The Kazakhstanafter thevictory of the FebruaryRevolution

1. Kazakhstan in the Russian orbit proletarian revolution of 1917 (October 25, 1917).

The essence of communist ideology and principles of the new socio-economic structure. Leader and inspirer of the October Revolution, VI Lenin (1870-1924). Reasons for conditions, the nature and consequences of the revolution. Attitude towards the revolution of different social strata. Discussion of the social base and driving forces in October (the concept of "colonial revolution," "Revolution City", "exporting revolution" and so on).

Features of the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan. Socio-political situation in the province. Top of civil war. II obschekazahsky Congress in Orenburg (5-13 December 1917) and its decision on the Kazakh autonomy. "Alash Orda" as an alternative to the Soviet regime in Kazakhstan. IV Extraordinary Congress of the boundary of Muslims of Turkestan and the proclamation of Kokand (Turkestan), Autonomy (November 26-29, 1917.). The defeat of the Kokand Autonomy Bolsheviks. Features of the establishment of Soviet power in the regions of Kazakhstan. Creating a Red Guard detachments. The first social and class actions of the Soviets and their perception in society.

2. The Civil War - a tragedy of the people (1918-1920)

The monopolization of power to the Soviets of all, the growing role of emergency dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party. Deteriorating political situation and the division of society into two warring camps. The overthrow of Soviet power in the north, north-eastern Kazakhstan. Events in the west and south edges. The position of "Alash Orda": the transition from an unsuccessful contacts with the Soviet government into an alliance with counter-revolutionary forces Ataman A. Dutov in Orenburg, Siberian Provisional Government at Omsk, etc. Formation of Semirechensk, Urals, Eastern, Aktobe and Turkestan fronts and Expedition of A. Zhangildin, centers of anti-Soviet struggle in Uralsk, Zhetysu. "Cherkasy defense." Ruthlessness "white" and "red" terror. The role and place of political parties and movements during the war. Ideology, policy and practice, "revolutionary" and "counter-revolutionary" government. Humanitarian, socio-economic and political consequences of civil war. Proclamation of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Liquidation of Alash Orda and the granting of amnesty to its members.

3.Formation of Kazakh Soviet state

Start of the Soviet model of nation-building based on the principle of class. Formation of Kirrevkom (1919-1920) - the Revolutionary Committee of Management Kirghiz (Kazakh) boundary. The transition from the revolutionary committees of the Soviets. The committee's Executive Committee and the CPC of the RSFSR for Turkestan. The decree of the Soviet government from August 26, 1920 " Formation of the Autonomous Kirghiz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Republic" (as part of the RSFSR). Difficulties and contradictions in the preparation of the Kazakh Soviet autonomy. The founding congress of Soviets KASSR. "Declaration of the rights of workers Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR" and its contents. Formation of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars. Orenburg - the first capital of the Kazakh Soviet Republic.


Economic reforms of the government in 20-30th of XX century

1. The policy of "war communism in Kazakhstan" (1918 - March 1921.) and the period of the NEP

"War Communism" - the first attempt of the Bolsheviks' unproduced utopia. «The nationalization of industry. Complete blocking of the market, the commodity-money relations and the substitution of economic incentives noneconomic directive-distribution system of commodity-money relations. Centralization of economic management. Introduction food dictatorship ("requisitioning"). The ban on leasing of means of production and employment relationships, putting labor.

Strengthening the "class of terror." Economic crisis as a consequence of the policy of "war communism". The collapse of the industry. The collapse of agricultural production. Famine of 1921-1922.: Scale of the disaster. The growth of social tension in society and the political crisis. Peasant resistance movement: the anti-Soviet uprising in the province.

Socio-economic and political conditions and specific features of the transition to the new economic policy in Kazakhstan. Denationalization of medium and small industries. The extension of the commodity-money relations (the assumptions of free trade, a natural replacement for a monetary payment, monetary reform in 1922-1924) Cancel food dictatorship (requisitioning replacement tax ratios). Attracting foreign capital. The struggle of the socialist, pre-capitalist and spontaneous market trends. The formation of a mixed economic structure. Land and water reform in southern Kazakhstan 1921-1922. and its content. Socio-economic results of the NEP. Beginning of the restoration industry, transport and agriculture. The cooperative movement. The development of trade. The question of the completion of the NEP period in historiography. Start moving away from the ideology of the NEP. Crisis selhozzagotovok 1927-1928. Go to the procurement of agricultural power. Strengthening the tax regime. Start the deployment of anti-peasant mass repression.

2.Sovetskoe nation-building in the province.

Territorial-administrative structure of Soviet Central Asia. The reunification of Kazakh lands in the Kaz. ASSR as a result of national-territorial delimitation 1924-1925 and the abolition of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The increase in territory and population of the Autonomous Republic. Kyzyl-Orda - the second capital of Soviet Kazakhstan. Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (1925.) Restoration of the proper name of the republic and its indigenous ethnic group. Demographic situation: Census 1926 KASSR Transformation in the Federal Republic - the Kazakh SSR (1936). X Extraordinary Congress of Soviets, Kazakhstan and adoption of the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR.

Completion of the evolution of a totalitarian state. Statification the entire structure of property relations and the formation of the administrative-command system. Dictatorship and the cult of personality, IV Stalin (1879-1953). First Secretary Kazkraykoma CPSU (B) FI Goloshchekin: The Politics of 'Little October' and violent Sovietization of Kazakh aul. Social and political opposition. Debate about how the socio-economic development of the republic: to discuss problems and prospects for ranching and grain farming, industrialization, and cultural development, etc.

