Сельскохозяйственное землепользование

1. Прочтите следующие слова: Аdopt, option, top-down, encourage, rural, recreational, activities, between, wildlife, matching, framework, target, weighting, participation, impact, resolve, agricultural, overexploitation.

2. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов: Systematic assessment, without degrading, social aspect, implementation and monitoring of plans, assistance to decision makers, most beneficial, the most satisfying results, the planning cycles, erosion hazard, local targets, popular awareness, existing planning, wider framework, own advantages, higher level support.

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания: adopt (v.) – принимать already (adv.) – уже assess (v.) – оценивать assessment (n.) – оценка assistance (n.) – содействие, помощь awareness (n.) – осведомлённость, ознакомление bottom-up and top-down land use planning – "восходящее" и «нис- ходящее» землеустройство carry out (v.) – выполнять, осуществлять conservation (n.) – сохранность, консервация different disadvantages – различные недостатки exist (v.) – существовать existing (n.) – существование feasibility (n.) – возможность, осуществляемость higher level support – поддержка на высшем уровне impact (v.) – воздействовать, оказывать влияние improve (v.) – улучшать indicate (v.) – указывать invest (v.) – инвестировать, вкладывать investment (n.) – инвестиция, вклад 15 involve (v.) – включать, вовлекать in widely scattered places – в широко распространенных местах lack (n.) – недостаток, нужда, отсутствие (чего-либо) legislation (n.) – законодательство mean (v.) – означать, значить (adj.) – средний, посредственный, скаредный measure (n.) – мера, мероприятие (v.) – измерять misuse (n.) – злоупотребление mix (n.) – смесь, путаница, беспорядок occur (v.) – случаться, встречаться, происходить option (n.) – вариант participation (n.) – участие physical (adj.) – физический planning strategy – стратегия планирования potential (adj.) – потенциальный recreational (adj.) – рекреационный resolve (v.) – разрешать, решать rural (adj.) – сельский sectoral (adj.) – ведомственный, отраслевой siting (n.) – размещение succeed (v.) – следовать, преуспевать suitability matching – соответствующий подбор technical agencies – технические структуры user (n.) – пользователь wildlife (n.) – дикая природа, заповедник

4. Прочтите и переведите следующие текст: Text 2A Rural and agricultural land use planning Land use planning can be defined as the systematic assessment of land and water potential, alternative systems of land use and other physical, social and economic conditions. The purpose is to select and adopt land use options which are the most beneficial to land users without degrading the resources or the environment, together with the selection of measures most likely to encourage such land uses. In the broadest meaning of the term, land use planning deals with planning for all types of land use (rural, urban, industrial, recreational, etc.). Land use planning involves many aspects of planning such as designing planning options, evaluation of feasibility (economic, environmental, social impact assessment), providing assistance to decision maker, implementation and monitoring of plans. Rural land use planning is concerned with all (economic) activities in rural areas, such as agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, wildlife conservation and tourism. Besides evaluation of the potential of different activities, rural land use planning assists in resolving conflicts of interests between groups of land users. Some of the key aspects of agricultural land use planning are physical and socio-economic ones. Physical aspects involve land evaluation (mapping, analysis, suitability matching), identification of opportunities for change (improve existing land use system, suggest new land use systems), natural resources management (sustainable land use systems). The objectives of socio-economic aspects include identification of target groups, weighting options and connection with other administration/ planning. Such land legislation as access to land, ownership of resources, land reforms are also included in socio-economic aspects as well as training technical staff, farmers and financial framework like credit schemes and products marketing. Land is a limited resource and the misuse of land can lead to such problem as non-sustainable land use: processes of overexploitation (overgrazing, deforestation, erosion hazard). We need to conserve land resources for future use through sustainable land uses. For successful land use planning it is important to determine the best use of the land. It is necessary to take into consideration efficiency, equity, acceptability and sustainability of the land.

5. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов: Local, start, benefit, advantage, option, vantage, choice, begin, regional, income.

6. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов: Satisfied, find, high, popular, encourage, low, unpopular, lose, narrow, wide, discourage, unsatisfied.

7. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского на английский язык: Человек, принимающий решение; сельскохозяйственное землеустройство; оценка возможности; сохранять земельные ресурсы; опасность эрозии; ограниченный ресурс; "нисходящее" землеустройство (инициатива сверху); "восходящее" землеустройство (инициатива снизу); стратегия планирования; большие пре- имущества; региональный уровень; вариант землеустройства; большие площади; полагаться только на одну стратегию.

8. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык: 1. Землеустроители никогда не должны полагаться только на одну стратегию. 2. Мы нуждаемся в консервации земельных ресурсов. 3. Землеустройство осуществляется на государственном, региональном и местном уровнях. 4. Процесс планирования основан на кадастровой съёмке земельных ресурсов. 5. Водоснабжение является одной из основных проблем человека. 6. Существуют разные стратегии планирования.

9. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в Past Simple Tense: 1. Land is a limited resource. 2. There are different land use issues. 3. Misuse of land leads to several problems. 4. The advantage includes people's benefit. 5. Bottom-up planning means active participation of land users. 6. Land use policy depends upon the competing demands for land. 7. Physical aspects involve natural resource management. 10. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова: 1. Option, best, which, the, is? 2. Are, legislations, many, there, land, for, planning, use. 3. Highest, there, year, crop, last, was, the. 4. Now, working, are, we. 5. Is, limited, land, resource, a. 6. Need, conserve, resources, we, to, land. 7. Are, strategies, there, different, two, planning.

11. Заполните пропуски предлогами: 1. Different types... land use planning are usually described. 2. … traditional society, people use up-to-date methods... crop production. 3. The methods and types... planting and harvesting are al-ways based... traditions. 4. Year... year, little is changed. 5.... Britain equal pay... women did not obtain legal sanctions … the 1970s.

12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: 1. I am a land use planning engineer. 2. Land is a limited resource. 3. The land legislation decided financial problems last month. 4. The land use planners will discuss the best options tomorrow. 5. Bottom-up land use planning includes both advantages and disadvantages.

13. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have: 1. Each planning strategy ____ its own advantages. 2. We ____ many friends. 3. Bottom-up land use planning ____ some disadvan-tages. 4. Next year this student will ____ a diploma of a land use planner. 5. Last year students ____ many interesting subjects.

14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. How can land use planning be defined? What is the purpose of land use planning? 3. What does land use planning deal with? 4. Does land use planning include many aspects? 5. What are the key aspects of agricultural land use planning? 6. Is land a limited resource? 7. Do we need to conserve land resources for future use? 8. What is important for successful land use planning? 15. Перескажите текст 2А "Rural and agricultural land use planning".

4.1 Основные элементы российской кадастровой системы.

1. Прочтите следующие слова: Parcel, data, management, right, purposes, assist, up-to-date, im-provement, legal, establishment, location, responsibilities, mortgage, jurisdiction, satellite, implementation, description, supervise.

2. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов: 44 Different forms, land parcel, equitable taxation, legal purposes, co-ordinate system, geometric description, land registry, cadastral data, land redistribution, different role, better access, private interests, land disputes, to maintain the equipment.

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания: access (n.) – доступ accuracy (n.) – точность achieve (v.) – достигать aerial photography – аэрофотосъёмка circumstances (n.) – обстоятельства constraint (n.) – разногласие, противоречие conveyancing (c.) – составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества custody (n.) – хранение customary land tenure – обычное землевладение define (v.) – определять demand (n.) – спрос, требование (v.) – требовать demarcation (n.) – разграничение, демаркация easement (n.) – удобство, облегчение encompass (v.) – охватывать environment (n.) – окружающая среда equipment (n.) – оборудование, аппаратура government (n.) – правительство joint venture – совместная компания, акционерное общество leasehold (n.) – арендатор lower the costs – понижать затраты offer (v.) – предлагать organizational arrangements – организационные структуры mortgage (n.) – ипотека, закладная parcel of land – участок земли promote (v.) – содействовать protection (n.) – защита reliable (adj.) – надёжный responsibility (n.) – ответственность, обязанность 45 restriction (n.) – ограничение satellite position fixing – спутниковое определение местности security (n.) – безопасность trained personnel – обученный персонал unfortunately (adv.) – к сожалению utilities (n.) – коммунальные услуги, удобства valuation (n.) – оценка, величина value (v.) – оценивать

