Kihon-Kumite competitions

Classification of the tournament

Tournament for beginners 10, 9, 8 Kyu


Athletes are allowed to qualify for 10, 9, 8 Kyu (white and yellow belts) and marks in the Budo passport, record book or certificate.

Execution only map of the Shitei group, 1st round of competition: taikyoku, Heian Shodan and Heian Nidan, or their counterparts from other styles. All styles perform together.


  6- 7

8- 9

10-11 12-13 14-15
Men +   +   + + + + + +
Women +



+ + +


Note: Beginners 10,9,8 Kyu (with parental consent and permission of the coach) can take part in the tournament for beginners 7-4 Kyu and in the main event by sending the organisers additionally the video run 3 kata marked in the title 1 lap, 2 lap, 3 lap, which correspond to the Rules of the tournament for beginners 7-4 Kyu and/or the Main event

Tournament for novice athletes 7, 6, 5, 4 Kyu

All styles perform together.

ATTENTION!!! 3 cards are RECORDED with a note in the name 1 circle, 2 circle, 3 circle

Execution in each round ONLY of various kata of the Shitei group (Shitei), 1st round of competitions: Execution ONLY of Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian yondan, Heian Godan, Teki Shodan or their analogues from other styles. All styles perform together.

  6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16+ 30+
Men + + + + + + +
Women + + + + + + +


Note: Beginners 7, 6, 5, 4 Kyu (with parental consent and permission of the coach) can take part in the main event by sending the organisers additionally the video run 3 kata marked in the title 1 lap, 2 lap, 3 lap, which correspond to the Rules in the Main event

Main tournament


Individual card competitions are held in 3 rounds, in all three rounds there is a point system of judging.


1 circle-a Card from the group of Shitei (Shitei), there are 16 participants left.

2 circle-Map of the group Sentai (Sentai) and Shitei (Shitei), there are 8 participants.

Round 3 (final) - kata from the Tokai group any kata


If there are less than 4 participants in the styles in the age category, the styles can be combined by the decision of the chief judge!

Category 6-7 years in the three circles ONLY - from the group of Shitei

Each circle has a different kata

Athletes 14 years and older perform:

In 1 circle, the kata is only 1 circle,

there are only 2 circles in the 2nd circle,

in 3 circle kata only 3 circles.

The map cannot be repeated.




10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 + 30 + 40 + 55 +
Men + + + + + + + + + + +
Women +


+ + + + + + +  


(shito-ryu, goju-ryu, Shorin-ryu, wado-ryu, Fudokan and other invited athletes of various style organizations and federations)

  6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 + 30 + 40 + 55 +
Men + + + + + + + + + +
Women + + + + + + + + +  



(For a list of kata, see Appendix 2)


  6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-17 18+ 30+ 50 +
Men + + + + + + + +
Women + + + + + + +  



For athletes from 8 to 15 years of age who have a qualification of up to 7 Kyu in KOBUDO inclusive, a repeat of the same kata with the same sports weapon (Bo, tonfa, SAI, nunchaku, etc.) is allowed in each round of the competition

For athletes from 8 to 15 years of age, who have qualifications from 6 Kyu to 4 Kyu inclusive in KOBUDO, a repeat of the same kata with the same sports weapon (Bo, tonfa, SAI, nunchaku, etc.) is allowed through the competition circle

For athletes over 16 years of age who have a qualification of up to 7 Kyu in KOBUDO inclusive, a repeat of the same kata with the same sports weapon (Bo, tonfa, SAI, nunchaku, etc.) is allowed in each round of the competition

For athletes over 16 years of age who are qualified from 6 Kyu to 4 Kyu inclusive in KOBUDO, repeat the same kata with the same sports weapon (Bo, tonfa, SAI, nunchaku, etc.) is allowed through the competition circle



Team competition at the map of Karate

Team card competitions are held in 3 rounds, with a point system of judging in all three rounds. After the first round there are 16 teams, after round 2 has 8 teams, 3rd round – final. All styles perform together.

Team  kata karate

(All styles perform together)

  6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16+ 30 +
Men + + + + + + +
Women + + + + + + +


ATTENTION!!! 3 cards are RECORDED with a note in the name 1 circle, 2 circle, 3 circle

A team of athletes 6-7 years old perform:

1 circle: kata of the Shitei group)

Lap 2: Shitei (Shitei)

3 circle of Stitches (Shitei).

Redo the kata for example


A team of athletes aged 8-13 years perform:

1 circle: kata of the Shitei group)

2 circle: kata groups Sentai(Sentai), Shitei (Shitei)

Round 3 (final): kata of the Tokai, Sentai, or Shitei group.

The map can be repeated in a circle.


A team of athletes 14 years and older perform:

In 1 circle kata only 1 circle, in 2 circle kata only 2 circles, in 3 circle kata only 3 circles.

The map cannot be repeated.


Mixed teams (MWW, WMM) are allowed to participate, as well as the participation of one athlete from the lower and higher age categories. One athlete can participate in a maximum of three teams. Team competition at the kata Kobudo



              Team KOBUDO kata

  10-12 13-15 16 +
Men + + +
Women + + +


Athletes perform 3 kata with any weapon, it is possible to repeat the kata THROUGH a CIRCLE (kata 1 and 3 circles may coincide)

Mixed teams (MWW, WMM) are allowed to participate, as well as the participation of one athlete from the lower and higher age categories. One athlete can participate in a maximum of three teams.

If there are less than 4 athletes or teams in the age category in styles, the age categories, teams, as well as boys and girls of the same age category can be combined by the decision of the chief judge!


