What is HTML

All hypertext and hypermedia documents are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and display the extension html at the end of the document name in the Web address. You will, however, see an extension of htm (rather than html) when a document is stored on a server that does not support long file names. Unix-based systems, which constitute the majority of Web servers, support long file names, and so html is the more common extension.

Connecting To The Internet

There are two basic ways to connect to the Internet—from a local area network (LAN) or by dialing in. It's much easier if you connect from a LAN (typically at school or work) since the installation and setup has been done for you, and all you have to do is follow the instructions provided by your professor. If you intend to dial in from home, however, you will need a modem and an Internet Service Provider. A modem is the hardware interface between your computer and the tele­phone. In essence you instruct the modem, via the appropriate software, to dial the phone number of your ISP, which in turn lets you access the Internet.An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company or organization that main­tains a computer with permanent access to the Internet. Typically, you have to pay for this service, but you may be able to dial into your school or university at no charge. If not, you need to sign up with a commercial vendor such as Amer­ica Online (AOL). Not only does AOL provide access to the Internet, but it also offers a proprietary interface and other services such as local chat rooms. The Microsoft Network (MSN) is a direct competitor to AOL, and it, too, offers a pro­prietary interface and extra services. Alternatively, you can choose from a host of other vendors who provide Internet access without the proprietary interface of AOL or MSN.

Regardless of whom you choose as an ISP, be sure you understand the fee structure. The monthly fee may entitle you to a set number of hours per month (after which you pay an additional fee), or it may give you unlimited access. The terms vary widely, and we suggest you shop around for the best possible deal. In addition, be sure you are given a local access number (i.e., that you are not mak­ing a long-distance call), or else your telephone bill will be outrageous. Check that the facilities of your provider are adequate and that you can obtain access when­ever you want. Few things are more frustrating than to receive continual busy sig­nals when you are trying to log on.

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