than he had himself.

Mum is a beautiful woman. She is as old as Dad but she looks young for her age. She is kind and gentle, but she manages her house (and, in her quiet way, her husband and her son) very well. Dad is, of course, a clever man, but a little bit unpractical and he needs Mum to look after him. Let alone me. She, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense.

Unlike their parents, many single adult Americans today are waiting longer to get married. Some men and women marry and start their family life later because they want to graduate from a university or college; others want to become more established in their chosen profession. Couples are also waiting longer before they have children. Some couples today decide not to have any children at all.

Despite all this families are an important part of life in the United States. Americans work hard to make their families successful. Although families are changing, they are not going to disappear.


3.1 C hoose a), b), or c) to complete the sentences.

1. An American family today is one in which …

a) both parents are unemployed

b) both parents have jobs

c) one of the parents works and the other stays home

2. There are … children in a traditional American family.

a) 6

b) 3

c) 2

3. Tom has …

a) two sisters

b) two cousins

c) a sister and a brother

4. Tom’s father …

a) is a lawyer

b) teaches French and German

c) designs fashionable clothes

5. Tom’s mother is …

a) very sentimental

b) violent and unbalanced

c) pragmatic

6. Many adult Americans today prefer …

a) career to marriage

b) to get married very early

c) to start family life later



4.1 Fill in the synonyms from the list.

to take care of; family; to consist of; not married; folks; not knowing sth;

household to contain   parents unaware of sth   single to look after  

4.2 Match the following words from the text to their definitions. Suggest the Russian.

1 generation 2 to divorce 3 fashion 4 fad 5 couple a) two persons or things seen together or associated b) fashion, interest, preference unlikely to last c) all persons born about the same time, and, therefore, of the same age d) to put an end to a marriage by law e) style of clothes, behavior, etc. popular during a period or at a place


4.3 Match the following word-combinations from the text to their Russian equivalents.

1 brings up the children 2 do not fit this image 3average household 4 practices law 5which preoccupy me 6 does his best 7common sense 8to graduate from a university 9to become more established 10however 11despite 12 although a) здравый смысл b) однако c) делает все возможное d) занимается правом e) хотя f) не соответствуют этому имиджу g) среднестатистическая семья h) которые интересуют меня i) воспитывает детей j) несмотря на k) стать более устроенным (в жизни) l) окончить университет


4.4 Match the parts to form the word-combinations from the text.

1do not fit 2 average 3 an only 4 he practices 5 does his 6common 7single a) law b) sense c) best d) this image e) child f) adult Americans g) household


5. READING FOR DETAIL. Read the text carefully to answer the following questions.


1. What do Americans mean when they speak about a “traditional” family?

2. What are the biggest changes in American families today?

3. Does Tom have any brothers or sisters?

4. What are his cousins’ names?

5. Whose daughters are they?

6. Who is Tom’s favorite cousin?

7. How does Tom characterize his father?

8. Why does Tom think that his father is a little bit old-fashioned?

9. What does Tom say about his mother?

10. Why do many single adult Americans today are waiting longer to get married?

11. Do newly-married couples decide to have children as soon as they get married?

12. Are families going to disappear?


6.1 Without looking at the text add information to the following statements.

1. A traditional American family is one in which …

2. Most American families today do not …

3. The two biggest changes are …

4. Today an average household contains …

5. Tom has neither … nor …

6. But he has two …

7. Aunt Mary and her husband are …

8 Tom’s Dad George Bailey is a very educated person …

9. He is 45 and he is always very well-dressed, but …

10. Tom thinks his Dad is a little bit old-fashioned because …

11. He does his best to …

12. Tom’s Mum is …

13. She manages her …

14. Mum is full of …

15. Unlike their parents, many single adult Americans start their family life later because …

16. Families are not going to disappear because …


6.2 Look at the following family tree.

Family Tree

Andrew Smith Born 1920 Died 1987 Helen Smith b. Jan.1, 1929 doctor retired knitting Michael Brown b. Feb. 23, 1928 army officer retired gardening Ann Brown b. Mar. 2, 1931 housewife
  Nick Smith b. Apr.3, 1962 single taxi driver girls billiards   Victor Smith b. May 11, 1949 married engineer traveling volleyball   Lucy Smith b. June 10, 1951 married teacher foreign languages   Mary Gates b. July 12, 1961 divorced salesclerk swimming  
    Alex Smith b. Aug. 20, 1972 law student music martial arts     Melanie Smith b. Sep. 31, 1975 high school student music photography   George b. Oct. 7. 84

6.3 Describe the members of the family using the information from the table.


Victor Smith was born in the family of Andrew and Helen Smith on the 11 of May 1949. His father died in 1987. So his mother is a widow. She worked as a doctor but now she is retired. She likes knitting.

