Суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот

Підмет + присудок + додаток + інфінітив  
She was believed Вважали,   to have arrived що вона приїхала On Sunday. в неділю.
They He seem Здається, is said Кажуть, вони добре що він to know знають to be writing пише the subject well. цей предмет. a novel. роман.
Присудок в реченнях із суб'єктним зворотом може бути виражений дієсловами:
а) в пасивному стані: is said - кажуть is expected - очікують (сподіваються) is known - відомо (як відомо) is reported - повідомляють (повідомляється) is considered - вважають (вважається) is believed - думають is supposed - припускають is proved - доведено is found - встановлено б) в активному стані: seem happen prove здається appear is likely - мабуть is unlikely - малоймовірно (навряд чи) is sure - неодмінно

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences:


1. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation. 2. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts. 3. Many famous generals and admirals are said to have been buried inside the Cathedral. 4. This ancient Cathedral is considered to have been designed by an outstanding English architect. 5. This monument is considered to have been erected as early as the 11th century. 6. Strength of materials is considered to be a difficult subject. 7. Sports events are reported to have aroused great interest and to have attracted a lot of spectators. 8. The trade union conference to be held next month is reported to be attended by many foreign guests. 9. This factory is known to produce modern furniture. 10. Wood is regarded to be the oldest material used in engineering structures. 11. English is considered to belong to a branch of Germanic family of languages.


1. The Gulf Stream, a warm oceanic current, flowing in the north-west of the island is considered to influence the climate in Britain most of all. 2. The eastern part of the island is considered to be drier and cooler due to the nearness to the continent. 3. From the west the British Isles are known to be washed by the Atlantic Ocean. 4. The seas surrounding the island are supposed to be quite shallow. 5. Many new districts are known to have appeared in Kyiv lately. 6. Great sums of money are likely to have been spent on the research work in this branch of science. 7. The success of the exhibition is likely to surpass all expectations. 8. His progress is thought to have surpassed all imagination. 9. He is sure to have done his best to find out the address. 10. The plane is sure to be the quickest means of transport.


1. The exhibition proved to be a success. 2. He proved to be a talented composer. 3. The current in the river seems to be slow. 4. The winter fogs in London seem to be simply awful. 5. The Lake District appears to be the most beautiful and the wettest part of Great Britain. 6. This church appears to be made of wood. 7. The letter is unlikely to reach him in time. 8. My watch is likely to be five minutes fast. 9. He is sure to have been influenced by them. 10. He seems not to understand the importance of this event. 11. He is sure to display his great abilities of composing music.

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