Задание 3: измените предложения, используя Страдательный Залог

Итоговая работа по английскому языку для специальности Фармация

Вариант 1

Задание 1: поставьте разделительные вопросы к предложениям

a) You often come late to your lessons.

b) He is a great scientist and doctor.

c) Max wants to become a cook.

d) They will go to London next year.

e) He has a high temperature today.

Задание 2: поставьте специальные вопросы к предложениям

a) Hypertensive crisis exists when the pressure elevation causes an immediate threat to the client's life.

b) Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases.

c) Ice placed on the nose also stops bleeding.

d) The most important thing in an emergency is not to lose one's head.

e) When you give the first aid you must be calm.

Задание 3: измените предложения, используя Страдательный Залог

a) I bought the medicine at the nearest drug store.

b) Mike made an excellent report.

c) Edward Jenner vaccinated free a lot of people.

d) He published a lot of books.

e) Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine for hydrophobia.

Задание 4: употребите глагол в скобках в Present\Past\Future Simple Tense

a) He (to be) a prominent Russian anatomist.

b) His discovery (to make) him known all over the world.

c) This method of vaccination (to help) to fight against many diseases.

d) I (to feel) pain in my arm today.

e) I (to catch) a cold yesterday.

Задание 5: переведите текст с английского на русский язык

My future profession- a pharmacist

Choosing your future profession or trade is a difficult choice, but an important one, nobody else can make it for you. I want to tell you about my plans for the future. My elder sister is a pharmacist and I want to be a pharmacist too. Now I am a second-year student. I study in Moscow.Activity of pharmacist is varied and important. Pharmacist needs to know chemistry, botany, have an excellent memory and skills. Pharmacist must also have such character features as responsibility, kindness, exactness, politeness. There is always a danger of mistake and harm to the client, drugs can cause allergic reaction. The profession of pharmacist is required now. You can meet the pharmacist in production pharmacies, drug stores, research institutes and laboratories. Pharmacist not only produces drugs by prescription and requirements of health care institutions. He must provide for storage of medicines, conduct initial statements, to sell drugs and medical products, inform the people and medical personal about the range of drugs, ways of receiving medicines and storage of drugs home.

Задание 6: поставьте 5 вопросов по содержанию текста.



1) Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания Щербакова Н. И (грамматика стр. 188-221)

2) Английский язык Агабекян И. П



Итоговая работа по английскому языку для специальности Фармация

Вариант 2

Задание 1: поставьте разделительные вопросы к предложениям

a) She came to Great Britain last year.

b) A doctor inserts a thermometer to a patient.

c) Some knowledge of first aid is essential for everyone.

d) In severe cases doctors make blood transfusion.

e) Each contraction and period of rest compose a cardiac cycle.

Задание 2: поставьте специальные вопросы к предложениям

a) Heart disorders fall into two broad groups.

b) Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease.

c) Some of these anomalies can be surgically corrected.

d) There are several types of AIDS.

e) This medical plant grows in China and Japan.

Задание 3: измените предложения, используя Страдательный Залог

a) Other scientists continued his studies later.

b) Professor Lesgaft wrote many scientific works.

c) Louis Paseur discovered the method to prevent some infection diseases.

d) He translated the article into Russian.

e) He made many discoveries in pharmacology.

Задание 4: употребите глагол в скобках в Present\Past\Future Simple Tense

a) My temperature (to increase) two days ago.

b) I (to enter) the medical institute next year.

c) I (to take) this medicine only once a day.

d) In 1882 Koch (to discover) tyberculosis bacilli.

e) You (to be) well soon, I hope.

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