Match the word combinations with their translations

  1. to save lives
  2. to look swollen
  3. a bad bruise
  4. a nosebleed
  5. blood transfusion
  6. to break a bone
  7. to complain of the pain
  8. to use a splint
  9. a cause of fainting
  10. to lose consciousness
  11. get pale
  12. to feel dizzy
  13. shallow breathing
  14. to rub the skin
  15. to cool the body
    1. ломать кость
    2. сильный ушиб
    3. причина обморока
    4. терять сознание
    5. спасать жизни
    6. выглядеть опухшим
    7. поверхностное дыхание
    8. переливание крови
    9. бледнеть
    10. жаловаться на боль
    11. носовое кровотечение
    12. охлаждать тело
    13. использовать шину
    14. чувствовать головокружение
    15. тереть кожу

Complete the sentences using the given words.

Variant 1.

    1. blood transfusions
    2. loses consciousness
    3. injured people
    4. a bruise
    5. breaks a bone
    6. get a sunstroke
  1. First aid is the help which you give to …
  2. I have … of the knee. It looks swollen.
  3. In severe cases doctors make … …
  4. When a person … …, he feels pain.
  5. In fainting the person … ….
  6. If you stay in the hot sun for a long time without a hat, you may … …

Variant 2.

    1. act without panic
    2. nosebleed
    3. cool the body
    4. gets pale
    5. put iodine
    6. swelling
  1. Before fainting the face of the person … …
  2. When you give the first aid, you must be calm and … … ….
  3. What do you do if you have a scratch? I … …
  4. When I have … I put a cold compress on the nose.
  5. … appears quickly at the place of the break.
  6. When it is hot I … … with cold water.

Variant 3.

    1. wound
    2. give the first aid
    3. severe pain
    4. relieve the pain
    5. rub the skin
    6. bandage the wound
  1. Everyone must know how to … … …
  2. Put this cold wet cloth on the bruise to … …
  3. The simple method to stop bleeding is to put clean cloth over the wound and … …
  4. There is a … in the open fracture.
  5. The cause of fainting was … …
  6. What should we do to keep up blood circulation? … …


Studying the topics of the unit «The History of Medicine» you will know about the development of medicine throughout the history. You will read the information about Pavlov I.P., Pirogov N.I., Botkin S.P., their life and great contribution to the development of medical sciences.

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