Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом

Mexico, Russia, Italy, Japan

a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d) tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Прочитайте текст. Выберите действующее лицо из левой колонки и соответствующую ему информацию из правой.

While living the college-age artist`s life, Mary applied for a job as a waitress. “Then one day a cook didn`t come to work. They threw the apron at me”. Terrified at first, Mary very quickly grew to love cooking. “I loved the color, the life of the produce, the flavors, and the textures. I`d had plans to be an artist, and then this bolt of lightning hit me”. Now she is a head chef and co-owner of a fine restaurant in Chicago.

1.Nick             a) His mother couldn`t cook.

2.Mary            b) His father didn`t want him to be a cook.

3.David           c) She had plans to be an artist.

4.Philippe        d) His father was a baker.

5.Judy              e) She says she`s happy because she loves what she does.

                         f) He`s a pastry chef at a restaurant.

                         g) She is a head chef at the Country Club.

                          h) She is a co-owner of a restaurant.

                          i) He is an instructor of the culinary art.

                          f) He was a music teacher.

Ответьте письменно, полным ответом на любые 5 вопросов о себе.

1.When did you decide to become a cook?

2.Who is the best cook in your family?

3.Are there cooks among your relatives?

4.Do your parents approve of your choice?

5.Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?

6.Where would you like to work after college?

7.Would you like to continue your studies?

8.What do you like in your profession?

Заполните резюме.


First name______________________________________________________________________________________

Country and city of residence __________________________________________________________________

Age____________________________ Gender___________________________________

Date of birth____________________________________________________________________________________




Signature_______________________ Date____________________________

Дополнительная часть.

Переведите инструкцию на русский язык.

The Cook must know:

-legislation, regulations, orders another guiding and normative documents and materials related to nutrition;

-sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations;

-recipes, cooking techniques, quality requirements, rules, terms and conditions of storage of dishes;

-types, properties, and a culinary destination of products;

-organoleptic characteristics and methods of determining the quality of products;

-rules, techniques and sequence of operations to prepare products for heat treatment;

-assign, rules for the use of technological equipment, industrial equipment, tools, weighing equipment, utensils and care for them.

Составьте предложения из предложенных слов.

1. Choose, I, fruit, fresh, vegetables, and.

2. Food, for, is, a, good, fast, idea, lunch.

3. fried, this, consists, dish, of, chops.

9. Заполните пропуск нужной формой глагола have + существительное из приведенных ниже. Обратите внимание на то, что в сочетаниях типа have breakfast / lunch артикль не используется (но have a meal).

Drink row look swim bath breakfast word day game time supper talk

1. “Did you watch TV last night?”

“No, I _________ and went straight to bed.”

2. I’m going to ______ a ________ and wash my hair. I feel dirty.

3. I’ve got my holiday photographs. Do you want to ______ a _______?


Государственное областное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Липецкий техникум общественного питания»


РАССМОТРЕНО методическим объединением общеобразовательных дисциплин «__» ________2019г. Председатель ________Кеменова И.А. Дифференцированный зачет по ОУД.03 Иностранный язык Специальность 43.02.01 Организация обслуживания в общественном питании   Вариант №3   УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по УПР Перкова Н.И. ____________________ «__»_________2019г.

Основная часть

Подберите к слову перевод.

1.lawyer  a) водопроводчик

2.mechanic b) официантка

3.nurse    c) адвокат

4.painter   d) маляр

5.pharmacist e) почтальон

6.plumber  f) агент

7.waitress g) медсестра

8.postman   h) портье

9.agent    i) механик

10.receptionist j) фармацевт

 2. Прочитайте текст. Подберите название к тексту из предложенных вариантов.

Table manners are another important issue. While at formal dinners, people usually eat with fork and knife. Soon after sitting down at the table it is correct to put a napkin on your lap. Well-mannered people usually know the rules of table setting. When there is a variety of silverware in front of you, it’s a good idea to start with the knife, fork or spoon that is farthest from your plate.

1.Table manners

2.Public behavior

3.Good manners

4. Courtesy

5.Bad manners

Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.

Mexico, Russia, Italy, Japan

 a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d) tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Прочитайте текст. Выберите действующее лицо из левой колонки и соответствующую ему информацию из правой.

While living the college-age artist`s life, Mary applied for a job as a waitress. “Then one day a cook didn`t come to work. They threw the apron at me”. Terrified at first, Mary very quickly grew to love cooking. “I loved the color, the life of the produce, the flavors, and the textures. I`d had plans to be an artist, and then this bolt of lightning hit me”. Now she is a head chef and co-owner of a fine restaurant in Chicago.

1.Nick             a) His mother couldn`t cook.

2.Mary            b) His father didn`t want him to be a cook.

3.David           c) She had plans to be an artist.

4.Philippe        d) His father was a baker.

5.Judy              e) She says she`s happy because she loves what she does.

                         f) He`s a pastry chef at a restaurant.

                         g) She is a head chef at the Country Club.

                          h) She is a co-owner of a restaurant.

                          i) He is an instructor of the culinary art.

                          f) He was a music teacher.

Ответьте письменно, полным ответом на любые 5 вопросов о себе.

1.When did you decide to become a cook?

2.Who is the best cook in your family?

3.Are there cooks among your relatives?

4.Do your parents approve of your choice?

5.Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?

6.Where would you like to work after college?

7.Would you like to continue your studies?

8.What do you like in your profession?

Заполните резюме.


First name______________________________________________________________________________________

Country and city of residence __________________________________________________________________

Age____________________________ Gender___________________________________

Date of birth____________________________________________________________________________________




Signature_______________________ Date____________________________

Дополнительная часть

Переведите инструкцию на русский язык.

The duties of a Cook

Cook performs the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Cook directly carries out preparation of dishes, including: washing and blanširovku products, mixing ingredients, frying, grilling, cooking on the steaming, cooking sauces, soups, broths, appetizers to buffet and salads.

2. Decorates dishes.

3. is the menu.

4. is studying customer requirements for service and quality of food and products.

5. conducts coaching Maitre and waiters.

6. to monitor the work of cleaning, disinfection, sanitization of Office and production facilities; washing and maintenance in accordance with the sanitary norms of special clothes.

7. is studying complaints of guests (visitors) to the quality of food and service, keep statistics of complaints and claims, is preparing proposals for improvements

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