The cultural life of the republic. The Central Emergency Committee on the Elimination of Illiteracy (Kazgramcheka). The publication of textbooks "Esep kuraly", "Oka kuraly" and "Til kuraly" A. and M. Baitursynov Dulatov. The role of Turkestan Oriental Institute (1918), historical and statistical department at the headquarters Kazvoenkomata (1919) in the scientific life of Kazakhstan. The first research institutions: Chemical-Biological Laboratory (1922). marginal Plant Protection Station (1924), the sanitary-bacteriological institute (1925), the Institute of Fertilizers and Soil (1926). Kazakh literature: Activities and work Magzhan Zhumabayev, Ahmet Baitursynov Zhusupbek Aimautov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov, Shakarim Kudayberdyuly. Musical Art. A well-known ethnographer and musician Alexander Zataevich, "1000 songs of the Kazakh people."

3. The collectivization of agriculture - the tragedy of the peasants in Kazakhstan

"Stalin's agrarian revolution" as a mechanism to address the problem of accumulation for industrial upgrading. Power politics of translation nomads and semi-sedentary life. The course of the liquidation of the kulak farms bey. The decree of confiscation bai (1928). Arrests, mass evictions of "dispossessed." XV Congress of the CPSU (B) and a policy of collectivization of agriculture (1927). The final destruction of the traditional structures of Kazakhstan and its tragic consequences. Famine of 1932-1933. in Kazakhstan - a humanitarian catastrophe of the twentieth century. Causes of Hunger: Myasozagotovok campaign, training of collectivization force methods. Letters Ryskulov Stalin. The tragic consequences of the famine. The scale of irreversible loss of the indigenous people of Kazakhstan. Epidemics, refugee flows into China and adjacent regions. Peasant resistance. Suzak uprising. The suppression of popular uprisings by the Soviet regime.

4. Industrialization: the nature, pace, results

Five-year Development Plan of the Soviet economy and place it in Kazakhstan. Theoretical aspects of industrialization. Prominent geologist K.I. Satpayev. Expeditionary Unit and their role in the discovery of subsoil resources of Kazakhstan. Discussions about the pace of industrialization and development sectors. The main sources of accumulation for industrialization. Position Sadvakasova S., J. et al Mynbayeva national leaders about the need to revise the colonial structure of the region's economy.

Expansion of industrial infrastructure of the republic. Construction of roads. Turksib, Chimkent lead plant, Balkhash copper-smelting plant and other facilities of the Soviet industrialization. The negative consequences of the Soviet experience of industrialization and modernization. Transformation characteristics of the structure of the productive forces: The mining sector as its dominant feature (orientation in the primary sector). Specificity of the formation of national staff working class. The results of industrialization: the transformation of the country from an agrarian to an industrial-agricultural, urban growth, changes in the ethno-demographic structure of the population.

5. Soviet cultural modernization

The concept of "cultural revolution", a vulgar class approach to national traditions and spiritual heritage of the past. Establishing rigid party control over the sphere of science, art and literature. Creating a system of ideological and cultural-educational institutions. "Red yurt", "red caravans" and others struggle for "liberation" Kazakh women: women's clubs, the newspaper "Auyel tendіgі" Decree on the prohibition of dowry. Stages of anti-religious propaganda. Go to a policy of "militant atheism" after 1928: the destruction of churches, clergy struggle with. The negative influence of the Marxist-Leninist outlook on the development of the humanities, the historical consciousness of the people.

Education. The elimination of adult illiteracy. The debate about school construction. Translated from the Arabic of the Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet (1928), the introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet (1940). The gradual narrowing of the sphere of influence of the Kazakh language and reducing the number of Kazakh schools.

The contribution of intellectuals 20-30s in the new system of public education. The introduction of compulsory universal primary education (1930). Secondary educational institutions. Society for the Study of Kazakhstan. Activities of the Kazakh Branch of the USSR (1938) and its conversion to the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Commissariat Kaz SSR. A. The role of Baitursynov and other cultural figures in the consolidation of a national intellectuals.

The contradictions of becoming a "socialist in content, national in form" of the Kazakh Soviet literature. S. Seifullin, I. Zhansugurov, J. Aymautov, M. Dulatov, B. Myleene, M. Auezov, M. Zhumabayev, S. Mukanov, G. et al Musrepov

The development of the Kazakh Soviet art. The emergence of popular theaters, clubs. Prominent Kazakh singer A. Kashaubaev. Prominent Kazakh art Bayseitov K., K. Zhandarbekov, J. Shanin, etc. Becoming a National Drama Theatre.

The first decade of art and literature of Kazakhstan in Moscow in 1936, Fine Arts (N. KHLUDOV, A. Kasteev). Birth of cinema. Publishing and printing. Experience of cultural development in Kazakhstan. Contradictions, negative and positive aspects of cultural development. The tragic fate of national intelligence.

5. Socio-political and socio-demographic development in Kazakhstan in late 1920 - 1930.

The massacre of the ideological and political opposition. Stalin's thesis of the intensification of class struggle as we move along the path of socialism. Historically unprecedented level of mass political repressions. The initial phase of repression 1928-1930.: The arrests of former leaders and members of Alash movement. The peak of mass repressions in 1937-1938. Create a gulag. Stalin's concentration camps in Kazakhstan: Karlag, Alzir, Far, Steppenwolf and others

The consequences of the communist terror. The dynamics of social, demographic and ethnic structure of the population (Proceedings of "repressed" Census 1937 data and falsified the census).


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