Answer the questions using information from the text and compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs

1. Where do you study? I study at the Murmansk State Technical University.
2. Do we have to work hard? We have to work hard.
3. How many pairs of lessons do you have every day? Every day we have three or four pairs of lessons.
4. When do lessons begin? The lessons begin at 9 o'clock.
5. How do you get to the University? I go to the University by trolley-bus.
6. How much time does it take you to get to the University? It takes me about 20 minutes to get there.
7. Why was it a problem for you to find the necessary classroom? Our University includes some buildings marked by different letters and the lessons usually take place in different buildings located rather far from each other. As we didn't know the positions of those buildings at first it was really a problem and not only for me but for all the freshmen to find the necessary class-room
8. Why were you often late for lessons? The interval between the lessons is just 10 minutes and we didn't know the positions of the buildings, it took us a lot of time to find the necessary class-room you can easily understand why we were often late.
9. What subjects do you study? We study a lot of mathematics, some special subjects such as ………. and some general ones, they are the History of Culture, Physical Culture, Physics, Descriptive Geometry (Engineering Drawing), English etc.
10. Why do you go to the library or reading hall? We often go to the library or reading hall to take books for our studying or to work there.
11. What do you have nearly every day? Nearly every day we have some additional lessons in all the subjects.
12. Why do you attend additional lessons? At them I can consult with our teachers about the matters which are not quite clear for me.
13. Why do you spend a lot of time at the University? As I attend all the lectures, seminars, lessons and try not to miss additional consultation lessons I usually spend a lot of time at the University.
14. What do you do after University? I have some meals and begin preparing for the next day.
15. Why do you feel sick and tired in the evening? Besides the fact that I spend almost all day at the University I always have a lot of tasks to be done for the following day. So in the evening I usually feel sick and tired.
16. Why do you like studying? I like studying because every day I learn a lot of new interesting things.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English and then check them up with the given ones.

1. Я сделал правильный выбор, когда поступил в Университет. I made the right choice when I entered the University.
2. Мне приходиться много работать. We have to work hard.
3. Каждый день у нас по три или по четыре пары. Every day we have three or four pairs of lessons.
4.Занятия начинаются в 9 часов. The lessons begin at 9 o'clock
5. Я живу далеко от университета. I live rather far from the University.
6. Я езжу в университет на троллейбусе. I go to the University by trolley-bus.
7. У меня уходит 20 минут чтобы добраться туда. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there.
8.Наш университет включает в себя несколько зданий обозначенных разными буквами. Our University includes some buildings marked by different letters.
9.Уроки обычно проходят в разных зданиях находящихся довольно далеко друг от друга. The lessons usually take place in different buildings located rather far from each other.
10.Мы часто опаздывывали. We were often late.
11.Что касается предметов, которые мы изучаем, они отличаются от предметов, которые мы изучали в школе. As for the subjects we are taught they differ from the school subjects.
12.Я часто хожу в библиотеку или в читальный зал, чтобы взять книги на занятия или чтобы поработать там. I often go to the library or reading hall to take books for our studying or to work there.
13.Кроме того, у нас есть дополнительные занятия по все предметам. Besides I have some additional lessons in all the subjects.
14.Я посещаю все лекции, семинары и практические занятия, и пытаюсь не пропускать консультации. I attend all the lectures, seminars, lessons and try not to miss additional consultation lessons.
15.У меня всегда много заданий, которые нужно сделать на завтра. I always have a lot of tasks to be done for the following day.
16. Вечером я обычно устаю до смерти и падаю с ног. In the evening I usually feel sick and tired and I am dead on my feet.
18.В воскресенье мне не нужно ехать в университет. I don't have to go to the University on Sunday.
19.Я узнаю много новых и интересных вещей. I learn a lot of new interesting things.

Translate interrogative sentences from Russian into English. Mind the proper usage of the auxiliary verbs and word order. Compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.

1.Когда начинается твой рабочий день? When does your working day begin?
2.Когда ты уходишь в Университет? When do you leave for the University?
3.Как ты добираешься до Университета? How do you get to the University?
4.Сколько времени у тебя уходит, чтобы добраться до Университета? How much time does it take you to get to the University?
5.Когда начинаются занятия? When do your lessons begin?
6.Почему ты опаздываешь? Why are you late?
7.Какой для тебя самый сложный предмет? What is the most difficult subject for you?
8.Какие предметы вы изучаете? What subjects do you study?
9.Что ты делаешь после занятий? What do you do after lessons?
10.Почему ты чувствуешь себя уставшим? Why do you feel sick and tired?
11.Почему ты ходишь на консультации? Why do you attend additional consultation lessons?
12.Тебе приходится много работать? Do you have to work hard?
13.Где ты проводишь много времени? Where do you spend a lot of time?

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