Оборот “there is” (there are) в Present, Past, Future Simple

Предложения с вводным there сообщают о наличии или существовании лица или предмета в каком-либо определенном месте.

Вводное there в предложении является формальным подлежащим, которое вводит сказуемое.

После оборота there is (are, was, were, will be) исчисляемые сущ. в ед. числе употребляются с неопределенным артиклем. Во мн. числе сущ. употребляются без артикля.

В случае наличия в предложении более одного подлежащего сказуемое согласуется с первым из них.

There is a newspaper and some journals on the table.

There are some journals and newspapers on the table.

При переводе на русский язык данных предложений обычно начинают с обстоятельства (места или времени).

There is a lamp on the table. – На столе есть лампа (имеется, находится).

Сказуемым в предложении такого типа может быть не только to be, но и to exist (существовать), to live (жить), to come (приходить), to lie (лежать).

There appeared many new parties in the country. – В стране появилось много новых партий.

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
There is a letter in the bag. There are letters in the bag There was a letter in the bag. There were letters in the bag There will be a letter in the bag. There will be letters in the bag
Is there a letter in the bag? Are there letters in the bag? Was there a letter in the bag? Were there letters in the bag? Will there be a letter in the bag? Will there be letters in the bag?
There isn’t a letter in the bag. There are no letters in the bag There was not (wasn’t) a letter in the bag. There were no letters in the bag There will not (won’t)be a letter in the bag. There will be no letters in the bag

Proverbs and phrases:

There is no doubt about it.

There is no smoke without fire.
Where there is a will there is a way.
There are limits to human endurance.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.There is a garden near the house. 2. There are many newspapers on the desk.

There is some chalk in the box. 4. Is there anybody in the corridor? 5. There are no mistakes in your test. 6. There was a concert at the University last Sunday. 7. Will there be a concert next Sunday? 8. There won’t be many exams in winter. 9. There is much information.

Exercise 2. Make the sentences interrogative.

Model: There is a picture on the wall.

Is there a picture on the wall?

1. There is a lift in the house. 2. There are a lot of bookshelves. 3. There is some bread on the plate. 4. There are a few cups on the table. 5. There is much furniture in the hall. 6. There was a nice picture on the wall.7. There were many seminars last week.8. There will be a lot of people at the conference.

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