Translate the sentences into Russian

Crime and punishment

Topical Vocabulary

A crime       a crime scene

A criminal

To commit a crime to commit for trial привлекать к судебной ответственности, to commit a murder, to commit a suicide

Offence  правонарушение, преступление offence against the law, to commit an offence, criminal offence уголовное преступление, first offence впервые совершённое преступление, minor offence мелкое правонарушение

Offender правонарушитель, преступник

To offend совершить проступок, правонарушение; to reoffend

Felony [ʹfeləni] уголовное преступление, тяжкое преступление, to commit a felony

A judge


Court, Supreme court, court trial, court case, court procedure, the arguments прения in court, in open court в открытом судебном заседании

Trial судебное следствие, судебное разбирательство, суд, слушание дела

To try 1. Допрашивать, расследовать

       2. судить, привлекать к судебной ответственности to be tried for murder

A suspect [ʹsʌspekt] to arrest as a suspect арестовать по подозрению

To suspect [səsʹpekt] smb of

A convict [ʹkonvikt] осуждённый, заключённый

To convict [kənʹvikt] признать виновным, вынести приговор   to be convicted of …

To acquit (of) оправдывать to be acquitted of the crime быть признанным невиновным в преступлении

Acquittal [əʹkwitl]оправдание (по суду)

A witness the witnesses of the accident, examination допрос of a witness, to hear/to examine a witness допрашивать свидетеля

To witness to witness an accident, to witness a will засвидетельствовать завещание, to witness for/against smb

Evidence 1. доказательства, улики; 2. показания свидетеля или обвиняемого documentary, oral, written, indirect evidence, to give evidence

To investigate to investigate a crime

Investigation следствие, расследование

Inquiry расследование police inquiry

To inquire into расследовать, разузнавать, выяснять

Guilty adj to be guilty of, to find smb guilty, to plead guilty/innocent, признавать себя виновным/ невиновным в предъявленном обвинении, to confess guilt, to deny guilt

Innocent adj innocence n

Sentence приговор, судебное решение, наказание nominal / suspended sentence условный,

Severe sentence, lenient [ʹ li:njənt] sentence мягкий, снисходительный (lenient punishment, a lenient judge), to get a life sentence, to receive a six months’ sentence, to serve a sentence отбывать наказание, to reverse/recall a sentence отменить наказание

To sentence приговаривать, осуждать, выносить судебное решение to sentence to death, to sentence to imprisonment

To be sentenced to

To charge обвинять, выдвигать или предъявлять обвинение

To be charged with to be charged with murder

Punishment capital/death punishment = death penalty, corporal/physical punishment

Prison (syn jail, US) to send smb to prison, to take in(to) prison, to commit to prison, to keep in prison


To imprison заключать в тюрьму, брать под стражу, лишать свободы

Imprisonment false imprisonment незаконное лишение свободы, содержание под стражей, imprisonment before trial предварительное заключение

To release освобождать, выпускать на волю to release a prisoner, to release on bail выпустить из тюрьмы под залог

Bail залог, поручительство to let to bail освободить из заключения под залог, to stand bail for smb внести залог

To bail брать на поруки, вносить залог to be bailed for trial быть освобождённым до суда под залог/поручительство

An alibi [ʹælibai] a dubious сомнительное, unquestioned бесспорное, faked сфабрикованное, admirable alibi; to prove/to have an alibi

A fine

Community service

 To escape 1. совершить побег to escape from prison 2. Избежать, отделаться To escape the punishment

A ransom выкуп

A reward вознаграждение

A hostage [ʹhostiʤ] заложник


assassination Убийство по политическим мотивам Assassin(ator) Убийца общественного/политического деятеля to assassinate
assault Словесное оскорбление и угроза действием Assaulter (лицо, оскорбившее к-л действием или угрожающее к-л физическим насилием) to commit an assault upon smb
arson поджог arsonist to set fire on
blackmail шантаж blackmailer to blackmail
bribery Взяточничество подкупность briber  bribe taker to bribe to take bribes
burglary Кража со взломом burglar to burgle
drug dealing наркоторговля drug dealer  
drug addiction наркомания drug addict to take drugs
forgery Подделка (документов, денег) forger to forge
fraud мошенничество   to commit fraud
hijacking Воздушное пиратство hijacker hijack
kidnapping Похищение людей kidnapper to kidnap
manslaughter Непредумышленное убийство    
mugging Нападение с целью ограбления в общественном месте mugger to mug
murder предумышленное убийство murderer to murder
parking illegally      
rape изнасилование rapist to rape, to commit a rape
robbery Грабёж, разбой, кража robber to rob
speeding Превышение скорости    
smuggling контрабанда smuggler to smuggle
swindling Мошенничество надувательство swindler to swindle smth out of smb выманить, взять обманным путём  
theft кража a thief/thieves to steal (stole-stolen)
terrorism   terrorist  
vandalism   vandal to vandalise



Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.He was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. 2. A dangerous criminal escaped from prison. 3. He escaped punishment. 4. She was on her trial for murder. 5. He was tried for theft. 6. He was tried and found guilty. 7. Do you plead guilty? – No, I plead innocent. 8. The suspects all had good alibis for the day of the robbery. 9. Mind that every error will be charged against you. 10. The passers-by witnessed the accident. 11. The prosecutor brought charge against a group of teenagers. 12. The hostages were released. 13. Justice is a necessary condition in taking decision in court. 14. She refused to give evidence against her friend. 15. She has three convictions for theft. 16. Let’s inquire into that matter a little more. 17. He was tried and convicted. 18. Two witnesses evidenced against him. 19. The suspect was charged with stealing money. 20. She witnessed to having seen the defendant near the scene of a crime. 21. The neighbours accused him of murder but he has never been charged with it. 22. The kidnappers have given him two days to pay the ransom. 23. Clever criminals do not rob banks, they do not steal people’s money, they do not rob people, they do not burgle houses, they do not even mug people, they simply rob other successful criminals. 24. A young man mugged me at the bus stop in broad daylight. He took my briefcase. 25. Many people agree that capital punishment should no longer exist. 26. He was accused of smuggling drugs.


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