Essay on Water Pollution – Essay 2 (250 Words)


Write an essay “Global warming”.

 Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But, its meaning is still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature gradually. Global warming is melting our ice glaciers rapidly. This is extremely harmful to the earth as well as humans. It is quite challenging to control global warming; however, it is not unmanageable. The first step in solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem. Therefore, we need to first understand the causes of global warming that will help us proceed further in solving it. In this essay on Global Warming, we will see the causes and solutions of Global Warming.

Causes of Global Warming


Global warming has become a grave problem which needs undivided attention. It is not happening because of a single cause but several causes. These causes are both natural as well as manmade. The natural causes include the release of greenhouses gases which are not able to escape from earth, causing the temperature to increase.


Further, volcanic eruptions are also responsible for global warming. That is to say, these eruptions release tons of carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. Similarly, methane is also one big issue responsible for global warming.

 After that, the excessive use of automobiles and fossil fuels results in increased levels of carbon dioxide. In addition, activities like mining and cattle rearing are very harmful to the environment. One of the most common issues that are taking place rapidly is deforestation.


So, when one of the biggest sources of absorption of carbon dioxide will only disappear, there will be nothing left to regulate the gas. Thus, it will result in global warming. Steps must be taken immediately to stop global warming and make the earth better again.

1. Write an essay “Air pollution”.

Essay on Air Pollution– Earlier the air we breathe in use to be pure and fresh. But, due to increasing industrialization and concentration of poisonous gases in the environment the air is getting more and more toxic day by day. Also, these gases are the cause of many respiratory and other diseases. Moreover, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation is the major cause of air pollution.

How Air Gets Polluted?

The fossil fuel, firewood, and other things that we burn produce oxides of carbons which got released into the atmosphere. Earlier there happens to be a large number of trees which can easily filter the air we breathe in. But with the increase in demand for land, the people started cutting down of trees which caused deforestation. That ultimately reduced the filtering capacity of the tree.


Moreover, during the last few decades, the numbers of fossil fuel burning vehicle increased rapidly which increased the number of pollutants in the air. Causes Of Air Pollution

Its causes include burning of fossil fuel and firewood, smoke released from factories, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), carbon oxides and many more.


Besides, there are some other air pollutants like industrial waste, agricultural waste, power plants, thermal nuclear plants, etc.



2. Write an essay “Water pollution”.

Essay on Water Pollution – Essay 2 (250 Words)


The consumption of water forms a large part of our physical health. Aside from this obvious fact, water is an important aspect of our ecosystem. However, for water to perform its various functions, it has to be kept pure as contaminated water would lead to adverse environmental and health consequences.


Water pollution is the introduction of foreign material into our water bodies like lakes, streams, rivers or groundwater. This introduction, 9 times out of 10 is usually a result of human interference. Through various activities, sometimes inadvertently, we pollute our ecosystem with toxic materials dumped into our water.


Causes of Water Pollution:


One of the most popular features of water is also the cause of water pollution. Water is a “Universal Solvent” which simply means that it can dissolve almost any substance. Consequently, it is also why toxic substance mixes with water effortlessly. These toxic materials could be from traceable sources such as factories, farms, sewage etc. They are sometimes less traceable sources such as pollution in the air.


Water Pollution Effect on our Environment:


The first organisms that come in contact with polluted water are creatures living in the water. The effect of water pollution on aquatic animals depends on the kind of material introduced into the water. In extreme cases, it can lead to death of aqua species. It can also lead to a serious disrupting of the food chain. Finally, water pollution can lead to serious diseases in humans such as cholera and hepatitis.


Preventive Measures:


While the obvious way to reduce or eliminate water pollution is to stop industrial waste, doing just that and nothing more would not be enough. Preventive measures such as reduction in plastic consumption, controlling leaks in cars, using fewer pesticides or efficient disposal of chemicals would help us go the extra mile.

3. Write an essay “Land pollution”

The various human activities and also natural factors are the various causes of land pollution. Besides, some of the causes of land pollution are the use of pesticides, agricultural and industrial waste, deforestation, growing urbanization, acid rains, and mining activities. Furthermore, these activities not only cause damage to the soil but also the reason for various human and animal infections and diseases.

Ways to Limit land Pollution

This harmful pollution is on the rise of its all-time maximum. The government and organizations are working at their level best to minimize this pollution. But it is necessary that we should also contribute to it. In addition, making some small changes in our daily life we can lower the amount of land pollution from the environment. Besides, here we are going to discuss some ways by which we can minimize land pollution.


Use biodegradable products instead of non-biodegradable, as they are easy to dispose of and are pretty much safe for the environment. Also, start-using food that is pesticides and fertilizers free as their usage increases the farmers will reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in their fields.


Besides, if you have a garden or enough space in your home then start growing your own organic fruits and vegetables. In addition, avoid packing of things as most of these things are made from non-biodegradable materials that take hundreds of years to dispose of.


The government has banned the use of polybags but still, people are using them. Furthermore, these polybags are one of the major contributors to land pollution. It is also recommended that things made from plastic should be avoided. Researches have proved that using things made of plastic causes cancer in humans.


Instead of plastic use paper bags for shopping because they are reusable. But, cloth bags are more convenient as they can be washed and used many times.


Separate the wet and dry waste and for assuring this, the government has put green and blue dustbins all over the city. So, that waste can be easily treated according to their nature.

4. Write an essay “Recycling”.

Essay on Recycling


Why We Need Recycling?

We need recycling for many reasons. But most importantly, it will help us to save our planet. Besides, recycling saves the earth by facilitating the reprocess of paper which will save millions of trees.


Also, recycling saves a lot of energy because many things that we recycle can easily be converted into virgin materials. In addition, it saves a lot of resources too.


Moreover, recycling reduces the burden of the environment. As we save energy the number of greenhouse gases and oxides are produced in less quantity. Because most of the toxic gases are produced by factories.


In addition, recycling reduces the amount of waste, that takes years to decompose. Also, the recycled material can be sold. We use this recycled material for the manufacturing of many new products. So, ultimately recycling saves money. The Process of Recycling

The various materials that we recycle have to go through a process that refines and purifies them. Besides, different materials go through a different process and in this topic we will discuss the recycling process of various materials.


Paper- It is the most used material on the earth. Paper is made up of two materials water and wood. For recycling paper firstly they break it down in small pieces and dissolve it into water. After that, they add chemicals that filter out the ink and dirt from it. In addition after filtering the paper takes the form of a mush called the pulp and this pulp is later converted into clean paper.


Metals- The metals are first shredded into small pieces and then they were melted and after that remolded into new shapes.


Glass- The recycling of glass is the easier they just break it into pieces and then they melt it and recast them.


Plastic- They also follow the same process as plastic. But, the process of plastic recycling is a little bit complex because they have to sort out the different types of plastics. As there is a diverse variety of plastic with different properties.


How Can We Contribute to Recycling?

Almost everything that we use can be recycled whether it is household materials like paper, plastic, metal, glass, furniture, toys, artifacts, vehicles, etc. Besides, opt for things from the market that can easily be recycled. Also, try to use merchandise that is made up of recycled products.


In addition, sort your waste and dump your recyclable waste in the recycle bin so that the authorities can recycle it.


To Sum it up, recycling is a small step by humans to save the environment. But this small step is very effective in the long run. Also, before throwing away the waste we should check it to see if there is a recyclable product in it or not.


5. Write an essay “Green Kazakhstan”.

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