Victor has a younger brother Nick who is not married, works as a taxi driver and is fond of girls and billiards.

Victor is married. His wife’s name is Lucy. She is two years younger than Victor. Lucy is a teacher of foreign languages.

Victor and Lucy have two children – Alex and Melanie. Alex is 3 years older than his sister. He is a law student and he is interested in martial arts. Melanie is a high school student and is fond of photography. Both Alex and Melanie like music.

Victor has also some in-laws. Michel Brown is his father-in-law. He is the former army officer, now retired and fond of gardening. Victor’s mother-in-law is Ann Brown. She is a housewife. Michael and Ann’s daughter Mary is Victor’s sister-in-law and her son George is his nephew.

6.4 Draw your own family tree. Describe one of your relatives.

7. WRITING. In writing, give true answers to the following questions. Use the words and word combinations from this Unit.

1. What are your ideas about a typical Belarusian family?

2. Does your family fit the image of a typical Belarusian family?

3. Use your family tree to describe your family relations?

8. PRESENTATION. Use the information from the text “My Family” and your own family tree to present the topic ‘My Family’.





1. WARMING UP. Choose the right variant.

1. I’m studying at a Law …

a) college

b) institute

c) university

2. It’s a … institution.

a) state

b) non-state

3. The education is …

a) free

b) not free

4. I’m majoring in …

a) Economics

b) Law

c) International Law

d) Political Science and Psychology

5. I’m a …

a) full-time student

b) student by correspondence


2. FIRST READING OF THE TEXT. Read the text to find out what it is about in general.


University Studies

So, I’m a university student at the Law Faculty majoring in International Law. I got into the university earlier this year. I can’t say I had a burning desire to study law. I simply didn’t know what else to do after leaving school and found “a job with prospects ”. Lawyers are very popular in the United States.

There are now so many universities and courses (state and non-state) that about a third of school-leavers go on to higher education. In my opinion, half of them should not be there.

Originally, university was for members of the elite who could afford to pay. Then it was for those with brains and academic ambition. Now it is open to anyone who is averagely bright, can achieve a couple of A-levels and doesn't know what else to do. I’m one of these. Of course, there are some teenagers who really want to be engineers or doctors, or want to know more about history, law or the politics and sociology. They are eager to learn, and deserve their places.

But there are the others, who clearly have no great desire to study; university is simply a way of passing a few years. Because so many people have degrees now, they say, it is important to have one yourself. Almost any degree from almost any university would be better than no degree at all, they add.

Do you want to know about my University? Well, it is one of the oldest institutions for higher education in the country with its own traditions and experienced teaching staff, modern computer classes, lecture and class rooms and a library. The methods of teaching are quite different from those at school and I like it. In fact, I enjoy every minute of being here. The Law course at the University is intended to give thorough basic knowledge in the principles of Law. The range of subjects on the curriculum is wide – from the history of law to different branches of law such as Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and the Law of Tort, Administrative and Family Law, Law of Contract and International Law – and more.

However, the course does not only include strict law, it gives an academic legal education. The emphasis is on developing skills of interpretation and logical thinking

Although many of my fellow-students who study law do so with the intention of practicing in the future, many do not. They prefer instead to go into administration, industrial management or business after graduation.

Truly speaking I can’t say now what area of law interests me most and about my plans for the future. I chose International Law just because I’m keen on learning languages. Besides in the era of globalization it’s impossible, I think, to be an expert in any sphere without understanding international relations.

I admit that education is worthwhile but university is not for everyone. No wonder so many students give up and drop out. But it offers them a chance to grow up and the possibility that they might just learn something. Let’s be democratic, at least for some little while. O.K.?



