Lesson 3. The concept of the cell


клетка cell жасуша
форма form нысаны
размер dimension, size көлем
дышать to breathe тыныс алу
питаться to feed қоректену
расти to grow өсу
состоять to consist тұрады
впервые first of all алғаш рет
увидеть to behold көру
обмен веществ metabolism метаболизм
самостоятельный independent тәуелсіз
выполнять to fulfil орындау
какая нибудь some кейбіреу
объединение joining,union қосулу, одақ
формировать to form қалыптастыру
целостный complete,whole толық, тұтас
взаимодействие interection, interreaction өзара әрекеттестік, өзара әрекеттесу
микроскоп microscope микроскоп
многоклеточный multicellular көп жасушалы
одноклеточный unicellular,single-cell бір жасушалы



Living organisms consist of cells. the cell has a simple structure in bacteria and a complex structure in unicellular and multicellular organisms (animals and humans).

Cells have different shapes and sizes.

The cell can be an independent organism (bacteria and single-celled organisms): can perform all functions for life support. The cage can be elementalsubstance part of a multicellular plant or animal: can only do one what is a function and cannot exist.

The Union of the cells, their interaction forms an integral body defined properties





The cells of single - celled Cell Multicellular


1)Independent organisms.

2)Performs all the functions for life support.

1)Fundamental component of a multicellular organism.

2)Can perform only one function.

3)Can not independently exist.

3)Can independently exist.





1. How do you live within your living organisms?

2. Can a liver be a self-limiting organism?

3. How are cells bacteria and single - cell organisms?

4. What kind of function does the cell bacterial cells and single - cell organisms excrete?

5. What kind of function executes the cell, which enters into a multicellular organism?

6. It can be a cell that goes into the multicellular organism






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