Melting Pots and Mosaics

For years it was thought that the USA was and should be a “melting pot” – in other words, that people from all over the world would come and adopt the American culture as their own. More recently, some people have compared the US to a mosaics – a picture made by many different pieces. America’s strength, they argue, lies in its diversity and in the contributions made by people of many different cultures. America needs to preserve and encourage this diversity, while making sure that everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.

India [΄indiə] - Индия

Walt Whitman [΄wo:lt΄witmən] – Уолт Уитмен

Asia [΄ei∫ə] -Азия

the Bering Strait [΄beriŋ΄streit] – Берингов пролив

Siberia [sai΄biəriə] -Сибирь

Alaska [ə΄æskə] -Аляска

Columbus [kə΄lΛmbəs] -Колумб

Indians [΄indiənz] -индейцы

the East Indies [΄ist΄indiəz] – Ост-Индия

California [΄kæli΄fo:niə] -Калифорния

Oklahoma [΄ouklə΄houmə] -Оклахома

Arizona [΄æri΄zounə] -Аризона

New Mexico [΄nju:΄meksikou] – Нью Мексико

the Native Americans [΄neitiv ə΄merikənz] – коренные Американцы

Yankee [΄janki] -янки

New England [΄nju:΄iŋglənd] – Новая Англия

The Civil War [΄sivil΄wo:] – Гражданская война

Midwest [΄midwəst] – Средний Запад

Europe [΄juərəp] -Европа

Germany [΄dзə:məni] -Германия

Sweden [΄swi:dən] -Швеция

Norway [΄no:wei] -Норвегия

Scandinavian [΄skændi΄neivjən] – Скандинавский

Greece [gri:s] -Греция

Poland [΄poulənd] -Польша

Hispanics [his΄pænik] -испанский

Spanish [΄spæni∫] -испанский

Japan [dзə΄pæn] -Япония

the Philippines [΄filipinz] – Филиппинские о-ва

Korea [kə΄riə] -Корея

Vietnam [΄vjet΄næm] -Вьетнам

Text 3.

Composition of the Country.

The territory of the United States is historically divided into eight regions: 1) New England; 2) the Mid-Atlantic region; 3) the South; 4) the Midwest; 5) the Southwest; 6) the Rocky mountain region; 7) the Pacific Northwest and Alaska; 8) California and Hawaii.

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