Т. В. Розанова

1. Формирование словесной памяти глухих детей в процессе овладе­
ния словесной речью.............................................................................. 107

2. Особенности запоминания слов................................................................ 108

3. Различия в запоминании слов и мимико-жестовых обозначений 115

4. Запоминание предложений и текстов. Стадии запоминания..117

5. Механическая или смысловая память у глухих?..................................... 120

6. Особенности отсроченного воспроизведения у глухих детей...122

7. Задачи раввития словесной памяти..................................................... 123

14. Репродуктивная и оперативная память......................................................... 124

И. М. Соловьев


15. Воссоздающее воображение у глухих детей................................................. 130

М. М. Нидельман

16. Об элементарных формах творческого воображения у глухих
школьников........................................................................................:: 136

М. М. Нудельман

1. Творческая реконструкция басни глухими школьниками....137

2. Особенности творческих описаний картин............................................... 140


17. Наглядно-действенное мышление................................................................... 143

Н. В. Яшкова

1. Вопросы наглядно-действенного мышления в психологических ис­
следованиях................................................................................................. 144

2. Некоторые особенности наглядно-действенного мышления глухих
детей..........................................................................................:: 145

3. Пути и способы развития наглядно-действенного мышления у
глухих детей....................................................................,....: 150

18. О мыслительных операциях....................................................................... 151

Ж. И. Шиф

1. Анализ и синтез........................................................................................ 151

2. Сравнение.-....,......................................... ',....': 160

3. Абстракция...........................................................................................: 177

4. Наглядное обобщение............................................................................ 182

5. Разноаспектный анализ и обобщение предметов................. 187

6. Обобщение действий.............................................................................. 189

Т. В. Розанова

19. Процессы мышления при решении задач.............................................. 197

1. Общая характеристика решения мыслительной задачи.... 197
Т. В. Розанова

2. Решение арифметических задач...................................................................198

Т. В. Розанова

3. Решение задач на соотнесение части с целым.......................................... 209

А. П. Розова

4. Решение природоведческих задач........................................................ 211

Ж. И. Шиф

5. Решение физических задач........................................................................ 216

Г. М. Дульнев....,.

6. Решение задач по ботанике............................................. 220

Е. М. Кудрявцева

20. Развитие мышления у глухих детей............................................................... 225

Ж. И. Шиф,


21. Условия овладения языком у глухого ребенка в отличие от слыша­
щего..................................................................... 235

Ж. И. Шиф

22. Мимико-жестовая речь глухих...................................................................... 240

Г. Л. Зайцева, Н. Ф. Слезит

23. Дактильная форма речи и ее взаимосвязь с устной и письменной
речью.....................................................................................................- 248

Е. Н. Марциновская

24. Усвоение словарного состава языка и формирование понятий у глухих

детей................................................................................................................. 254

А. П. Розова, Л. И. Тигранова, Ж- И. Шиф

1. Осмысление значений слов разной степени обобщенности... 255

2. Формирование систем понятий у глухих детей....................................... 258

25. Овладение грамматическим строем языка................................................... 262

Ж. И. Шиф

1. Аграмматизм у глухих детей.............................................................. 262

2. Грамматические изменении слов глухими детьми.............. 265

3. Построение предложений и их грамматический состав.... 276

4. Особенности овладения грамматическим согласованием членов
предложения................................................................................. 279

5. Особенности овладения глагольным управлением............... 283

6. Глагольные словосочетания в письменной речи глухих школь­
ников................................................................................................... 291

К- В. Комаров

7. Значение усвоения грамматических словосочетаний для развития
наглядно-образного мышления глухих детей и формирования их

словесного мышления............................................................................... 297

К. В. Комаров, Ж. И. Шиф

26, Устная речь................................................................::: 303

Ф. Ф. Pay

1. Роль устной речи.................................................................................... 303

2. Особенности устной речи......................................................................... 304