Festival of traditional karate

Kihon-Kumite competitions

  4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
Men + + + + + +
Women + + + + + +

Rules for Kihon-Kumite:

Before the start of the performance, athletes call their last name, first name, age, and circle.


4-5 and 6-7 years in 3 steps:

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle 
Forward oy-tsuki-chudan OI-tsuki-jodan oy-tsuki-chudan
Back Age-uke Soto-uke Age-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan
Forward Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan May-Geri-chudan May-Geri-chudan
Back Uchi-Uke Gedan-barai Gedan-barai + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan


8-9 years on 5 steps:

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle 
Forward oy-tsuki-chudan OI-tsuki-jodan oy-tsuki-chudan
Back Age-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Uchi-Uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Age-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan
Forward Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan May-Geri-chudan May-Geri-chudan
Back Учи-уке+ Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Gedan-barai + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Gedan-barai + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan


10-11 years and 12-13 years in 5 steps:

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle  
Forward oy-tsuki-chudan Sanbon-tsuki (jodan/chudan/chudan) May-Geri-chudan / mawasi-Geri-chudan (one leg)
Back Age-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Uchi-Uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Soto-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan
Forward Shuto-uke/Kokutsu-Dachi May-Geri-chudan Uchi-Uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan
Back Soto-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Gedan-barai + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Shuto-uke/Kokutsu Dachi+gyaku-nukite


14-15 years on 5 steps:

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle
Forward Sanbon-tsuki (jodan/chudan/chudan) May-Geri-chudan / mawasi-Geri-chudan (one leg) Mae-Ren-Geri (chudan+dzedan)
Back Uchi-Uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Soto-uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Soto-uke + ENPI-uchi/Kiba-Dachi
Forward May-Geri-chudan Uchi-Uke + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Yoko-Geri-kekomi-chudan/Kiba-Dachi
Back Gedan-barai + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan Shuto-uke/Kokutsu-Dachi+gyaku-nukite Uchi-uke/kizami-zuki + Gyaku-Tsuki-chudan



Performed in pairs

Procedure for demonstrating the "Kihon-IPPON" technique:

Attention! Before the start of the performance, athletes or their coach (operator) call the last name, first name, team name, age, circle.

1. Athletes perform a bow to each other and a bow to the referee (on the camera of the video shooting operator).

2. the Attacking athlete (tori) approaches the " uke "at arm's length, takes the" zenkutsu-Dachi "stance with the" gedan-barai-uke " step back and from this position performs the attack.

3. the Defending athlete (uke) takes a step back in "zenkutsu-Dachi" (or Fudo-Dachi) with "uke-waza" followed by a counterattack "gyaku-tsuki".

4. "tori" must fully name the attack, for example: "OI-zuki-chudan!" and after the answer "uke": "OSS!" perform the voiced attack.

5. at the end of attacking combinations, "tori" and" uke " change roles.

6. at the end of the demonstration, the athletes perform a bow to each other, then a bow to the referee (on the camera of the video shooting operator).

Attention! The coach (video operator) is allowed to give commands for athletes, call attacks for "tori", performing the function of a referee.

Criteria for rating and identifying winners:

1.the overall performance of "tori" and "uke" (as a single team) is Evaluated.

2. during the execution of "kihon-IPPON", the attack and defense must look effective and realistic.

3. the Team is awarded points for the minimum circle score based on the following criteria:

+0.1 for good form (0.1 points are added for each effective technique within the understanding of the concept of traditional karate);

+0,1 for firm determination (power, speed and controlled execution of the technique in order to achieve the goal);

+0.1 for "Zanshin" (continuing state of awareness and purposefulness);

+0.1 for the correct timing (the technique performed at the optimal time to achieve the best result);

+0,1 for the correct choice of distance (performed from the most effective distance technique to achieve the greatest possible effect);

+0.1 points for compliance with etiquette.

After the FIRST ROUND, the 16 teams (pairs) that received the most points advance to the SECOND ROUND. After the SECOND ROUND, the 8 teams (pairs) that received the highest amount of points go to the final and play for prizes. The winner of the competition is determined by the highest amount of points, then-in descending order.


The video must be shot horizontally, weighing no more than 100 MB.

  4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
Men + + + + + +
Women + + + + + +

One athlete can be from a younger age category

One athlete can be from the Junior age category, the JM will be registered as a women's team; one athlete can participate in no more than three teams



4-5 и 6-7

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle
attack oy-tsuki-chudan OI-Tsuki-Jodan May-Geri-chudan
protection Уке-вадза Уке-вадза Уке-вадза
counterattack Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-jodan or chudan


8-9 и 10-11

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle  
attack 1. oy-tsuki-chudan 2. May-Geri-chudan 1. OI-Tsuki-Jodan 2. Mawashi-Geri-jodan 1. oy-tsuki-chudan 2. May-Geri-chudan 3. Mawashi-Geri-jodan
protection Уке-вадза Уке-вадза Уке-вадза
counterattack Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-jodan or chudan


12-13 и 14-15

  1 circle 2 circle 3 circle  
attack 1. oy-tsuki-chudan 2. Mawashi-Geri-jodan 1. oy-tsuki-chudan 2. OI-Tsuki-Jodan 3. May-Geri-chudan 1. oy-tsuki-chudan 2. May-Geri-chudan 3. Mawashi-Geri-jodan
protection Уке-вадза Уке-вадза Уке-вадза
counterattack Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-chudan Gyaku-tsuki-jodan or chudan


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