Application of Microfiltration for Bacteria Reduction in Cheese Brine

    Efficient sanitation of cheese brine might become very important to the dairy industry in the near future because of the increasing request for post-contamination of cheeses by cheese brine, especially by pathogenic bacteria, as it has been learned that pathogenic bacteria like Listeria are able to survive in cheese brine and Staphylococcus sp. are able to grow even in brines with up to 20% salt. Furthermore, lactobacilli, yeast and moulds remain viable in the brine and cause defects in cheese.

    Various methods of brine sanitation are used. The most common methods are pasteurization, addition of NaCl, and Kieselguhr treatment.

    Microfiltration might be an interesting technique for sanitation of brine as the above sanitation methods change the native composition of the brine either by changing the protein and mineral balance due to the heat treatment and the protein by the brine being “contaminated” by “non-milk” components. By using the CFMF brine for sanitation purposes it should be possible to change the brine in only one respect, namely the bacteria content.

    Thus the CFMF sanitation process does not change the chemical composition of the brine and no possible chemically based variations will occur, such as an increased protein loss in the brine. Neither the chemically based conditions concerning the cheese rind formation nor the surface ripening will change when the CFMF technique is used for brine sanitation.


Задание 2. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский. Употребите слово выделенное курсивом, с нужным предлогом:

1. Было выяснено, что такие патогенные бактерии как Listeria способны выжить в сырном рассоле.

2. Микрофильтрация изменяет минеральный баланс сырного рассола благодаря тепловой обработке.

3. Используя микрофильтрацию кросс-флоу для санации рассола можно изменить содержание бактерий.

Задание 3. Найдите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

sanitation method; cheese brine; post-contamination; pathogenic bacteria; remain viable; may cause defects; brine sanitation; common methods; native composition; mineral balance; heat treatment; protein denaturation; sedimentation process; bacteria content; chemical composition; cheese rind formation; surface ripening.


Задание 4. Назовите глаголы, от которых были образованы данные существительные, и переведите их на русский язык. Определите, какие суффиксы и приставки были использованы при словообразовании:

composition, microfiltration, contamination, sedimentation, sanitation, ripening, treatment, denaturation, variation, pasteurization


Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Какие бактерии способны выжить в сырном рассоле?

2. Какие методы санации используются сейчас?

3. Какой метод не изменяет нативный состав рассола?



Практическое занятие 17



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли составить высказывание об одном из предприятий молочной промышленности.

rate                                                       класс, сорт

operative                                              квалифицированный рабочий

rank                                                      классифицировать

cheese manufacture                              производство сыра

diversification                                      разнообразие

remarkable                                           замечательный

fund                                                      фонд

loan                                                      заем

whey                                                    сыворотка

entirely                                                 всецело



Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Edewecht: the world's most automated cheese plant?

With two continuous production lines, the central cheese factory at Edewecht, near Bremen, West Germany, is an entirely new plant based on the concept of a very high rate of output and very few operatives. It must be ranked among the most automated cheese production units in the world, writes our technical correspondent.

The country between the Rivers Weser and Ems bordering the Netherlands supports intensive milk production with a very high density of output per unit of agricultural land. Only a relatively small proportion of milk has been used for cheese manufacture, but the new cheese plant at Edewecht, about 17 km south west of Oldenburg is now absorbing an increased amount of the milk produced and thus contributing towards the diversification of dairy processing in the area.

This remarkable, automated factory is a co-operative enterprise built in 1975 at a cost of about 22 million DM provided by bank 1oans, subscription shares by its 20 member dairy co-operatives operating in the area, and by EEC funds. It processes at present about 450.000 kg milk daily into Cheddar, Gouda and Edam cheese, and concentrates the whey produced and also undertakes the drying of milk for its member co-operatives during the peak period of production. Supplies are obtained from the 20 member dairy plants each of which contributes about 10 per cent of its milk intake. The farms in the area are relatively large, each keeping on average about 14 cows. The factory is basically a single-storey building comprising three sections, of which the vast production hall (25 by 55 metres) is the most remarkable. It contains five closed Alfa-Laval Tebel cheese vats each of 12,000 litres capacity, supplying two continuous production lines, one for Cheddar and one for Gouda and Edam.


Задание 2. Выпишите из текста предложения в пассивном залоге и определите, в какой видовременной форме они употребляются.

Задание 3. Перестройте предложения из пассива в актив:

1. Modified press model of 120 kg/hour capacity is based on technology polished in manufacturing MP-40 and MP-60 models.

2. The tiniest air inclusions a removed from the dough at vacuumizing.

3. The product is poured down from the top bin to the weighing tray until the specified weight is reached.

4. One package is being sealed.

Задание 4. Расскажите о современном предприятии молочной промышленности.

Задание 5. Закончите предложения:

1. It is the same ….

2. It is impossible ….

3. It is not fun ….

4. It is the same pleasure ….

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