4. Прочтите и переведите текст 5А: Text 5A What is Land Cadastre A Cadastre is normally a parcel based and up-to-date land information system containing a record of interests in land (e.g. rights, restrictions and responsibilities). It usually includes a geometric description of land parcels linked to other records describing the nature of the interests, and ownership or control of those interests. It often describes the value of the parcel and its improvements. It may be established for fiscal purposes (e.g. valuation and equitable taxation), legal purposes (conveyancing), to assist in the management of land and land use for planning and other administrative purposes. The Cadastre enables sustainable development and environmental protection. Cadastral Re-form is concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems. The Land Cadastre encompasses such information as land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and different land uses. The Cadastre provides: - information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land; - information about those interests, e.g. land duration of rights, re-strictions and responsibilities; - information about the parcel, e.g. location, size, improvement, value. Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to the land. The Cadastre may 46 record different forms of land tenure such as ownership, leasehold, easements, mortgages and different types of common, communal or customary land tenure. The Surveyor undertakes different roles in different countries in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the Cadastre. The Surveyor may be responsible for: - cadastral surveying and mapping; - recording of cadastral information; - land valuation; - land use planning; - management of both the graphic and textual cadastral data bases; - resolving land disputes; - custody and supply of cadastral information. Modern technology, such as up-to-date survey instruments, satellite position fixing (Global Positioning System – GPS), aerial photography and photogrammetry can offer new possibilities to increase the speed and lower the costs for cadastral reform. Computer technology can usually provide better access to information, better manipulation of cadastral data, better quality, and better legal and physical security. To fully utilize modern technology it is important to have trained personnel and facilities to maintain the equipment. Unfortunately this infrastructure is not found in many countries, thereby limiting the use of modern technology.

5. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов: Costs, deal, dispute, immediately, exact, transaction, sporadically, modern, ground, accurate, up-to-date, discussion, land, expenses.

6. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов: Informal, start, unfortunately, finish, partner, enemy, formal, fortunately.

7. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского на анг лийский язык: Разные страны; правительственные органы; обмен информацией; правовые вопросы; земельная регистрация; различные обстоятельства; организационные структуры; свободно доступный; лучшие манипуляции; новые возможности; систематический подход; перераспределение земли; надёжная информация; рынок земли.

8. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык: 1.Регистрация земли - это часть кадастровой системы. 2. Кадастр - это основное средство обеспечения информации о земле. 3. Землеустроители играют важную роль в различных странах. 4. Современный кадастр включает геометрическое описание земельных участков. 5. Специалисты должны проводить оценку земли. 6. Физическая демаркация на земле определяет границы участков.

9. Образуйте причастия настоящего времени от данных ниже глаголов. Составьте предложения, используя причастия в разных функциях: To control, to establish, to improve, to assist, to use, to undertake, to find, to connect, to consider, to make, to promote, to increase, to protect, to allocate, to rely.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функцию причастия настоящего времени: 1.All European countries are working today on the problem of automating land records. 2. This is what is now happening in the most countries. 3. Utilities such as water, sewerage, electricity and tele-communication are becoming more complex. 4. Starting with the most highly urbanized area, the cadastral maps are increasingly being digitized. 5. Soil damaging utilities must not be used. 6. Demands for efficient maintenance and management are increasing. 7. The Cadastre provides information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land.

11. Заполните пропуски предлогами: 1.A land use planner undertakes different roles... different countries. 2. Modern technology can offer new possibilities... lower the costs... cadastral reforms. 3. A parcel can be an area... land with a particular type... land use. 4. Land registration is the official recording... legally recognized interests... land. 5. Cadastre helps... avoid duplication.

12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: 1. A land use planner plays different roles in different countries. 2. A surveyor is responsible for recording cadastral information. 3. Computer technology offers better access to information. 4. Limit of trained personnel restricts the use of modern technology. 5. Aerial photography and photogrammetry offer new possibilities to lower the costs for cadastral reforms.

13. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках: 1. A land use planner ____ different roles in different countries (to undertake). 2. Modern survey instruments ____ new possibilities (to offer). 3. The Cadastre ____ in the management of land and land use (to assist). 4. The Cadastre ____ different forms of land tenure (to re-cord). 5. A successful Cadastre ____ reliable information at low cost (to provide).

14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту: What is а Cadastre? 2. What role does a land use planner play in different countries? 3. What is a land use planner responsible for? 4. Can computer technology provide better access to information? 5. Is it necessary to make careful investigation for cadastral reforms? 6. What kind of modern technology do you know? 7. Why should the Cadastre be managed by the government? 8. Is Cadastral Reforms concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems?

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