Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными (2 способа)

1. You can buy something in this shop.

2. They sent somebody for the doctor.

3. She spoke to somebody yesterday.

4. I know some thing about her.

5. There is some bread on the plate.

6. They will go somewhere in the evening.


Обучающе-контролирующая программа

по теме: «The order of words in the sentence» (Порядок слов в предложении)

Структура повествовательного предложения

В повествовательном предложении в английском языке существует твердый порядок слов.

Порядок слов в английском повествовательном пред­ложении.

  I. II. III. IV.
Обстоятельство во времени Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство места, времени
косвенное прямое предложное
  The academy gives students excellent education In general and special subjects
Today Our lectures begin       at 10.20
  The weather is fine       today


Постройте предложение, выбрав одно из предло­женных.

Often — the cinema — we — go — to.

a) The cinema often go we to.

b) We go to the cinema often.

c) Go to the cinema we often.

d) We often go to the cinema.

The table — and — there — on — is — two— pens — a book.

a) On the table there is two pens and a book.

b) There is two pens and a book on the table.

c) There is a book and two pens on the table.

d) There on the table two pens is and a book.

Last — year — this — institute — I — entered.

a) I entered this institute last year.

b) I last year this institute entered.

c) This institute last year I entered.

d) Entered I last year this institute.

Test — not — long — our — will — take.

a) Our test not long will take.

b) Not long will our test take.

c) Our test will not take long.

d) Will take not long our test.

The tourists — for — already — left — Moscow.

a) The tourists have already left for Moscow.

b) For Moscow have already the tourists left.

c) The tourists for Moscow left have already.

d) The tourists have left for Moscow already.

Like — today's — she does — weather?

a) She does like today's weather?

b) Does she like today's weather?

c) Does today's weather she like?

d) Does like today's weather she?

7. youEnglish — speak — can?

a) English can speak you?

b) Can English you speak?

c) You can speak English?

d) Can you speak English?

8. dowhereliveyou?

a) Where you do live?

b) Where do live you?

c) Where do you live?

d) Where live do you?

9. tell — didn't — me — you — the truthwhy?

a) Why you didn't tell me the truth?. b) Why didn't you tell me the truth?

c) Didn't you tell me the truth why?

d) Didn't why tell me you the truth?

Dr. Watson — not — big— cities— did — like.

a) Dr. Watson did not like big cities.

b) Dr. Watson not like did big cities.

c) Did not Dr. Watson big cities like.

d) Big cities did not Dr. Watson like.


1. Допишите диалоги.

1. А.... you from Russia?

В. Yes, I.... I'm from Rostov.

2. A.... they acquainted with Robbie?

B. No, they...... But I... acquainted with him.

3. A. Please, remember me to Polly.... she in the city?

B. Yes, she.... She...here.


Put in am, is or are.

1 The weather... is?.... nice today. 2 I...............not tired. 3 This bag...............heavy. 4 These bags...............heavy. 5 Look! There..............Carol. 6 My brother and I...........good tennis players. 7 Ann...........at home. Her children..........at school. 8 I...........a taxi driver. My sister............a nurse.


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