Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення cистема організму людини кістково-м'язова система здоров’я людини взаємодіючі системи організму приймати, обробляти і передавати інформацію додаткові органи неперетравлена їжа лімфатична рідина кислотно-лужний баланс здатність рухатися II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання What are the 12 major body systems of the human? What is the main contribution of each system? What system helps us to receive, process, and communicate information? What physiological process helps to maintain the internal systems of the body at equilibrium?  What does the well-being of any person depend upon? III. Розкрийте поняття:Cистеми орнанізму людини



Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary

Atrium (pl. atria) [ˈeɪtriəm]         передсердя
Backflow                               ['bækflǝʋ] зворотний тік
Blood vessel   [blʌd ˈvɛs(ə)l] кровоносна судина
Blood flow                 [blʌd 'flǝʋ] кровотік
Сirculatory system [ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪtəri …] система кровообігу
Chamber         [’tʃeɪmbər] камера
To contract                             [kǝn'trækt] скорочуватись
Diaphragm                  [ˈdaɪəfræm] діафрагма
Fist                                    [fɪst] кулак
Membrane               [ˈmɛmbreɪn] оболонка
Oxygen-rich                           ['ɔksiʤǝn 'riʧ] насичений киснем
Pulmonary circulation [ˈpʌlmənəri] мале коло кровообігу
Septum        [ˈseptəm] перегородка
Systemic circulation   [sis'temik] велике коло кровообігу
Valve                          [vælv]  клапан
Ventricle         [ˈventrəkəl]     шлуночок


Exercise 2. Pronounce correctly and guess the meaning:

muscular [ˈmʌskjʊlə], attach [ə’tætʃ], pericardium [ˌperɪˈkɑːdjəm], surround [sə’raʋnd], impulse [ˈɪmpʌls], compare [kəmˈpɛə], myocardium [maɪəˈkɑːdɪəm], through [θru], cardiovascular [‚kɑ:rdɪə’væskjələr]

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian

a muscular organ, the size of a close fist, the weight of the heart, to be located between the lungs, behind the breastbone, to be located between the lungs, the upper layer, to be attached to the spinal column, the heart muscle, to cause the heart to contract, atria and ventricles, to separate the atria and the ventricles, to regulate blood flow, to prevent backflow, the surface of the heart, oxygen-rich blood, the system of blood vessels

Grammar. Adjectives and adverbs. Degrees of comparison

                      high               higher                        (the) highest                   big                 bi gg er                    (the) biggest                   busy               bus i er                         (the) busiest
           interesting   more (less) interesting (the) most (least) interesting            easily           more (less) easily        (the) most (least) easily * Adverbs that end in -ly always use "more" or "most", such as "more quickly" or "most quickly"
!!           good/well           better                         (the)best               bad/badly          worse                         (the)worst               much/many       more                           (the)most               little                   less                            (the)least               far                     farther/further         (the)farthest/the furthest

Exercise 4. Read the sentences. Translate. Pay attention to the adjectives

1) The right atrium of the heart is larger than the left one.

2)  The walls of the left atrium are thicker than the walls of the right one.

3) The left ventricle is longer than the right ventricle.

4) The left ventricle is more conical in form than the right one.

5) The atria have thinner, less muscular walls than the ventricles.

6) The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber in the heart.

Exercise 5. Read and translate it.


The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a close fist that functions as the body’s circulatory pump. The weight of the heart in men averages between 280 and 340 g and in women, between 230 and 280 g.

The heart is located between the lungs in the middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone. A membrane called the pericardium surrounds the heart like a sac. The upper layer of pericardium is attached to the spinal column, diaphragm, and other parts of the body. The inner layer of the pericardium is attached to the heart muscle.

The heart muscle is called myocardium. Electrical impulses from the myocardium cause the heart to contract.

The heart contains four chambers: the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and left ventricle. The atria are smaller than the ventricles and have thinner, less muscular walls than the ventricles. The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber in the heart.

The chambers on the right side of the heart are smaller and have less myocardium in their heart wall when compared to the left side of the heart.

The septum separates the atria and the ventricles.

Four valves regulate blood flow through the heart. Blood normally flows one way through the heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow.

The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and provide oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.

The heart and circulatory system (the system of blood vessels) make up the cardiovascular system. Systemic circulation is the part of the cardiovascular system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Pulmonary circulation is the part of the cardiovascular system which carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs, and return oxygenated blood back to the heart.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions

1) Where is the heart located?

2) What is the pericardium?

3) What is the myocardium?

4) What parts does the heart consist of?

5) Which chambers of the heart are larger?

6) What is the function of the heart valves?

7) What is the function of the coronary arteries?

8) How is the system of blood vessels called?

9) What is systemic circulation?

10) What is pulmonary circulation?

Exercise 7. Match the terms to their definitions

atrium a structure that closes temporarily a passage and permits movement of blood in one direction only
ventricle chamber of the heart that receives blood from the veins
artery one of the two lower chambers of the heart
heart the middle and the thickest layer of the heart wall, composed of cardiac muscle
valve a vessel that carries blood from the heart through the body
myocardium a hollow muscular organ that by its rhythmic contraction maintains the circulation of the blood

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