Reading comprehension competency focus

Reading for content information: Read the text and learn about four factors of production.


Constructing comprehension: As you read the text use what you learn and what you’ve learned from the previous unit to compare the determinants of demand and supply.

Determinants of Supply and Demand

Supply Demand

Answering  text content questions orally:

1. What is supply?

2. What is the law of supply? What does it state?

3.  What does a direct relationship between the price and quantity supplied mean?

4. How does profit incentive affect people’s behavior in a market economy?

5. What are the four major determinants of supply?

6. What are the inputs needed to make a product? How does their price affect the supply of the product?

7. How can the number of firms in the industry affect supply?

8. What happens to the supply of a product if more taxes are imposed on its production?

9. What is technology? Can it affect supply?

10.  What does the law of diminishing returns say?

11.  What is equilibrium price? What relationship between supply and demand does it show?


Taking notes: Answer the same questions in writing. Use note form.


Recalling the Facts: Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.


A profit, the profit incentive, supply, to supply, the quantity supplied, the law of supply, direct, a producer, the costs, goods and services


1 _______ is the willingness and ability of producers to provide goods and services to sell to consumers. 2 _______ states that there is a   3 _______relationship between price and quantity supplied—as price goes up, the amount of a good or a service that 4 _______ is willing and able to supply goes up, too. Why are sellers willing to provide more   5_ ______ at higher prices?   6 _______ is one motivating factor in a market economy. The goal of a business is to make   7 _______. The higher the price of a good, the greater the number that producers will want 8 _______. Selling more goods at a higher price earns more profit and enables producers to cover 9 _______ of producing even more. On the other hand, the lower the price of a good, the less incentive producers have to make more of it, thus reducing 10 _______.


Rendering the text:

1. Render the text into English in writing using the base-text for self-correction.

2. Get prepared to render the text orally.


Предложение - это желание и способность производителя (продавцов) предоставлять товары и услуги для продажи на рынке потребителям. Между ценой и количеством предлагаемого товара существует прямая зависимость. Когда цена возрастает, величина предложения также растет, и наоборот. Эта связь называется законом предложения.

На спрос влияет ряд факторов: цена ресурсов, потраченных на производство товара; число фирм в отрасли; налоги; технологии. В условиях рыночной экономики рынки товаров и услуг постоянно меняются: некоторые компании уходят с рынка, новые приходят. Общее количество компаний в отрасли влияет на общее предложение, т.к. чем больше компаний на рынке, тем больше товаров они в состоянии предоставить.

Цена ресурсов, потраченных на производство товара, налоги и технологии изменяют стоимость производства, а потому также влияют на предложение. Все, что увеличивает стоимость производства, уменьшает предложение, и наоборот.


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