Chapter 6 The mountain (Гора)


1. Cambridge dictionary

Pilgrimage is a journey to a place that has religious importance.

2. Collins dictionary

A pilgrimage is a journey that someone makes to a place that is very important to them.

3. Encyclopedia Britannica

Pilgrimage, a journey undertaken for a religious motive. Although some pilgrims have wandered continuously with no fixed destination, pilgrims more commonly seek a specific place that has been sanctified by association with a divinity or other holy personage. The institution of pilgrimage is evident in all world religions and was also important in the pagan religions of ancient Greece and Rome.

4. Wikipedia

A pilgrimage is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place, where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about the self, others, nature, or a higher good, through the experience. It can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.

Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы:

- A journey

- Religious motive

- Pilgrims

- Specific place

- A divinity

- Holy personage

- Foreign place

- The experience

- Personal transformation

- Search


Examples: «Miss Fergusson 's irritation over the incident in Erzerum began to calm. Passing the eastern spur of Mount Alageuz, they gazed intently as the broad bulk of Great Ararat slowly revealed itself. The summit was hidden, enfolded in a circle of white cloud which glittered brilliantly in the sun».

«It seems to me appropriate and just,' went on Miss Fergusson, `that the first traveller to ascend the mountain upon which the Ark rested should bear the name of an animal. No doubt part of the Lord's great design for us all».

«Water from the Arghuri brook, thought Miss Logan; or perhaps that sourish milk which they had already received many times on their travels from obliging shepherds».

«At least she evinced an interest in the natural landscape. As they rode inland from Trebizond, hunting-whips at the ready against the expected dog-packs, they viewed mohair goats on hillsides of dwarf oak, dull yellow vines, lush apple orchards; they heard grasshoppers whose ringing note seemed sharper and more insistent than that of their British cousins; and they witnessed sunsets of the rarest purple and rose. There were fields of corn, opium and cotton; bursts of rhododendron and yellow azalea; red-legged partridge, hoopoes and blue crows. In the Zirgana mountains large red deer softly returned their gaze from an apprehensive distance».

Характеристики концепта PILGRIMAGE:

- Mount Ararat

- Traveller

- Travel

- The Ark

- The natural landscape


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