Задание 21. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на нестандартное образование степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий

1. Good, better, best – never let it rest, till the good gets better, and the better – best. 2. Much will have more. 3. Bad is never good until worse happens. 4. A good example is the best sermon (наставление, проповедь). 5. Further, we consider the image changes. 6. These tests have no further impact on the behavior of a program. 7. This will become clear later. 8. The only available figures were the latest inventory (опись, список, инвентарь) totals (итог). 9. The logic in some programs is best described by flowchart (блок, схема). 10. At room temperature these compounds react to a lesser extent. 11. Oddly, the fastest, the most powerful of the classes – the mainframe (основной, вычислительная машина) – is the worst at reacting. The smallest and the slowest of the machines - the microprocessor – is the best.

Задание 22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы перевода слова far.

1. The book contains far more than its title suggests. 2. This work is far from being perfect. 3. The second limitation is far more serious. 4. This argument is far from satisfactory. 5. If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 6. It is important to enable (дать возможность) a user to make changes in the results produced by him thus far. 7. The theorem was proved as far back as the 19th century. 8. In so far as this important problem is concerned we will discuss it in detail.

Задание 23. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы перевода слова well.

1. All is well that ends well. 2. It could well be maintained that this is the result of knowing the concept well. 3. This value may well express different propositions. 4. These events are known well enough. 5. The same seems to be true for other applications (заявления, употребления, применения) as well. 6. There are advantages as well as disadvantages in having a king who is a foreigner. 7. Material well-being depends on consumption. 8. They regard these phenomena as reasonably well established. 9. The rate of growth in these countries was well below the long-term underlying (основная) trend. 10. This type pf production process is fairly well understood. 11. He could change his mind as well. 12. We got the value which is well above the predicted one. 13. The firms may be informed about the changes well in advance.

Задание 24. Переведите предложения, уделяя внимание способам перевода слова as.

1. When in Roman do as the Romans do. 2. There is much to be said in favour of your going as there is against. 3. Do as most men do, then most men will speak well if you. 4. As our last example we consider a simplified version of a political game. 5. As time went on this doctrine began to lose supporters. 6. The report of my death was an exaggeration. 7. Do not do as I do, but do as I tell you. 8. Treat others as you would like to be treated. 9. The authors characterizes the language as creating programs that stimulate intelligent human behavior such as understanding natural language, proving theorems, playing games, etc. 10. As cool gas enters the hot zone it begins to heat. 11. Some people as often as not are not liable (подверженный, ответственный) to be interviewed. 12. As compared to the above method, this one gives rise to an alternative interpretation of the problem.

Задание 25. Вставьте вместо точек слова few, little, much, many, а также их формы в сравнительной и превосходной степени:

1. …people want to see this play.

2. How … sheets of paper do you want?

3. How … does it cost?

4. It’s no use asking him about it. He has … knowledge of the subject.

5. How … time does it take to go there?

6. He had very … friends.

7. We haven’t had … rain this summer.

8. There was very …water in the glass; so he poured in some more.

9. This way of thinking is … (менее) natural.

10. Now we had two … (на 2 меньше) variables in our equation.

11. While a mathematician may expect the probabilistic average, an optimist may expect … (больше), a pessimist … (меньше).

12. This is the … (самый) acceptable variant.

13. Under these conditions the reagent behaved … (наименее) typically.

14. … (Большая часть) of the energy in a sun beam passes through clear air with very … (малый) absorption.

Задание 26. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. We have little information on this subject. 2. A little attention is given, however, to minor deviations from normal practice. 3. These substances react most readily. 4. There are few papers dealing with this subject. 5. There were a few papers dealing with this subject. 6. All this happened with little, if any, encouragement from his colleagues. 7. The few who opposed this new trend were finally forced to agree. 8. There are a few moving parts in the unit. 9. We have little time. 10. We have a little time.

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