Intontion pattern. Intonation models and their functions. Rhythm


Задание к семинару


1.What is your idea of intonation group?


2.Speak on the intonation pattern and its components.


3.Speak on the main nuclear tones in English and their functional value.


4.What types of pre-nucleus do you know?


5.Account for the direction of pitch, pitch level and pitch range.


6.What is tempo? What types of pauses do you know?


7.What is rhythm? Can we consider it as one of the components of intonation? What’s the difference between stress-timed and syllable-timed languages?


8.What’s the basic rhythmic unit? Speak on proclitics and enclitics. Which tendency – enclitic or proclitic – is more typical of English?


9.Speak on the phonetic devices that help create rhythmicality in poetry.



Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Антипова А.Н. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979.

2. Антипова А.Н. Система английской речевой интонации. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979.

3. Васильев В.А. Фонетика английского языка. Теоретический курс. (На англ. яз.). – М., 1970.

4. Зиндер Л.Р. Общая фонетика. – М.,1979.

5. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова, Р.М. Тихонова. – М., 2006.

6. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. – NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Практическое задание:

Read and analyse the given articles on the problem.



Семинар 9



Задание к семинару


1.What does phonostylistics study? Explain the distinction between functional and phonetic style. Is it possible to work out a universal classification of functional styles?


2.What is extralinguistic situation? What components does it consist of? Speak on them in detail.


3.What is intonational style? What factors detemine the choice of the style?


4.Why is psycholinguistic knowledge so important for phonostylistics?


5.Account for the chief prosodic features of:

1)informational style

2)academic (scientific) style

3)publicistic (oratorial) style

4)declamatory (artistic) style

5)conversational (familiar) style



Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Антипова А.Н. Система английской речевой интонации. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979.

2. Кантер Л.А. Основные проблемы фоностилистического анализа текста. – М., 1978.

3. Практическая фонетика английского языка. М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, Л.А. Кантер, Н.И. Крылова, И.О. Тихонова, Г.А. Шабадаш. – М., 2005.

4. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова, Р.М. Тихонова. – М., 2006.

5. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. – NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

6. Crystal D., Davy D. Investigating English Style. – Longman, 1979.



Практическое задание:

Read and analyse the given articles on the problem.


Семинар 10

“Social variation in English”


1)Why do most scientists consider social differences of vital importance for linguistic studies?

2)Account for the occupation differences in English intonation.

3)In what way does gender influence the prosody of a person?

4)Account for the way age influences the choice of linguistic means?

5)Regional differences. Dialectology as part of sociolinguistics.

6)National pronunciation standard and dialects.

6)Diaglossia, bilihguism, idiolect.

7)RP. New tendencies in RP

8)Regional non-RP accents:

a)Southern english

b)Northern and Midland English

c)Welsh English

d)Scottish English

e)Northern Ireland English

9)General American



Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Кантер Л.А. Основные проблемы фоностилистического анализа текста. – М., 1978.

2. Практическая фонетика английского языка. М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, Л.А. Кантер, Н.И. Крылова, И.О. Тихонова, Г.А. Шабадаш. – М., 2005.

Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова, Р.М. Тихонова. – М., 2006.

Шевченко Т.И. Социальная дифференциация английского произношения. – М., 1990.

5. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. – NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

6. Crystal D., Davy D. Investigating English Style. – Longman, 1979.


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