С) Post-reading activities (Упражнения, которые выполняются после прочтения текста)

Словарная работа(запомнить)

 Введение новых лексических единиц

dentist ['dentɪst] - зубной врач, дантист filling ['fɪlɪŋ] – пломба dental nurse [nɜːs] – ассистент стоматолога canine teeth ['keɪnaɪn]– клыки denture ['denʧə] – зубной протез tooth decay [dɪ'keɪ] – кариес check-up [ʧek ʌp]– осмотр extracting forceps ['fɔːseps] – щипцы tooth sensitivity [ˌsen(t)sɪ'tɪvətɪ] – зубная чувствительность cavity ['kævətɪ] – дупло (в зубе) root canal – корневой канал dentist’s surgery ['sɜːʤ(ə)rɪ] - стоматологический кабинет wisdom tooth ['wɪzdəm] –зуб мудрости dental x-ray – рентген premolar [͵pri:ʹməulə] – малый коренной зуб drill [drɪl]– сверло oral hygiene ['haɪʤiːn] – гигиена полости рта gingivitis [ˌʤɪnʤɪ'vaɪtɪs] – гингивит


Exercise 1. Match the word combinations with their Russian variants:

1. do you know a good dentist? 2. can I make an appointment to see the dentist? 3. can I make an appointment to see the hygienist? 4. I'd like a check-up 5. when did you last visit the dentist? 6. please take a seat 7. would you like to come through? 8. have you had any problems? 9. I've got toothache 10. one of my fillings has come out 11. can you open your mouth, please? 12. a little wider, please 13. you need two fillings 14. you've got an abscess 15. I'm going to have to take this tooth out 16. I'm going to give you an injection 17. I'm going to give you an x-ray 18. you've got a bit of decay in this one 19. how much will it cost? 20. let me know if you feel any pain 21. would you like to rinse your mouth out? 22. you should make an appointment with the hygienist 23. I'd like a clean and polish, please a.я бы хотел провериться b.у меня отошла одна из пломб c.я собираюсь сделать вам рентген d.вам нужно записаться на приём к гигиенисту e.немного пошире, пожалуйста f.вам нужны две пломбы g.у вас небольшое повреждение в этом зубе h.я хотел бы сделать чистку и шлифовку, пожалуйста i.у меня зубная боль j.ты знаешь хорошего дантиста? k.садитесь, пожалуйста l.у вас есть какие-то жалобы? m.я собираюсь сделать вам укол n.скажите мне, если почувствуете боль o.когда вы в последний раз посещали дантиста? p.сколько это будет стоить? q.могу я записаться на приём к дантисту? r.Проходите s. у вас воспаление t.я собираюсь вырвать этот зуб u.могу я записаться на приём к гигиенисту? v.откройте рот, пожалуйста w.хотите прополоскать рот?


ü Listening 1

Listen and tick (P) the expressions that were used in the dialogues (see ex.2)

  • a sweet tooth – сладкоежка;

В английском языке существует большое количество идиом (idioms), которые делают речь яркой и выразительной. Запоминайте идиомы, связанные с нашей темой, и смело пользуйтесь ими в общении.

  1. To be armed to the teeth – вооружён до зубов.

The criminals were armed to the teeth when they took hostages at the bank. – Преступники были вооружены до зубов, когда они захватили заложников в банке.

2. To show one’s teeth – показать зубы, показать характер; разозлиться.

My neighbour used to be very kind, but he showed his teeth when I turned up the music too loud. – Мой сосед был очень добрым, но он злился (показывал характер), когда я включал музыку слишком громко.

3. Teething problems – первоначальные проблемы.

Be ready to have some teething problems if you decide to start your own business. – Будьте готовы к первоначальным проблемам, если вы решите начать свое собственное дело.


B) Reading and translation of the text (Чтение и перевод текста)

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:


Every citizen of Russia undergoes regularly dental inspection and treatment in district stomatological polyclinics. There are three main departments in such polyclinics: a department of therapy, oral surgery and orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry department. Some laboratories and X - ray rooms are also attached to every dental polyclinic.

If you have some trouble with your tooth or a bad toothache you should consult a dentist. He will examine your teeth and if the aching tooth is not far gone he will stop it. He'll clean and drill your tooth and then put in a filling. If your cavity is neglected (far gone) and it hurts you the dentist will treat your tooth. In case the tooth is too bad to be stopped or treated, the dentist will pull it out (extract a tooth). Before extracting a tooth he will apply some anaesthetic or give an injection to deaden the pain.

If you have some inflammation or an abscess in your mouth, if the teeth become loose and gums bleed, you should consult an experienced specialist. He will diagnose your case and prescribe a proper treatment. If an operation must be performed in the mouth cavity, a qualified oral surgeon will operate on you. If you need dentures, bridges, some false teeth or crowns you must consult a dental mechanic and he will do everything you need. If you have instanding or outstanding teeth, overcrowded teeth or malocclusion, you must consult an orthodontist and get it corrected.

Regular visits to a dentist, once or twice a year, proper oral care and good eating habits (a limited consumption of sweets in the first place) will protect you from many dental diseases.

Тренировочные упражнения

с) Post-reading activities (Упражнения, которые выполняются после прочтения текста).

Exercise 4. Match the word combinations with the translation and define the pictures:

a) Dental light

b) Dental mirror 

c) Dental explorer

d) X-ray machine

e) Dental chair 

f) Tooth polisher


 1. полировальное приспособление 2. рентгеновский аппарат 3. стоматологическое зеркало 4. стоматологический светильник 5. стоматологический зонд 6. стоматологическое кресло
g) Manual toothbrush h) Electric toothbrush i) Dental floss j) Toothpaste k) Mouthwash / fluoride rinse

1. ополаскиватель для ротовой полости

2. зубная паста. 

