Recommended literature

Examination questions for admission to the 2020 master’s program in Political Science


1. Political science: stages of development and national schools.

2. Political power: category, structure, functions. Concepts of political power.

3. Political regime: definition and typology.

4. The concept of the political institution. Institutionalism and neo-institutionalism.

5. Political parties and party systems: definitions, origins and typology.

6. Political interest groups: functions and features.

7. The theory of political culture.

8. The phenomenon of political ideology.

9. Basic methods of political science.

10. The main stages and areas of development of socio-political in 19th-century Europe.

11. Foreign social and political thought of the 20th century: the main areas of development.

12. The main stages and areas of development of Russian social and political doctrines in the first half of the 19th century.

13. The main stages and areas of development of Russian social and political thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

14. 20th-century Russian socio-political thought: areas of development.

15. The main stages and areas of development of foreign countries’ social and political thought from antiquity to the early 21st century.

16. The main ideological trends in politics: liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism.

17. The transitological approach in comparative political science.

18. World politics and international relations.

19. The “Great Debates” in international relations theory.

20. Models of World Order.

21. Traditional and “unconventional” actors in world politics.

22. The role of international organizations in contemporary world politics.

23. The main trends in world politics.

24. Concepts of public opinion.

25. Political identity and identity politics.

26. Political leadership. Basic concepts of political leadership.

27. Mass communication: basic models and functions.

28. Types and forms of political behavior.

29. Political elite: the main types and functional features.

30. The system of state and municipal management.

31. Classic and contemporary approaches to public administration.

32. Forms of territorial-administrative organization of the state.

33. The social state and the concept of the “welfare state.”

34. Government decision-making: mechanisms and specifics of the process.

35. State and civil society: mechanisms and models of interaction.

36. The main stages of administrative reform in modern Russia.

37. Political system of the Russian Federation: structure and features.

38. Features of domestic policy of the Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999.

39. Features of domestic policy of the Russian Federation from 2000 until the present.

40. Features of contemporary Russian party building.

41. National interests in the basic strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation.

42.  Features of current Russian federalism.



Recommended literature

1. Achkasov V.A. Etnopolitologiya. M. Izdatelstvo Yurayt, 2014 (In Russ.).

2. Adam Przeworski. Democracy and the Market. Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Cambridge University Press: 1991 – 228 p.

3. Alekseeva T. A. Politicheskaya filosofiya. Otkontseptsiy k teoriyam. Moskva: ROSSPEN. 2007 (In Russ.).

4. Almond G. A., Verba S., The civic culture. Political attitudes and democracy in five nations. Princeton University Press. 1963 – 574 p.

5. Almond G., Verba S. Grazhdanskaya kultura i stabilnost demokratii // Polis. 1992. № 4 (In Russ.).

6. Antologiya mirovoy politicheskoy myisli: V 5 t. M., 1997. T. II (In Russ.).

7. BurdYo P. Sotsiologiya politiki. — Perevod s frantsuzskogo: E. D. Voznesenskaya. Sotsiologiyapolitiki. Sbornikstatey. — M., 1993 (In Russ.).

8. Dal R. Poliarhiya: uchastie i oppozitsiya. M.: Izd. dom. Gos. un-ta – Vyisshey shkolyi ekonomiki, 2010 (In Russ.).

9. Demokratiya v mnogosostavnyih obschestvah: sravnitelnoe issledovanie. M.: Aspekt Press, 1997, 287 s (In Russ.).

10. Douglass C. North, John Joseph Wallis, Barry R. Weingast. Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History Paperback. Cambridge University Press, 2013. – 308 p.

11. Evgeneva T.V., Selezneva A.V. Psihologiya massovoy politicheskoy kommunikatsii. M., Izd. Moskovskogo universiteta. 2013 (In Russ.).

12. Gabriel A. Almond. Political Science: The History of the Discipline. – Polis. Political Studies. 1997. No 6. P. 174 (In Russ.).

13. Gadzhiev K. S. Politologiya. Akademicheskiy kurs. 4-e ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe izdanie. Yurayt Moskva, 2015. S. 505 (In Russ.).

14. Giovanni Arrighi. Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the 21st Century, Verso. 2009.

15. Hannah Arendt. The Origins of Totalitarianism. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1973 – 576 p.

16. Jean Blondel. Political Leadership: Towards a General Analysis. London; Beverly Hills: SAGE, 1987.

17. Joseph Nye. The Future of Power: Its Changing Nature and Use in the Twenty-first Century, 2011.

18. Kovalenko V. I. Politologiya: k osmyisleniyu natsionalnyih interesov Rossii. M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2016. S. 507 (In Russ.).

19. Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. General theory of systems: Application to psychology, 1967.

20. Mancur Olson, Jr. The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Harvard University Press, 2002 – 186 p.

21. Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri. Empire, First Harvard University Press, 2001 – 496 p.

22. Michel Foucault. The Will to Truth. By Alan Sheridan. London: Tavistock. 1980 – 243 p.

23. Natsionalnaya bezopasnost Rossii v usloviyah globalizatsii. Geopoliticheskiy podhod: monografiya/ pod red. A.P. Kochetkova, A.V. Opoleva. M: YuNITI-DANA, 2016. 231 s. (In Russ.).

24. Perevezentsev S.V. Rodstvo po istorii. Stati. Ocherki. Besedyi. M., 2015 (In Russ.).

25. Primakov E.M. Vyizovyii alternativy i mnogopolyarnogo mira: rolRossii. M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2014 (In Russ.).

26. Raymond Aron. Main Currents in Sociological Thought. Vol 1-2. 1999.

27. Ronald Inglehart, Christian Welzel. Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

28. Scott James C. Seeing Like a State. Yale University Press. 1998.

29. Shestopal E.B. Elityii obschestvo kak politicheskie aktoryi postsovetskoy Rossii // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. # 5 (385). S. 35-43 (In Russ.).

30. Shirinyants A.A., Gorohov A.A., Perevezentsev S.V., Myirikova A.V., Ubiriya I.F. Istoriya russkoy sotsialno-politicheskoy myisli v XXI v.: issledovateli i issledovaniya. M.: Izd-voMoskovskogo universiteta, 2015 (In Russ.).

31. Steven Lukes. Power: A Radical View, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd Edition, 2005.

32. Teun A van Dijk. Discourse and Power. Macmillan International Higher Education, 2008 – 320 p.

33. The Utopia of Rules. The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy. 2016.

34. Thomas L. Friedman. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, 2005.

35. Tsyigankov P.A., Nikonov V.A., Glotova S.V. Teoriya mezhdunarodnyih otnosheniy. M.: Izdatelstvo Yurayt, 2015 (In Russ.).

36. Vaynshteyn G.I. Zakonomernostii problemy i postkommunisticheskih transformatsiy // Politicheskie institutyi na rubezhe tyisyacheletiy. Dubna, 2001 (In Russ.).

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