As the usual offer: The champion has sought to set a new record in London

· “Amend new laws first, say elders” - Исправьте новые законы сначала, говорят старшие

(Daily Nation, 02.03.10, p.10)

As the usual offer: Amend the new laws, have said the elders.

· “Large team of runners battle for qualification” - Большая команда бегунов борются за квалификацию

(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.16)

As the usual offer: Large team of the runners have battled for the qualification.

· “Nuclear Weapons Obama presses for Iran action” - Ядерное оружие Обамы требует действия Ирана

(Daily Nation, 07.03.10, p.34)

As the usual offer: The Nuclear Weapons Obama has pressed for Iran action

· “Chelsea closer to Premier League crown” - Челси приближается к Главной короне Лиги

(Daily Nation, 01.03.10, p.11)

As the usual offer: Chelsea has closered to the Premier League.

· “Kaunya leaves for Germany” - Kониа уезжает в Германию

(Daily Nation, 07.03.10, p.22)

As the usual offer: Kaunya has left for Germany.

· “Ford Kenya launches pro-draft campaign” – Форд Киниа начинает кампанию проекта

(Daily Nation, 05.03.10, p.8)

As the usual offer: Ford Kenya has launched the pro-draft campaign.

· “Councillors vow to block proposed laws” - Члены совета клянутся заблокировать предложенные законы

(Daily Nation, 14.02.10, p.21)

As the usual offer: The councilors have vowed to block the proposed laws.

· “Uhuru pushes for consensus ahead of vote to avert chaos” - Ухюру стремится к согласиям перед голосованием, чтобы предотвратить хаос

(Daily Nation, 14.02.10, p.24)

As the usual offer: Uhuru has pushed for consensus ahead of the vote, that to avert chaos.

· “CBK sue over seized papers” - CBK предъявляют иск по конфискованным бумагам

(Daily Nation, 18.02.10, p.55)

As the usual offer: CBK have sued over seized papers.

2) headlines with use of a participle of last time. The”y say that something has been made in passive voice.


· “Six killed in rail accident” - В железнодорожной аварии погибло шестеро

(Daily Nation, 22.01.10, p.15)

As the usual offer: Six people have been killed in a rail accident. In headline we have not “have been” the auxiliary verb, which indicates in the participle of last time and the article “a”.

The headline:

· “New Shakespeare play discovered”- Найдена новая пьеса Шекспира

(Daily Nation, 14.12.08, p.77)

As the usual offer would sound so: A new Shakespeare play has been discovered. Also in it we have not articles and auxiliary verbs. In the same way the ordinary offer “The White House has been damaged by a bomb” turns to laconic headline:

· “White House damaged by bomb”- Здание правительства пострадало от взрыва бомбы.

(Daily Nation, 22.11.08, p.55)

· “Four die in crashes on highway” - В аварии на шоссе четверо погибло

(Daily Nation, 24.11.08, p.17)

As the usual offer: Four people have been dead in the crashes on highway.

· “Hawker held after killing of trader” – Уличного торговца задержали после убийства торговца

(Daily Nation, 14.09.09, p.67)

As the usual offer: The hawker has been held after killing of trader.

· “Stadium handed over to Zimbabwe after repairs” - Стадион передали Зимбабве после ремонта

(Daily Nation, 01.10.09, p.41)

As the usual offer: The stadium has been handed over to Zimbabwe after the repairs.

· “Hundreds evacuated as volcano erupts in Iceland” - Сотни людей эвакуированы так как вулкан извергся в Исландии

(Daily Nation, 23.08.09, p.19)

As the usual offer: Hundreds people have been evacuated as the volcano erupts in Iceland.

· “Draft Church has made mistakes in past” - Церковный проект сделал ошибки в прошлом

(Daily Nation, 17.02.10, p.67)

As the usual offer: The Draft of Church has been made mistakes in the past.

· “Peacekeepers in Darfur kidnapped” - Похищены силы по поддержанию мира в Дарфуре

(Daily Nation, 15.02.10, p.90)

As the usual offer: The peacekeepers in Darfur have been kidnapped.

· “Fifteen killed in bomb attacks in Philippines” - Пятнадцать убитых в нападениях с применением взрывных устройств в Филиппинах

(Daily Nation, 24.01.10, p.86)

As the usual offer: Fifteen peoples have been killed in the bomb attacks in Philippines.

· “PNU activist summoned over complaint on Raila” - Активист ПОН вызван по жалобе к Рэйлу

(Daily Nation, 28.02.10, p.33)

As the usual offer: PNU activist has been summoned over the complaint on Raila.

· “Couple killed in night raid” - Пара убита в вечернем набеге

(Daily Nation, 17.01.10, p.109)

As the usual offer: The couple man and woman have been killed in night raid.

· “ISIOLO Voter listing official shot dead by bandits” - Избиратель ISIOLO, перечисляющий чиновникам, застрелен бандитами.

(Daily Nation, 19.12.09, p.113)

As the usual offer: ISIOLO Voter listing official has been shoot by bandits.

· “The days of double voting numbered under new system” - Дни двойного голосования пронумерованы под новой системой

(Daily Nation, 29.07.09, p.49)

As the usual offer: The days of double voting has been numbered under a new system.

3) headlines with an infinitive. They say about the future event, which yet does not happen, but should occur.


· “Queen to visit India” - Королева собирается посетить Индию.

(Daily Nation, 24.03.07, p.124)

As the usual offer: the Queen is going to visit India. In headline we have not the article ”the” and the auxiliary verb to be –“is” plus irregular verb to go – “going”.

·Mayor to Open Shopping Mall” - Мэр откроет новый торговый комплекс

(Daily Nation, 30.06.09, p.53)

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