Text and vocabulary exercises. VII. Are the following statements true or false?

VII. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. Education in Russia is provided predominantly by the state. 2. Compulsory education in Russia begins when children are in the 5th form. 3. Education is compulsory up to the 11th form inclusive. 4. After finishing the 9th form one can go into higher education. 5. All applicants must take competitive exams. 6. Education in Russia isn’t similar to that of Britain and the USA.7. All the programs are elaborated by the university itself. 8. Education in our country is free.

VIII. Find in the text equivalents to the following phrases:

тщательно разрабатываются в соответствии с …; гуманитарные и социально-экономические дисциплины; Министерство образования и науки РФ; завершение научно-исследовательского проекта и сдача государственного выпускного экзамена; включают специальное обучение; доступ к этим программам; степень магистра присуждается; взимают плату; после успешного завершения учебы; выполнять исследование; уровень грамотности.

IX. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Primary and secondary schools together comprise …. 2. All applicants must take … 3. After the 9th form pupils may continue their education at …. 3. The Bachelor’s degree is awarded after … 4. To get the Master’s degree student must …. 5. The system of education in Russia began to change due to … 6. The programs include …. 7. Compulsory education in Russia begins… and continuous up to…

X. Describe the system of education in Russia using Active Vocabulary and the expressions below:

I think … I (don’t) agree

I (don’t) think it’s a good idea to … I don’t mind ….

I like … I quite like … / I really like

It is important to …

A good way to… is to … / The best way to …. is to …

XI. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

to land; approximately; flight attendant; to hand out; to borrow; bumpy; to catch a flight; to fill out; cart; skycap; change; to have a change for; currency exchange; stuff; carousel; to be embarrassed.

XII. Listen to the dialogue “Where’s my luggage?”

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