XI.Only one of these rules is true. Which one?

A The Present Perfect is used for repeated actions;

the Simple Past is used for actions that are not repeated.

B The Present Perfect is used for longer periods of time;

the Simple Past is used for shorter periods.

C The Present Perfect is used when the time is not finished;

the Simple Past is used when it is finished.

B The Present Perfect is used when the time is finished;

the Simple Past is used when it is not finished.

XII.Finished or unfinished time?

After I got home recently / lately

ever since I had lunch

this afternoon five years ago

for the last two days for the last year

always this month

in 1945 up to now

never today

a day before yesterday when I was six

XIII.Answer these questions, giving your reasons.

1. A man says “ I’ve lived in London for ten years. ”Is he living there when he says this?

2. Somebody says “ I’ve been married to Arnold for six years, and I was married to Bella for nine years.” Which one he or she still married to?

3. A woman says “ I worked for this company for eight years.” Does she still worked for the company?

4. You are in England. A friend says “How long are you here for? “Does the person want to know when your visit started, or when it will end? How would he or she express the other meaning?

5. He says “I spent three years in the army.” Is he still in the army?

XIV.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Слідчий розкрив злочин по ухиленню від сплати податків та передав справу до суду місяць тому.

2. Правоохоронні органи зупинили зловживання посадовими особами в сфері трудового законодавства.

3. Сенатори відхилили законопроект про економічну допомогу країнам на території яких є ядерна зброя.

4. Минулого четверга суд не прийняв до уваги свідчення третьої сторони.

5. Компанія привласнила право на володіння земельною ділянкою незаконно.

Unite 6

Text A. Law- making in Great Britain

Text B. Law- making Process in the USA


Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Text А.

I.New words and combination of words.

to introduce a bill – винести на розгляд законопроект

to amend – вносити поправки

to consider- розглядати

to alter- змінювати

to examine in detail – ретельно розглядати

to pass a bill- прийняти законопроект

to curtail – скорочувати, обмежувати

reigning monarch – правлячий монарх

royal assent – королівська санкція

purely- чистий, без домішок

merely- майже

consent- згода

persistent- наполегливий

popular- актуальний

Statute Law – писаний закон

II.Read and translate the text.

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