2.1 C hoose the best variant to complete the sentences below. Use the text to make the right choice.

1. Tom became a law student because …

a) his father wanted him to be a lawyer

b) he wanted to study law

c) he wanted to have a prestigious and well-paid job in the future

2. Today university is practically open to …

a) those who are very clever

b) those who want to have a university degree

c) those with money

3. The Law course at Tom’s University gives …

a) vocational (strictly relating to a profession) training

b) academic (relating to basic knowledge in principles of law) legal education

4. Law graduates …

a) can only practice law after graduation

b) are willingly employed by government agencies and industrial and business enterprises

c) are often on the lists of unemployed

5. Tom has chosen International Law because …

a) it sounds well to him

b) he likes traveling abroad

c) he is interested in languages and relations between States



3.1 Fill in the synonyms from the list. Use the context of the text if necessary.

freedom; aim/purpose; organization, establishment; needed; to be interested in sth; strong wish; clever; personnel; field/area;

desire to be keen on sth intention   bright sphere staff   liberty institution worthwhile

3.2 Match the following words from the text to their definitions. Suggest the Russian.

1 lawyers 2ambition 3 A-levels 4 teenagers 5 to be eager to do sth 6 degrees 7 experienced 8 curriculum 9 skills 10 globalization 11 expert 12 to admit   a) person with special knowledge b) having experience c) to have a strong desire to do sth d) academic titles; grades given by a university to one who has passed an examination e) young persons in their teens (13-19) f) strong desire to do sth g) the complete course of studies followed at university, college, etc. h) persons who practice law i) to accept as true or valid j) abilities to do sth well k) worldwide process of economic, political and cultural exchanges l) advanced  level  examinations  taken by  school-leavers in 2 or 3 subjects


3.3 Match the following word-combinations from the text to their Russian equivalents.

1 majoring in International law 2a job with prospects 3 could afford to pay 4 academic ambition 5 averagely bright 6 they deserve their places 7 have degrees 8 experienced teaching staff 9thorough basic knowledge 10 range of subjects on the curriculum 11emphasis is on developing skills 12 education is worthwhile 13many students give up and drop out   a) со средними умственными способностями b) они заслуживают свои места c) опытный преподавательский состав d) перспективная работа e) многие студенты сдаются и бросают (университет) f) образование необходимо g) специализирующийся в международном праве h) имеют степени (высшее образование) i) основное внимание уделяется развитию навыков j) основополагающие знания k) могли позволить себе платить l) желание учиться m) перечень предметов в программе

3.4 Fill in the prepositions from the list where necessary.

into; of; over; from; out; with; in; to; at; on; for; up;

majoring … International Law; I got … the university; open … anyone; different … those at school; knowledge … the principles of Law; the range … subjects … the curriculum; the emphasis is … developing skills; … the future; … fact; area … law; plans … the future; keen … learning languages; an expert … any sphere; many students give … and drop …; a chance to grow …; … least;


4. READING FOR DETAIL. Read the text carefully to answer the following questions.

1. When did Tom get into the University?

2. Why did Tom decide to become a lawyer?

3. Why do so many school-leavers go on to higher education today?

4. Is university open to anyone today?

5. What students deserve their places at university?

6. What students shouldn’t be at university?

7. What sort of institution is Tom’s University?

8. Why do you think Tom enjoys every minute of being at the University?

9. What is the purpose of the Law course at his University?

10. What subjects are there on the curriculum?

11. What does academic education mean?

12. Are all the law students going to practice law in the future?

13. Why did Tom choose International law?

14. Why do many university students give up and drop out?

15. What chance does higher education give to many teenagers?


5. SPEAKING. Without looking at the texts add information to the following statements.

1. I’m a university student at …

2. I decided to study law because …

3. There are now so many universities and courses that …

4. Originally, university was for …

5. Now it is open to …

6. Of course, there are some teenagers who really want …

7. But there are the others, who …

8. My University is one of the oldest …

9. The methods of teaching are …

10. The Law course at the university is intended to give …

11. The range of subjects on the curriculum is wide – from…

12. However, the course does not only include strict law, …

13. The emphasis is on …

14. Many students who study law are going to …

15. Some law students prefer instead to go …

16. I chose International Law just because …

17. I admit that education is worthwhile but …

6. TRANSLATION. Read the following extract and translate it into Russian in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

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