3. Формирование устной речи у нормально слышащего ребенка.. 306

4. Возможность овладения устной речью при нарушенном слухе... 308

5. Зрительный анализатор..................................................................... 309

6. Кожный анализатор................................................................................. 313

7. Двигательный анализатор...................................................... •.316

8. Слуховой анализатор...................................................................... • —

9. Комплексное использование анализаторов...................................... 318

10. Механизм восприятия устной речи при нормальном слухе... — ill. Особенности восприятия устной речи при нарушенном слухе.. 321

12. Механизм произношения при нормальном слухе.................................. 324

13. Особенности механизма произношения при нарушенном слухе —

14. Методы формирования устйой речи у детей с нарушенным слу­
хом........................................................................................................: 325

27. Письменная речь........................................................................................... 330

1. Своеобразие формирования письменной речи у глухого ребенка 330
А. М. Гольдберг

2. Понимание письменной речи................................................................... 341

А. Ф. Понгильская

28. Отношение глухих школьников к овладению языком...... 348

Ж. И. Шиф


29. Общая характеристика деятельности глухих детей...................................... 354

1. Некоторые особенности деятельности глухих......................................... 354

Н. В. Яшкова

2. Предметная деятельность ребенка раннего возраста............................... 356

Н. В. Яшкова

3. Игровая деятельность глухих детей.......................................................... 357

Г. Л. Выгодская

4. Учебная деятельность глухих детей........................................................... 361

Н. В. Яшкова

30. Деятельность и мышление глухих детей....................................................... 363

1. Вводные замечания,............................................................................. 363.

| Н. В. Яшкова

2. Решение практических задач, требующих применения арифмети­
ческих знаний.,...,............................................................ 364

! Т. В. Розанова

3. Особенности выполнения практических заданий зрительно-прост­
ранственного характера.............................................................................. 369-

' Н. В. Яшкова

4. Развитие мышления глухих детей в их практической деятельности 373
Н. В. Яшкова

31. Формирование двигательных навыков у глухих учащихся.... 376

A. П. Гозова

32. Трудовая деятельность глухих...................................................................... 3791

1. Профили трудового обучения глухих школьников................................ 379

А, П. Гозова

2. Утомляемость глухих, работающих в условиях сильного шума.. 380
А. П. Гозова

3. Чтение технической документации глухими школьниками... 382

A. П. Гозова

4. Выполнение трудовых операций глухими учащимися..... 388-

B. А. Влодавец


33. Отношение глухих учащихся к товарищам и самооценка.... 393-

B. Г. Петрова

34. Отношение глухих школьников к профессиям............................................ 403-

М. М. Нудельман

35. Развитие интересов у глухих детей.......................................................... 408-

Н. Г. Морозова

1. Развитие интересов у глухих дошкольников........................................... 408

2. Развитие интересов у глухих школьников............................................... 410

Литература............................................................................................... \.. 415


Preface............................................................................................................. 5


1. Problems of development and typology of children with hearing defects 7

R. M. Boskis

2. Some theoretical questions concerning the mental development of deaf
children............................................................................................................. 13

/. M. Solovyov

1. Environment and conditions of development of normal and abnormal
children............................................................................................................... 13

2. Coordination of the sense organs...................................................... 14

3. Compensation and "supercompensation" of the defect........... 18

4. Personality of the deaf child and its development............................... 21

5. Development of the deaf child........................................................... 23

3. Pathophysiology of deafness and defective hearing............................. 24

/. Y. Temkina

4. Methods of psychological studies of deaf children............................................ 31

T. V. Rozanova, N. V. Yashkova


5. Perception of the surrounding world. The role of hearing in this process 36

/. M. Solovyov

6. Visual perception................................................................................................. 38

T. V. Rozanova

1. General questions................................................................................................ 38

2. Speed of visual perception in deaf and hearing children............... 39

3. Processes of analysis and synthesis in the visual perception of
objects.............................................................................................................. 42

