Teacher I.S.Kokovihinа

Практичне заняття № 19


The summary of Luise Antonio de Oliveria

Luise Antonio de Oliveria is invited for an interview in London. Personnel Manager Mrs. Joy Gilbert asked him some guestions.


Interview (the summary)

Mrs Joy Gilbert: Thank you for coming. Mr de Oliveria. My name is Mrs Joy Gilbert. I

                          am in charge of Human Resources.

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: How do you do?

Mrs Joy Gilbert: Do you have a seat. Now then. I see you are working for Medilab at the

                         moment. How long have you been there.

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Since 1992. It’s a very interesting post, but I am looking for  

                                           something with more responsibility.

Mrs Joy Gilbert: So you are ready for a change?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Yes. I feel I have come as for as I can at Medilab and I think  

                                           it is time to do something different

Mrs Joy Gilbert: And can your family move with you easily?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Our children are small, so it’s no problem for them to change

                                           schools. My wife is nurse, so she can find work in another  

                                           part of Brazil, or even in another country.

Mrs Joy Gilbert: What kind of salary are looking for?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: At the moment I earn $ 75.000 plus a car so I would like $

                                            90.000 plus a car if possible.

Mrs Joy Gilbert: That should be fine, have you worked abroad?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Yes. I worked in the States for two years, and in Argentina

                                           for a year and a half. I’d like the chance to go abroad again.

Mrs Joy Gilbert: You also worked in Peru, I see.

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Yes. That was a very interesting time. We set upa

                                            vaccinations programme in rural villages in Peru

Mrs Joy Gilbert:  Really? And what language can you speak?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria: Portuguese is my first language. I can also speak English,

                                           Spanish, and a little Italian.

Mrs Joy Gilbert:  I am impressed! Some of our contacts are with Japanese Companies.

                          Can you speak Japanese?

Luise Antonio de Oliveria:  No, I cann’t, I am afraid, but I can always learn.

Mrs Joy Gilbert:  Never mind! I am now going to introduce you to our Sales and

                          Marketing Director for the more technical questions. I will see you  

                          later for some aptitude and language tests.


Практичне заняття № 20



How to Write a Resume  

No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company.


The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview.


Effective resumes are straightforward, factual presentations of a person's experience and accomplishments. They are neither over detailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is best.


One page seems too superficial; a four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official. Some writers suggest that a chronological (the standard-type) resume be used; others argue for an accomplishment resume. A useful resume should include both your experiences and key accomplishments. When sent to a prospective employer, a resume should be professionally reproduced, with particular attention to misspellings, typographical errors, and careful spacing.


To attract attention, some job seekers print resumes on tinted paper, in a menu-like folder, or on unusual-sized paper. If done in a way to attract positive attention to yourself, these approaches have merit.



inevitably — неизбежно

 to require —требовать

 to hire — нанимать

 accomplishment — выполнение (достижение)

 superficial — поверхностный

 to irritate — раздражать

 tinted paper — тоновая окрашенная бумага

 merit — достоинство



Глосарій для складання резюме англійською


безробітний - unemployed

вакансія - vacancy

вік - age

гонорар - fee

дарування, здібності - abilities

дата народження - date of birth

посада - position

додаткова інформація, захоплення - extracurricular activities

досягнення, успіхи - accomplishments

зайнятість - employment

заповнити вакансію - fill a position

заробітна плата - salary

якості (освіта + досвід роботи, яким повинен володіти претендент) - job qualification

кваліфікований - qualified

особисті дані - personal information

місце народження - place of birth

місце, на якому не потрібна особлива кваліфікація - nonskilled position

мені... років - I am... years old

можуть бути надані по запиту - applied upon request

призначити зустріч - to make an appointment

знайти місце роботи - find a position

освіта - education

звертатися за роботою - apply

оголошення - advertisment

обов'язки - responsibilities, duties

закінчено з червоним дипломом - graduated with high honors

досвідчений - experienced

відділ - department

відмінити зустріч - to cancel an appointment

по даний час - till present

пошук роботи - job hunting

поступити на роботу в компанію - join the company

претендувати - claim

покликання - calling

робота - job

робота на повний робочий день - full-time employment

робота за сумісництвом - part-time employment

працювати в якості - work in the capacity of

роботодавець - employer

резюме - resume, CV (Curriculum Vitae), the letter of application

рекомендатель - referee

рекомендації - reference

керівник - head

із заробітною платою - at a salary of

сімейний стан - marital status

 одружений / заміжня - married

 неодружений - single

 розлучений - divorced, separated

 овдовілий - widowed

сильні сторони, талант - personal strengths

службовець - employee

страховка - insurance

уміння - skills

домовленої зустрічі - appointement

ПІБ - full name

цілі, які ставить претендент при отриманні роботи - career goals

мета - objective, goal

мова - language

 побіжний англійська - fluent English

 хороший рівень французької - good French

 початковий французький - beginning French

 середній рівень німецької - intermediate German

 просунутий рівень англійської - advanced English

 рідна російська - native Russian



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