
Speak on the following:

· What do you like and dislike in the system of education of our country? What would you like to change, if you could?

· Do you think there should be private and state schools? Why? Give your reasons. Which of these schools do you go to? Which would you like to study at?

· Do you think higher education should be free or fee-paying? Why? Give your reasons.

· Do you think technical schools should pay much attention to extra-curricular activities or should they just teach compulsory subjects?

· What is your opinion about developing "social skills" at the technical schools? Where else could they be developed?

· The system of education of Ukraine is considered to be one of the most successful in the word. Do you agree with this?

· Would you like to study abroad? Why?

Word List

opportunity можливість
enter вступати
department відділення
repair налагодження
assembling встановлення
equipment устаткування
in other words інакше кажучи
back підтримувати
decision рішення
entrance examinations вступні іспити
successfully успішно
admit приймати
instead замість
last тривати
drawing креслення
senior студент старших курсів
prepare готувати
to keep my body healthy підтримувати тіло здоровим
it takes much time це забирає багато часу
to cope справлятися
home assignment домашнє завдання
to try to do one's best намагатися зробити все як найкраще



2. Chapter I. A Pupil and His Surrounding

Unit 1. About My Family and Myself.

Unit 2. My Friend and Her Family.

Unit 3. Hobby.

Unit 4. Where We Live.

3. Chapter II. Professions Which a Person Can Choose.

Plans for Future.

Unit 1. Professions.

Unit 2. My Working Day.

Unit 3. Our Technical School.

Unit 4. My Future Speciality.

Unit 5. I Am a Student


1. Бех П.О. “Англійська мова”, Київ ”Либідь”, 1997.

2. Liz and John Soars “New Headway” Intermediate, Oxford University Press, 1997.

3. Liz and John Soars “Headway” Elementary, Oxford University Press, 1997.

4. Плахотнік В.М. “Англійська мова”, 11 клас, Київ “Освіта”, 1998.

5. Литвинюк О. “Яскрава англійська”, 11 клас, Дніпропетровськ “Навчальна книга”, 1996.

6. Гужва Т.К. “Англійська мова. Розмовні теми”, Київ “Тандем”, 1995.

7. Тучина Н.В., Меркулова Т.К., Кузьміна В.С. “Speak English with Pleasure”, Харків “Torsing”, 2001.

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