Criminal Justice: Is It a System?

МВС України

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Кафедра іноземних мов



Завідувач кафедри

іноземних мов

О.М. Мітіна




Контрольна робота

З навчальної дисципліни

«Іноземна мова»


Галузь знань 0304 “Право”

Спеціальність: «Правознавство» 8.060101

Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень – магістр

Форма навчання: заочна




Обговорено і схвалено

на засіданні кафедри 

іноземних мов



                                                                         Протокол №____






Одеса 2012

Виконання і оформлення контрольних робіт

Магістр-заочник повинен письмово виконати 3 к.р. Кожна контрольна робота пропонується в десяті варіантах відповідно до списку.

Робота має бути виконана в окремому зошиті. На обкладинці потрібно написати своє прізвище та ініціали, номер контрольної роботи, спеціальність та шифр академічної групи, свою домашню адресу та дату виконання. Матеріал контрольної роботи потрібно розміщати в зошиті таким чином:


Ліва сторінка                                                           Права сторінка

Поля                Англійський текст                               Переклад



Виконані контрольні роботи надсилайте для перевірки та рецензування в інститут заздалегідь. Якщо контрольна робота виконана без додержання умов або не повністю, вона повертається до повторного виконання. Після повторного виконання магістр знову надсилає її в інститут. На одному з практичних занять під час заліково-екзаменаційної сесії він повинен захистити контрольну роботу.

Номер варіанту береться по першій літері прізвища.


Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is the study of the agencies, people and practices used to control crime. This text is intended to acquaint both citizens and future practitioners with 1) the various job roles within the justice system, 2) the routine operation of justice agencies, and 3) the subjective realities faced by the typical practitioner. Criminal justice is a very broad field of study that draws its ideas from disciplines such as management, political science, law, criminology, psychology and sociology. Criminal justice is the study of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. It deals with 1) the organization of the agencies that perform these tasks; 2) the people employed by those agencies; and 3) the impact of these efforts on crime and offenders. These agencies must base their efforts on laws written by independent government bodies. These laws are often constructed on the basis of what is known of the causes of criminal behavior. Legal issues are therefore of critical interest. So also are the scientific insights into why crime occurs in particular patterns and what motivates some people to commit offenses.

For this reason criminology, the study of 1) why crime occurs and 2) the patterns in which it occurs, is critical to understanding criminal justice. Criminology uses scientific logic to link the motives for crime to methods of controlling it. Justice processes are usually based on legal logic but often employ criminological concepts and theories as well. Law stresses the need for fairness and equal treatment while science is more oriented to efficiency. The tension between the logic of science and that of law sometimes results in problems for agency operations.

Criminal Justice: Is It a System?

Criminal justice agencies are designed to help control crime by identifying, processing and supervising criminals. Each agency carries out a particular part of this process, usually within a strictly limited geographical area. From a legal perspective the criminal process is separated into three stages: 1) pre-trial; 2) trial; and 3) post-trial. The process of justice in this country is both united and divided by two central goals. An orderly and safe society is of great importance to most citizens. So also are the unique personal liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. All criminal justice agencies and practitioners must balance these goals of public safety and personal freedom in their daily operations. For this reason the activities of agencies and practitioners are under the control of other organs of government and frequently encounter criticism from the media. The activities of these agencies are of great legal and ethical concern because of their power to affect the lives of individual citizens. Justice practitioners enjoy much freedom in how they interpret the legal requirements of their job roles. This freedom brings with it the need for 1) a strong sense of ethics to guide decision-making; and 2) constant observation by social "watchdogs" such as the press and civic groups.

Although they are very loosely organized, all justice agencies share a basic concern with the law and those who violate it. This common concern also acts to bring both agencies and practitioners together in a variety of relationships. The term criminal justice system is often used to describe this network of agencies that enforce criminal laws, judge the accused, and handle offenders. The network of agencies that deal with criminals is often defined as a system composed of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Use of the term system indicates that a set of things, in this case government agencies responsible for dealing with crime, are connected in a rational way so as to form a complex whole. Some suggest that the term "criminal justice system" is misleading because it implies a unity that is not really present in the operation of justice in modem America. This view of American criminal justice asserts that it is fragmented or underorganized - a non-system. Fragmentation means that each agency operates within a sort of vacuum, ignoring the effects of its actions on other agencies. A proper understanding of the justice process requires explicit recognition of the relationships between the various criminal justice agencies. Whether or not these relationships are well enough organized to be called a system is left to the reader's personal judgement.

Variant # 2 „Б”


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