Absolute Participle Construction

Абсолютная причастная конструкция

Subject + Participle Подлежащее + причастие Subject + Predicate Подлежащее + сказуемое
Crimes prepared and tried before the sheriff and district courts, procurators fiscal prosecute them. До того как преступления рассматриваются в шерифских и районных судах, они (дела по преступлениям) подготавливаются и ведутся судебным исполнителем.
Subject + Predicate Подлежащее + сказуемое Subject + Participle Подлежащее + причастие
The Service is divided into 31 areas, with a locally based Chief Crown Prosecutor heading each. Служба разделена на 31 округ, причём каждый возглавляется местным главным королевским обвинителем.

Задание 29. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на абсолютную причастную конструкцию:

1. The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

2. The work done, they went home.

3. We investigated the case, with the data being collected.

4. The play being boring, the audience left the house.

5. The scene being horrifying, we left the place at once.

6. The day being fine, we decided to go swimming.

7. Elections in Russia being universal, all citizens at the age of the 18 have the right to elect.

Задание 30. Переведите предложения с абсолютной причастной конструкцией:

1. Big monopolies in the state having real power in the country, the rulers take all measures against any representative of the people attempting to find his way into Congress.

2. The Senate consists of 2 members from each state, chosen for 6 years, one third being reelected every 2 years.

3. The Supreme Court of the USA consists of 9 justices, one justice being appointed as the Chief Justice.

4. The district courts being the primary link of the judiciary, most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by these courts.

5. The exercise being difficult for the students, the teacher explained them how to do it.

6. The student knowing English well, the examination didn’t last long.

7. The Constitution proclaiming the peaceful nature of the state, there is a special chapter in it formulating the principles of the foreign policy.

Passive voice

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