Comprehension. Make the sentences True or False according to the information in the text

Make the sentences True or False according to the information in the text. Justify your answers by reference to the text.

1. The executive is responsible for the day-to-day management of the state. 2. The executive is identified by the leader of a political party. 3. Political executives include not only chief executives. 4. Sometimes the executive is delegated some legislative power. 5. The executive may not have to issue legislation, even in emergency cases.


A Make these verbs and nouns as they occur together in the text.

1. issue a) powers

2. delegate b) executive power

3. include c) the role

4. share d) legislation

5. assign e) heads of state

B Translate these word combinations.

to issue деньги / законы / приказ

to delegate полномочия / ответственность /представитель

to include главы государств/ важные вопросы /различные задачи

to share власть / обязанность / ответственность

to assign роль / ответственность / обязанности

C Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

to be responsible for; day-to day management; to include heads of state; to issue legislation; to share power; whereas; to

be subject to; with the consent; a chief executive; a government employee; to wield political power; to delegate powers; the scope of authority; a state of emergency.


A Scan Text 7.3 and answer the questions:

a) What countries are mentioned in the text?

b) In what connection are the United States and Germany mentioned?

c) find the sentences which describe:

the definition of the judiciary under the doctrine of the separation of powers;

the structure of established court systems;

types of local courts.

B Read the text. Formulate the key idea of each paragraph.

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