4. Visual perception of the forms of objects.......................................... 45

5. Perception of the size of objects depending on remoteness.... 48

6. Perception of pictures............................................................................... 49

T. V. Rozanova, N. V. Yashkova

7. Development of visual perception.................................................................... 53

7. Cutaneous sensitivity.................................................................................56

L. I. Peresleni, T. V. Rosanova

1. Vibrational sensations and perceptions. Their cognitive significance 57

2. Measurement of the vibrational sensations. Their thresholds in com­
parison with those of the auditory sensations.................................... 58

3. Development of tactile-vibrational sensitivity in deaf children... 60

4. Perception of music by the deaf through vibrational sensitivity.. 65

5. Significance of tactile and thermal sensitivity in the life of the deaf 67

8. Static sensations. Ways of compensation in cases of their disturbances

in the deaf................................................................................................ 67

T. V. Rozanova

1. Characteristics of the static sensations............................................... 67

2. Peculiarities of equilibration and orientation in space in deaf per­
sons with lesions of the vestibular apparatus................................... 69

9. Kinesthetic sensations and perceptions.................................................... 74

T. V. Rozanova

10. Tactile perception.......................................................................................... 78

A. P. Gozova


11. Taste and olfaction

V. I. Libovsky



12. Image memory T. V. Rozanova

92 96 102
5. Peculiarities of the image memory of deaf children and the tasks of its development.. „■............................................................................. 105 13. Verbal memory T. V. Rozanova

1. Experimental facts and their interpretation by different authors..

2. Unintentional memorizations of visually perceived objects in deaf

3. Intentional memorization of visually perceived material

4. Peculiarities of delayed reproduction in deaf children.

of mastering verbal
107 108 115 117 120 122

5. Formation of verbal memory in the course

6. Peculiarities of word memorization

3. Differences in memorization of words and signs....

4. Memorization of sentences and texts. Memorization stages

.....^.„^.j uuu tV-ЛиО.

5. Is memory mechanical or meaningfull in the deaf?.

6. Peculiarities of delayed reproduction in deaf children.... izz

7. The tasks of verbal memory developing................................ 123

14. Reproductive and operative memory................................................... 124

/. M. Solovyov



15. Reproductive imagination in deaf children

M. M. Nudelman


16. Elementary forms of creative imagination in deaf schoolchildren

M. M. Nudelman

1. Creative reconstruction of a fable by deaf khoolchildren.... 137

2. Peculiarities of creative descriptions of pictures........................... 140



17. Visual-active thinking

N. V. Yashkova

145 150

1. Problems of visual-active thinking in psychological investigations 144

2. Some specific features of visual-active thinking in deaf children..

3. Ways and methods of developing visual-active thinking in deaf

18. Thinking operations............................................................................................. 151-

Zh. I. Shif

1. Analysis and synthesis.................................................................... 15L

2. Comparison.....................................»............................................ 160

3. Abstraction................................................................................................. 177"

4. Visual generalization................................................................................ 182

5. Analysis of different aspects and generalization of objects.... 18T

6. Generalization of actions...................................................................... 189

T. V. Rozanova

19. Thinking processes in the course of problem solving......................... 197

1. General characteristics of the process of solving mental tasks..197
T. V. Rozanova

2. Solution of arithmetical problems........................................................ 198;

T. V. Rozanova

3. Solution of problems with a ratio of a part to the whole.... 209
A. P. Gozova

4. Solution of tasks in natural history.................................................... 211

Zh. I. Shif

5. Solution of tasks in physics.......................................................................... 216>

G. M. Dulnev

6. Solution of tasks in botany................................................................... 220

E. M. Kudryavtseva

20. Development of thinking in deaf children.......................................................... 225-

Zh. I. Shif


21. Conditions of the mastery of speech by a deaf child as distinct from
those of a hearing child^............................................................................ 235

Zh. I. Shif

22. The language of signs.................................................................................. 240

\ G. L. Zaytseva, N. F. Slezina

23. The dactyl form of speech and its interconnection with oral and
written speech............................................................................................ 248-