3. зубная нить.

4. зубная щетка

5. электрическая зубная щетка


5 мин

Exercise 5. Translate the words from Russian into English:

Стоматолог, кабинет стоматолога, ассистент стоматолога, врач-ортодонт, коренные зубы, зуб мудрости, резцы, клыки, малые коренные зубы, десна, осмотр, зубная чувствительность, кариес, дырка, пломба, гингивит, корневой канал, зубной протез, коронка, имплантат, рентген зуба, укол, сверло, щипцы для удаления зубов, гигиена полости рта.

Exercise 6. Translate the words and word combinations into English:

1. The (стоматолог) studied (стоматология) for 6 years at the university.

2. When getting a (пломба) it is essential to remove the (кариес) first.

3. Good (гигиена полости рта) is essential for preventing tartar build-up.
4. The (стоматологический кабинет) is open late on Friday.

5. (Гингивит) causes inflammation and (кровотечение) of the gums.

6. It is recommended to have a dental (осмотр) every six months.

7. (Зубные протезы) are prosthetic devices made to replace missing teeth.

8. People suffer from tooth (чувствительность) from drinking or eating cold things.
9. The (ассистент стоматолога) supports the dentist in all aspects of patient care.

10. The function of (резцов) is for shearing or cutting food.

12. An (имплант) is an artificial tooth root placed into your (челюсть).
13. The (клыки) are often the largest teeth in a mammal’s mouth.

14. (Малые коренные зубы) are used for chewing.

15. The extracting (щипцы) are used to extract teeth.


Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations (see exercise 5). The first letter is the beginning of the word:

1. The o________ fits braces.

2. The m________ are the most complicated kind of tooth in most mammals.

3. W________ teeth usually emerge from the gum between the ages of 17 and 24.

4. G________ problems are very common in young people.

5. She had bad tooth d________because she ate sweets every day.

6. I had a bad t________ so I made an appointment with the dentist.

7. The r_______ c ________ is the inside of a tooth.

8. The d________ is used to clean cavities from decay before the filling.

9. A c________ can be placed on a tooth to improve the appearance of the tooth.
10. A dental X-________ helps the dentist to see problems with the teeth, mouth, and jaws.

11. The i________ helps to numb the area the dentist is working on.


ü Role-play game

Exercise 8. Read and translate the dialogue:

Dentist: Good morning! Come in, please. Are you Mr. Lancer?

Patient: Good morning! Yes, I have an appointment for 10 am. Am I on time?

Dentist: Yes, you are. What can I do for you? Or let me put it this way: What troubles you?

Patient: Well, I've been having a strong toothache since Monday and I don't really know what the problem is.

Dentist: There can be different reasons. First of all I should have a look at your teeth.

Patient: I understand. Shall I sit in this chair?

Dentist: No, not this one, but the one beside the window. Make yourself comfortable. I just need to see which tooth causes the problem.

Patient: I'm ready.

Dentist: Open your mouth. Here we go, I see it's the fourth one on the right.

Patient: Are you going to extract it?

Dentist: No, why would I do it if the tooth can still be healed.

Patient: Really? That sounds optimistic, Doctor!

Dentist: I'm going to put a special medicine in it which should be there for a couple of days. Please, try to be careful with that tooth and don't chew anything hard on that side.

Patient: Do I have to come once again two days later?

Dentist: Yes, I'll set another appointment for you. My secretary will contact you to inform about the time.

Patient: Great, I'll come by again soon. Thank you, Doctor!

Dentist: Not at all. I'm sure we'll save your tooth.

(two days later)

Patient: Good morning!

Dentist: Good morning, come in. How are you feeling today, Mr. Lancer?

Patient: I'm fine, thank you. My tooth didn't give me much trouble these days.

Dentist: That's natural. It's all because of the medicine I used. Let's see what else can be done. Open your mouth wide, please. I'm almost done here. You can close your mouth now.

Patient: Is it in good shape now?

Dentist: Yes, I believe it is. However, I found another problem with the tooth that's next to this one. I'm going to write a referral for the X-ray. Please, do it as soon as you can. The cavity is rather deep there, I should see the whole picture to know how to heal the tooth.

Patient: I see, thank you, Doctor. I'll go to the X-ray room right now.

Dentist: Come back soon. I'll see what can I do for you.



Dentist: Good morning, Sir \Madam, Can I help you?

Sir\Madam: I have got a terrible toothache!

Dentist: Ok, Open your mouth!

Sir\Madam: Just a moment (Is opening his\her mouth)

Dentist: Oh, I see this tooth is very bad, it is necessary to fill it. Unfortunately I've not enough time you have to make an appointment with a doctor next week.

Sir\Madam: Oh, but I can't. I;m flying to Canada next week

Dentist: Well..... I'll write out a prescription for pills you should go to a chemist's and buy them

Sir\Madam: ok, Thank you, Good-bye

Dentist: Good-bye

Doctor: Good morning. What can I do for you? What troubles do you have?

Patient: I have got a very bad tooth. It`s troubling me day and night.

Doctor: Now I must examine your mouth. Open it wide. Which one is it?

Patient: This one on the left. Will you take it out?

Doctor: Your tooth is very bad but it is not too late for trying to treat it. I will put a special medicine into the tooth now. Then you will come in two days at the same time. I will fill the tooth.

Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.

Doctor: Not at all.

Patient: Good-bye.

Doctor: Good-bye. Give the following definitions:

-  the dentistry is...

-  the dentist is...

- dental nurse is …

- a sweet tooth …


2. Home task (Задание на дом): to make up a dialogue «At the dentist»                                                                         

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