II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо

One day on... bright summer afternoon... well-dressed young man, who looked like... gentleman called to see... well-known den­tist in... Picadilly street in London. He was shown into... waiting-room and told that... dentist was having... dinner and he would examine... man's teeth as soon as he finishes... meal.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ­ходимо.

1. They'll have to get... early... Friday morning to catch... the 7 o'clock train... Leeds.

2. Jack is... the habit... riding his motorbike up and down the road... the morning.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. earthquake/be/anywhere/there/another/will/year/this?

2. shoes/tight/me/to/these/are/too/for/wear

3. here/find/possible/it/such/is/hardly/to/early/him/at/hour/an.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Miss Smith is having a job interview with the manager of a tour association.


S' No, I haven't done this kind of work before.


S: I saw an advertisement in the local paper.


S: I am working in a travel agency at the moment.


S: For over three years.


S: I want to have a better-paid job.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. Here, children. I have two coins. One is for you, Tommy, (другая) ____________is for you, Jimmy.

2. There isn't (много) ___________interesting news in the paper


3. This question is (намного) _________easier than the last one.

4. Karen hasn't seen this film and Erin hasnt't seen it (тоже)

5. I threw myself flat and (лежал) _________motionless for ten


6. Have you heard the (последние) ____________news?

7. The boy didn't tell us (ничего) __________

8. This year she buys (меньше) _________new things than she did

last year.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) This is not a single light in the house.

b) It is not a single light in the house.

c) There is not a single light in the house.

2. a) Before you left, don't forget to turn off the TV set.

b) Before you leave, don't forget to turn off the TV set.

c) Before you will leave, don't forget to turn off the TV set. -

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло­нок.

1. Meet my friend Lucy. a. Yes, of course.

2. Will you meet my friend at 10.30? b. That'll be great.

3. How about meeting at 10.30? c. Nice to see you.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной времен­ной форме.

1. I am not British. My name is Surasuk. I (to come) _______from

Thailand. Right now I (to study) _______________at school in

England. My classes (to begin) ________on January, 6. Since I (to

come) _______here, I (to do) ____________many things and (to

meet) ____________many people. Last Saturday I (to invite)

__________to a party at my friend's house. When I (to get) ______

there they (to sing) ____________a song in Thai to welcome me.

2. I (to fly) ____________to Manchester tomorrow. My friend Mick

(to meet) ___________me at the airport when the plane (to arrive)

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