E. N. Martsinovskaya

24. Assimilation of the vocabulary and formation of notions in deaf
children.................................................................................................. 254

A. P. Gozova, L. I. Tigranova, Zh. I. Shif

1. Comprehension of word meanings with different degrees of gene­
ralization................................................................................................ 255


2. Formation of systems of notions in deaf children.................................. 258
25. Mastery of the grammatical system of the language...................... 262
Zh. I. Shif
1. Agrammatism in deaf children......................................................................... 262

2. Grammatical changes of words by deaf children............................ 265

3. Construction of sentences and their grammatical composition.. 276

4. Mastery of the grammatical agreement of parts of the sentence.. 279

5. Peculiarities of the mastery of verbal government................................... 283

6. Verbal word combinations in the written speech of deaf school­
children 291

K. V. Komarov

7. Significance of the mastery of grammatical word combinations for
the development of visual-image thinking in deaf children and for­
mation of their verbal thinking...........................,............................... 297

K. V. Komarov, Zh. I. Shif


ACTIVITIES 29. General characteristics of the activities of the deaf 1. Some peculiarities of the activities of the deaf ./V. V. Yashkova 2. Object activities of children of early ages N. V. Yashkova 3. Play activities of deaf children G. L. Vygodskaya 4. Study activities of deaf children N. V. Yashkova ■30. Activities and thinking in deaf children I. Introductory remarks N. V. Yashkova
N. V. Yashkova 31. Formation of motor skills in deaf schoolchildren A. P. Gozova

26. Oral speech

. 303 .303. 304

F. F. Rau

1. The role of oral speech

2. The specific features of oral speech

j 3. Formation of oral speech in children with normal hearing.... 306

4. The possibility of mastering oral speech in conditions of impaired
hearing............................................................................................................ 308

5. The visual analyser.................................................................................. 309

6. The cutaneous analyser.................................................................... 313

7. The motor analyser......................................................................... 316

8. The auditory analyser............................................................................. —

9. Complex utilization of the analysers.......................................... 318

10. The mechanism of perception of oral speech in conditions of normal
hearing............................................................................................................ —*

11. Peculiarities of the perception of oral speech in conditions of impai­
red hearing........................................................................................ 321

12. The mechanism of pronunciation in conditions of normal hearing 324

13. The peculiar features of the pronunciation mechanism in conditions

of impaired hearing................................................................................. —

14. Methods of formation of oral speech in children with defective
hearing..................................................................................................... 325

27. Written speech.................................................................................................... 330

1. Peculiar formation of written speech in deaf children................. 330

! A. M. Goldberg

2. Comprehension of written speech

. 341
28. The attitude of deaf schoolchildren to the mastery of Zh. I. Shif
the language 348
. 354 354 356 357 361 363 363
N. V. Yashkova " 2. Solution of practical tasks requiring the application of arithmetical knowledge,.................................... -...-., T. V. Rozanova 3. Accomplishment of practical tasks of a visual-spatial character.. 369 N. V. Yashkova 4. Development of thinking in deaf children in the course of their practical activities .. * -
. 364
. 373. 376

I A. F. Pongilskaua

32. Work activities of deaf children....................................................... 379

1. Types of occupational training of deaf schoolchildren................. 3791

A. P. Gozova

2. Fatigueability of deaf children working in conditions of strong noise 3801
A. P. Gozova

3. Reading of technical documents by deaf schoolchildren.... 382
A. P. Gozova

4. Performance of working operations by deaf schoolchildren... 388
V. A. Vtodavets


33. The attitude of deaf schoolchildren to their schoolmates and their
selfappraisal 393
V. G. Petrova

34. The attitude of deaf schoolchildren to professions............................................. 403-

M. M. Nudelman

35. Development of interests in deaf children............................................ 408

N. G. Morozova

1. Development of interests in deaf preschool children..................................... 408

2. Development of interests in deaf schoolchildren........................................... 410

Bibliography.................................................................................................... 415

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