This architecture uses two computers and one client/server system in the easiest configuration

It is correct path to the text file in some file system.

63. It is correct type of some file system for Windows OS: FAT32

64. A type protected file system for WindowsO: NTFS

65. What is a collection of data stored in one unit, identified by some namе6 A file

66. What is NOT property of a file? Color of it icon

67. Text files have next file extension: Txt

68. Graphic Interchange Format files have next file extension: gif

69. Executable files have next file extension: exe

70. Folder takes own location: settles down in another folder called her … parent

71. The peak of a folder hierarchy is called … loot

72. How many elements dose the file system allow to have the same name in the folder (don’t basket ): One element

73. This consist an alternative path to the file: A shortcut

74. It is a user interface to a computer's operating system or an application in which the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified line, receives a response back from the system, and then enters another command, and so forth: CLI(Commond Line Interface)

75. The MS-DOS operation system has: CLI(Commond Line Interface)

76. It is a program interface that takes advantage of the computer’s graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use: GUI(Graphical User Interface)

77. A symbol that appears on the display screen and that you move to select object and command: A pointer

78. A device, such as a mouse or trackball, that enables you to select objects on the display screen: A pointer device

79. Small pictures that represent commands, files, or window: Icons

80. The area on the display screen where icons are grouped is often referred to as … because the icons are intended to represent real objects on a real …: The desktop

81. You can divide the screen into different areas. In each …, you can run a different program or display a different file: Window

82. Most graphical user interfaces let you execute commands by selecting a choice from …: A menu

83. Contain buttons and menu: A toolbar

84. Connect to the Web, open and transfer files and display text and images. Those functions consis: Browsers

85. This software uses for creating text-based documents, reports, letters, and memos: Word processing programs

86. This software uses for organize, analyze, and graph numeric datа: Spreadshects

87. A measure of how quickly users can accomplish their goals or finish their work using the system: Efficiency

88. The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use: Usability

89. It is a specially formatted file that contains big volumes of the row datа: Database

90. It is: first - a shared collection of logical related data and second - a self-describing collection of integrated records: A database

91. It is a software system that enables users to define the data and manipulating data: A Database Management System (DBMS)

92. Structured Query Language (SQL) uses for …: Data manipulaction

93. It is NOT part of the Data Management System: DB engine

94. It is NOT proprietary DBMS: MySQL

95. Database architecture is logically divided into next types: All answers are correct

96. In … the database is centralized, which means the DBMS software and the data in one location and the dumb terminals were used to access the database management system: Single tier system

97. The two-tier architecture consists from next layers: Client tier and Database tier

This architecture uses two computers and one client/server system in the easiest configuration.

Two-tier architecture

99. The middle layer of three-tier architecture calleв: Business logic tier

100. It is an abstract, formal representation of entities that includes their properties, relationships and the operations that can be performed on them: An information model

101. Formal the description of a problem domain without constraining how that description will be mapped of the Information model to an actual implementation in software: An information model

102. Concrete/detailed model for implemente: A data model

103. Conceptual/abstract model for designers and operators: An information model

104. This model used the basic concept of a relation or table. The columns or fields in the table identify the attributes.: The relational model

105. … contains all the data of a single instance of the table: Turole

106. Each column of the table is equivalent to: Field

107. Each row of a table is equivalent to …: Record or turple

108. It is an association between data that’s stored in different record types: Relationship

109. It means that one record in a particular record type can be related to many records in another record type, and vice versa: A many-to-many

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