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Corbett National Park

Corbett National Park, named in the memory of Jim Corbett, was created in 1938 and was the first national park to be established in Asia. It is situated in the northern state of Uttranchal in India. It has an area of 512 sq. km. The combined area of Corbett National Park, Sonandi Wildlife sanctuary and Reserve Forest areas summing up to 1288 sq. km. constitute a bigger project called Corbett Tiger Reserve.

The most famous animals of Corbett National Park are the Bengal Tiger and the Asiatic elephant. It is also a home to other animals like etc etc. Situated at the junction of the Garhwal and Kumaon hill regions it also boasts of the combination of cultures of people of both regions.

Jim Corbett

Jim Corbett, (1825-19), lived in Kaladhungi. His house has been converted into a museum by the government as a dedication to his life and times. He was a naturalist, conservationalist and an avid photographer. Born on 25th July 1875, he grew up in Kaladhungi and Nanital. After fighiting for the British army in the WWI, he came back to India and settled in Kaladhungi with his sister, Maggie. He was called up several times by village people and the government to get rid of man-eating tigers and leopards.

Visiting Corbett National Park

General Information

Altitude: 385-1100m above sea level

Annual Rainfall: 1400mm - 2800mm

Temperature range: 4C in winter to 42C in summer.

Open for tourists from 15 November to 15 June.

Getting there:

The head quarters of Corbett Tiger Reserver are at Ramnagar. By road it is connected to Delhi, Moradabad, Bareilly and Nanital. State transport buses ply from Delhi, Moradabad and Haldwani to Ramnagar. By rail tourists can reach Ramnagar by taking a train from New Delhi.

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На данной стадии, ваш тест примера должен выглядеть так:

Corbett National Park

Corbett National Park, named in the memory of Jim Corbett, was created in 1938 and was the first national park to be established in Asia. It is situated in the northern state of Uttranchal in India. It has an area of 512 sq. km. The combined area of Corbett National Park, Sonandi Wildlife sanctuary and Reserve Forest areas summing up to 1288 sq. km. constitute a bigger project called Corbett Tiger Reserve.

The most famous animals of Corbett National Park are the Bengal Tiger and the Asiatic elephant. It is also a home to other animals like etc etc. Situated at the junction of the Garhwal and Kumaon hill regions it also boasts of the combination of cultures of people of both regions.

Jim Corbett

Jim Corbett, (1825-19), lived in Kaladhungi. His house has been converted into a museum by the government as a dedication to his life and times. He was a naturalist, conservationalist and an avid photographer. Born on 25th July 1875, he grew up in Kaladhungi and Nanital. After fighiting for the British army in the WWI, he came back to India and settled in Kaladhungi with his sister, Maggie. He was called up several times by village people and the government to get rid of man-eating tigers and leopards.

Visiting Corbett National Park

General Information

Altitude: 385-1100m above sea level

Annual Rainfall: 1400mm - 2800mm

Temperature range: 4C in winter to 42C in summer.

Open for tourists from 15 November to 15 June.

Getting there:

The head quarters of Corbett Tiger Reserver are at Ramnagar. By road it is connected to Delhi, Moradabad, Bareilly and Nanital. State transport buses ply from Delhi, Moradabad and Haldwani to Ramnagar. By rail tourists can reach Ramnagar by taking a train from New Delhi.

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