Translate the words into Russian. Use the dictionary if necessary. 1. Answer the questions

Before watching

1. Answer the questions:

1) What does Physics study?

2) How old is the science?

3) Can you name any outstanding physicists?

4) What are they famous for?

5) What are the main branches of Physics?

2. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

calculus /ˈkælkjələs/
domain /dəˈmeɪn/
electron /ɪˈlektrɒn/
inseparable /ɪnˈseprəbl/
Isaac Newton
molecular /məˈlekjələ(r)/
molecule /ˈmɒlɪkjuːl/
quantum /ˈkwɒntəm/
theorize /ˈθɪəraɪz/
thermodynamics /ˌθɜːməʊdaɪˈnæmɪks/


3. Match the word combinations in A with their translation in B:

1. to makestridesin a. использовать энергию термоядерного синтеза
2. to be broken down into b. выдвинуть теорию
3. topeerinto c. пропасть невежества
4. toberelatedto d. наблюдать за массивом объектов
5. to harness nuclear fusion e. делать успехи в
6. chasmofignorance f. всматриваться в
7. to come up with a theory g. подразделятьсяна
8. to observe the array of objects h. бытьсвязаннымс


4. Sort out the words into 2 categories (international words and “false friends”) (see Reference materials: International words vs False friends):

Solid, diffraction, to hit, to realize, refraction, to theorize, lenses, liquid, order, atom, accurate, electron, Optics, fabric, quantum.

International words “False friends”
diffraction refraction to theorize lenses electron atom quantum optics to realize Solid to hit liquid order accurate fabric


While watching


1. Watch the video and fill in the gaps with the missing words from the video:

Physics is the scientific study that ___________different aspects from galaxies to subatomic particles. It can be ______________into three main parts: Classical Physics, Quantum Physics, and Relativity. It was _______________who developed his laws of motion and gravitation, invented calculus to _______new Physics. Newton also made __________in the field of Optics. It is closely _________ to the theory of waves. Light and waves follow the same principles namely reflection, refraction and diffraction. This leads us to_________________. James Clerk Maxwell _____________that light was an electromagnetic wave. Thermodynamics deals with _______. Albert Einstein __________the theories of special and general relativity. Nuclear Physics describes the behavior of atoms. Nuclear fusion which takes place in the Sun will hopefully soon be __________on Earth.


2. Match the parts of Physics in A with their definitions in B. There is one definition that you don’t need to use:

1. Physics   2. Classical physics   3. Quantum Physics     4. Relativity     5. Optics     6. Electromagnetism   7. Thermodynamics   a. is a branch of physics providing a description of the behaviour and interaction of matter and energy on the scale of subatomic particles, photons and certain materials at very low temperature. b. isthe type of mathematics that deals with rates of change, for example in the slope of a curve or the speed of a falling object. c. is the scientific study of matter and energy and the relationships between them, including the study of forces, heat, light, sound, electricity and the structure of atoms. based on the principle that all movement is relative and that time is a fourth dimension related to space. the science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy. the scientific study of sight and light. the production of a magnetic field by means of an electric current, or of an electric current by means of a magnetic field. Physics that does not make use of quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity, e.g. Newtonian mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism.  


After watching

1. Summarize the information from the video (See Reference materials: Summary). Then speak about your field of science using the structures below:

1) My field of study is _______________.

2) It’s a branch of science that studies / deals with / investigates ___________________.

3) It is an old / a comparatively new field of science.

4) I chose to specialize in ______ because it is one of the most __________fields of ___________ and it can find a widespread application in _______, ____________ and ______________.

5) X. was the first to … the problem of ….

6) The achievements in (field of study) made it possible to create / develop /investigate ___________________.

7) At present the most exciting trends of research in this field are: _________.

8) The particular area of my research interest is ____________________.



1) Isaak Newton is an extraordinary genius and proficient physicist, mathematician, astronomer and alchemist, Sir Isaac Newton is considered to be the greatest and the most influential scientist who ever lived. One of the paramount contributors of the 17th century Scientific Revolution, he developed the principles of modern physics which he laid out in his book, ‘Philosophiae, Natrualis, Principia Mathematica’. Popularly known as Principia, the book highlighted the concepts of universal gravitation and laws of motions which remained at the forefront of science for centuries after. Furthermore, he worked on and developed the theory of color. He was the first to lay out the fact that color is an intrinsic property of light and that when reflected, scattered or transmitted, a white light decomposed into numerous colors that are visible in the spectrum or in the rainbow.

2) James Clerk Maxwell is accredited to be one of the greatest scientists ever. Scottish physicist James Maxwell was the man who propounded the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. His discoveries are said to be of the same magnitude in their significance to physics as those of the great scientists Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. He had demonstrated way back in the late 19th century that electric and magnetic fields travel through space as waves. He played a key role in the development of the phenomena which became known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. He was one of the earliest of the modern physicists whose research formed the basis for further studies in the fields of special relativity and quantum mechanics.

Word list

Translate the words into Russian. Use the dictionary if necessary.

English Russian
1) array  
2) bedrock  
3) to breakdowninto  
4) calculus  
5) chasm  
6) current  
7) curve  
8) to derive  
9) diffraction  
10) domain  
11) fusion  
12) to harness  
13) ignorance  
14) inseparable  
15) to peer  
16) to poke  
17) refraction  
18) stride  
19) to theorize  
20) to unravel  

Module 3 “Historical background of my field of science”

Before watching

1. Answer the questions:

1) What does Computer science study?

2) How old is it?

3) Can you name any famous scientists in this field?

2. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

blueprint /ˈbluː.prɪnt/
braid /breɪd/
emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/
eventually /ɪˈven.tʃu.ə.li/
halt /hɒlt/
mechanization /ˌmekənaɪˈzeɪʃən/
mechanize /ˈmek.ə.naɪz/
multiply /ˈmʌl.tɪ.plaɪ/
process /ˈprəʊ.ses/  
replicate /ˈrep.lɪ.keɪt/
reside /rɪˈzaɪd/
revolutionize /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.aɪz/
specific /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/


3. Match the word combinations in A with their translation in B:

1. to give birth to a. повторятьдействиячеловека explore mass production b. изменитьнашепонимание
3. to replicate human actions c. выполнять любые команды
4. to pose the question d. заключатьсявкомандах
5. to bridge the divide e. дать начало ч-л
6. to revolutionize our understanding f. ставитьвопрос
7. to outline blueprints g. выполнятьоперации
8. to reside in the instructions h. преодолеть расхождение во взглядах
9. to run any instructions i. представить проект
10. t operform operations j. исследовать поточное производство


4. Sort out the words into 2 categories ((international words and “false friends”) (see Reference materials: International words vs False friends):

Modern, revolution (of planets), machine, philosopher, universal, telephone, problem, decade, Master, design, computer, to realize, arithmetic, final, production.

International words “False friends”


While watching


1. Watch the video. Are these statements True or False? Correct the false statements:

1) Computer Science originated as a need to replicate human actions by mechanical means.

2) The first machines could carry out complex operations.

3) Although Charles Babbage was dreaming to develop the first “general-purpose computer”, he never built this machine.

4) What Alan Turing conceived was a machine that could run few simple instructions using several specific programming languages.

5) By introducing electrical switches and clocks Claude Shannon built the universal computing machines.


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