Education Management Degree Programs

A degree program in education management can prepare education professionals to be leaders in many academic institutions, performing tasks such as oversight of personnel and curriculum development. Keep reading to learn more about education management degree programs. Schools offering College Administration & Leadership degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

What Education Management Degree Programs Are Available?

You can earn a degree in education management at the master’s and doctoral degree levels. In some cases, education management degree programs are run jointly by a university’s education and business departments; such programs might award a Master of Arts (M.A.) in education concurrently with a Master of Business Administration. Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree programs are also available, some of which are in managing technical education. In many education management degree programs, you’ll focus on one area of education, such as PreK-12, higher education or adult education, or you could pursue your own independently designed concentration.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programs in education management are often geared towards those who wish to work in higher education. You’ll might be able to complete the program in as little as two years while maintaining your current job. Ph.D. or Ed.D.programs in education management could prepare you to oversee colleges and universities.

TypesofDegrees Master’s and doctoral degrees of various types
CommonCourses Educational policy, history of education, education administration, budget management
SimilarAlternatives Educationadministrationprograms

What Are the Programs Like?

Education management as a field of study can vary from program to program. For example, if you choose to enroll in a joint program, you’ll take courses in business, management, marketing and human resources as well as taking courses on such subjects as educational policy and the history of education. Other programs focus more on the educational side, requiring courses on human relations, teaching technology, supervising instruction, education administration and budget management.

A master’s degree program usually requires you to complete a thesis or project, and you’ll often have the opportunity to apply your learning to the real world. A doctoral program typically requires you to complete a dissertation, and the coursework is heavily focused on research and industry advancement. Online options might be available for master’s degree students, but these aren’t common.

Are There Other Options?

A programs in education administration might serve as a close alternative to one in education management. They also prepare you to take on leadership and management roles in an educational setting. You can find education administration programs at both the master’s and doctoral degree levels. These programs prepare you to work as a principal, superintendent and other administrative positions at colleges, universities, high schools and other educational institutions. (455 слов)

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